The deadlift, being no more than the safe and sound approach by which any object should be lifted from the ground, keeps company with standing, running, jumping, and throwing for functionality but imparts quick and prominent athletic advantage like no other exercise. It is unrivaled in its simplicity and impact while unique in its capacity for increasing head-to-toe strength.
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Additional Deadlift Resources
“Work, Power and the Science of CrossFit” – The CrossFit Journal
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Comments on The Deadlift
Bonjour, auriez-vous des conseils sur quelle manique acheter pour faire du soulevé de terre ? Au passage, très bonne vidéo ! Celle-ci est très bien expliqué
I am new and 47. I just recently maxed a PR of 335. Feeling optimistic for sure!
Been a long time since I last checked the comments. So glad I did. Where else would I find a spirited conversation on the deadlift? This made my day.
Love a good deadlift! My current 1RM is 245 conventional with switch grip :)
I try this movement but if you don't do it properly, it can ruin your back.
Anyone reading this lacking the benefit of proper coaching should be aware that you can tie your back into knots doing it wrong by being forward onto your toes. That happened to me until a coach said "stay on your heals". Fixed, instantly. Now I'm happily at 2x bodyweight, and it feels easy. All those deadlifts in the open were a breeze.
Some people call the deadlift dangerous. Think those people will ever need to pick something up off the ground? It's dangerous NOT to train the deadlift.
Once upon a time it was called the Health Lift, true story. It was a lot harder to villainize back then, I'm guessing.
Rory McKernan. No it wasn't. Do you have a citation for that?
The only dangerous dead is the turtle-back deads. It's not only painful, but also painful to watch.
Gutsy move, Louis! I don't normally think of Rory McKernan as the type of person to go spouting off CrossFit knowledge without any backing! I hope that you enjoyed the article that Matthew shared.
The Deadlift