Sub 10R of 30 seconds alternating activities (sdlhp@20kg, alt jumping lunges, burpees). Reps below:
18 sd
29 jump
15 sd
25 jump
16 sd
10 b
17 sd
27 jump
16 sd
11 b
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Kury Akin
October 30th, 2019 at 2:29 pm
SLIPS were 3R in 15 minutes. No less than 30 seconds of each activity in each round.
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Clint Michael
September 4th, 2019 at 1:55 am
Commented on: 190810
16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19
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Clint Michael
September 4th, 2019 at 1:55 am
Done on a grass football field.
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John Campion
September 2nd, 2019 at 6:46 pm
Commented on: 190810
16:02.77 total for runs
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Nathaniel Robichaud
September 2nd, 2019 at 12:35 am
Commented on: 190810
Wrong day, but my gym closed and I had to find something with no equipment! Super approximate measurements: 100 long steps, timed with my watch...
First 5 were in the 12-13 seconds range, last 5 around 14-15 seconds
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Jeff Chalfant
August 31st, 2019 at 9:08 pm
Commented on: 190810
I’m front of house. One direction had a slight uphill start. Big cracks in the middle a had to jump over or run around. Total rest time 13:30. That was hard on the lungs and by the end it felt like I was trying to run against the wind. (15.94 WAS actually against the wind)
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Jeff Chalfant
September 1st, 2019 at 7:58 pm
Max front scale :37 max back scale :22 (balance) max L sit on floor :35 (tired!)
Max wall handstand 65 seconds, max gymnastics plank 120s, then stretching.
Think I held about 18 sec throughout for the distance that I think is 100m. West side of driveway to west side of the 100m-ish driveway.
Using a watch with a timer would have been much better than trying to use my phone. Felt good!
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Courtney Guthrie
August 13th, 2019 at 11:00 am
Commented on: 190810
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Courtney Guthrie
August 13th, 2019 at 11:03 am
Rounded to the nearest second because I was holding my phone while running. If it was 17.5+ I put 18 sec bc I was definitely a little off on a lot of these.
Looks like my first post didn't make it through, so:
6 rounds
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Hank McKibban
August 11th, 2019 at 5:51 pm
Commented on: 190810
13.34, 13:53, 12:86, 13:33, 12:78, 13:67, 12:94, 14:06, 12:74, 13:62 (odds on a slight downslope/evens on an up)
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R Albers
August 11th, 2019 at 4:15 pm
Commented on: 190810
DL 3x5 (125,140,160)
10í—100M (17.3,17,17,17.3,17.5,17.5,17.7,18,17.7, 18.2) then SLIPS x 10 min (need practice)
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Mark Phillips
August 11th, 2019 at 3:29 pm
Commented on: 190810
Did 8 100 meter hill sprints was dead after that
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Claire Fiddian-Green
August 11th, 2019 at 1:51 pm
Commented on: 190810
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Nicholas Scott
August 11th, 2019 at 1:14 pm
Commented on: 190810
20 mins
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Matthew Letarte
August 11th, 2019 at 12:28 pm
Commented on: 190810
Held 4:12-4:15/mile pace for these, which is 15-16 seconds/100m. I wasn't on a track so I guessed the distance, it was a little longer than 100m.
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Tripp Starling
August 11th, 2019 at 12:45 am
Commented on: 190810
Sprinted out garage, left on street, stop at neighbors mail box and back to garage to timer = 100 meters. With two turns and a turnaround:
Lightning storm came and didn't do last two rounds.
20 minutes SLIPS:
:35 scale holds
:21,:11, :14 second L sits from ground
Hand stand work against wall
:50 second front side and reverse planks. Stretched a little
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Steve Day
August 10th, 2019 at 11:05 pm
Commented on: 190810
Sprints- check
SLIPS - Check
Didn't use a timer.
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Blas Raventos
August 10th, 2019 at 11:00 pm
Commented on: 190810
1: 13:96
2: 14:22
3: 14:26
4: 14:38
5: 14:06
6: 13:73
7: 13:69
8: 15:61
9: 13:28
10: 14:88
10 full min unable to move and gasping for air.
then grabbed a coconut water and biked back home.
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Js Smith
August 10th, 2019 at 10:08 pm
Commented on: 190810
At HS track. Warm up 2 rounds walk/jog walk/jog 100m then 5 box jump 16” onto the pole vaulting mat. Wasn’t sure how knees would do sprinting, or whatever you call what I did! 😅
90sec walking rests
2 min walking rests
Knee felt odd 7:30 min walking rest
24:17 2 min walking rest 24:19
Cool down 2 rounds walk/jog walk/jog 100m then 5 box jump 16” did a lap of track then 10 box jumps. No SLIPS on the janky wrist.
