For time:
30 muscle-ups
30-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge
300 double-unders
20 muscle-ups
20-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge
200 double-unders
10 muscle-ups
10-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge
100 double-unders
♀ 35-lb. DBs ♂ 50-lb. DBs
25-minute time cap.
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Modify the muscle-ups to pull and push exercises that challenge you without causing you to hit failure. Newer athletes should reduce the overall volume of this workout.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
20 muscle-ups
30-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge
200 double-unders
10 muscle-ups
20-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge
100 double-unders
5 muscle-ups
10-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge
50 double-unders
♀ 25-lb. DBs ♂ 35-lb. DBs
Beginner Option:
For time:
20 assisted pull-ups + 20 assisted push-ups
30-meter lunge
200 single-unders
10 assisted pull-ups + 10 assisted push-ups
20-meter lunge
100 single-unders
5 assisted pull-ups + 5 assisted push-ups
10-meter lunge
50 single-unders
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