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Evan Saber
August 10th, 2019 at 7:08 pm
Commented on: 190810
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Lucas Snyder
August 10th, 2019 at 6:53 pm
Commented on: 190810
Scaled to 5 sets
Hamstring pain in left side
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Nicole Deaver
August 10th, 2019 at 6:50 pm
Commented on: 190810
I love how sprints make you work hard, now just to get faster!!
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Jim Rix
August 10th, 2019 at 6:36 pm
Commented on: 190810
Tabata squats, with 2x10# DBs
15 squats each round, 120 total squats
2 hours later, 1x200 sprint, then 9 100 yard sprints
Fastest sprint 15:45, slowest 16:59...last two were a second slower as my glutes starting feeling iffy.
SLIPS practice
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Evan Saber
August 10th, 2019 at 5:00 pm
Commented on: 190810
Can anyone tell me why there hasn’t been any heavy snatching at all this year???
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Max Guida
August 10th, 2019 at 5:25 pm
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Evan Saber
August 10th, 2019 at 6:33 pm
Max. That’s one time this year lol. We’re 8 months in the year and it’s only been programmed once
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Paul Hopkins
August 10th, 2019 at 8:22 pm
Usually only programmed 1-3 times per year anyway. Still got 4 1/2 months to go. Fingers crossed for you, too good of a sprinter?
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Evan Saber
August 10th, 2019 at 11:48 pm
No not at all. Was simply just curious. Thanks for the attitude though. Btw I don’t see your results for this workout 🤷ðŸ½â€♂‚ï¸
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Tripp Starling
August 11th, 2019 at 12:49 am
I've noticed the same thing and am just hoping that what we are doing this year translates into better snatches in future🤔
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Evan Saber
August 11th, 2019 at 6:54 pm
Yea I agree. Maybe it’s just a phase in the programming
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Vincent Dahlqvist
August 10th, 2019 at 4:56 pm
Commented on: 190810
Used the rugby field by that 10 x 110 m.
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Blas Raventos
August 10th, 2019 at 4:45 pm
Commented on: At Home: Side Step-Ups
El entrenamiento casero de hoy para super mamas y super papí¡s!
Desde que estos videos empezaron a aparecer estoy envianddoselos a
Mi descripción para ellos del entrenamiento de hoy:
6 rounds de 20 side steps por lado.
Cada round es por tiempo. Al terminar cada round descansen 60seg.
Lo ideal seria que puedan practicar mover los pies rapido imitando un sprint sin el impacto que involucraría hacerlo corriendo.
Al terminar 20 min de practica SLIPS:
S: 3x max tiempo escala frontal y posterior priorizando el equilibrio y una altura constante del pie de la pierba extendida. 3 intentos de max tiempo x pierna. 30"-60" rest entre intentos.
L: L sit o Ltuck, ya sea con puernas extendias o recogidas, completen 3 maximos esfuerzos. Enfoquense en mantener los hombros activos deprimiendolos, y manteniendolos lejos de las orejas.
I: practiquen inversiones como hace monona poniendo las manos en el piso y el cuerpo en el sillon. 3 intentos de max tiempo sosteniendose boca abajo con las manos. Enfoquense en codos completamente bloqueados y panza apretada. Filmense!
P: Sostengan la posicion alta de una flexion de brazos lo maximo posible . 3 intentos, 60" descanso entre intentos
S: estramiento en la posicion de plegados sebtados o de pie sobre un escalon sosteniendo una kettlebell en la posicion de plegados de pie dejando que el
peso de l kb los estire las piernas y espalda. Acumulen 3 min en esa posicion en las veces que sean necesarias.
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Ryan Agius
August 10th, 2019 at 4:20 pm
Commented on: 190810
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Sebastien Fitzpatrick
August 10th, 2019 at 3:57 pm
Commented on: 190810
I can’t usually keep a consistent 12-14, but I only ate one meal yesterday.
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John Clarke
August 10th, 2019 at 1:15 pm
Commented on: 190810
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Michael Arko
August 10th, 2019 at 12:55 pm
Commented on: 190810
Some of these times are guesses. I kept fumbling the iPhone timer button.
After the SLIPS I also ran a 4.5km trail run (slow 28:06).
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Viktor Wachtler
August 10th, 2019 at 11:22 am
Commented on: 190810
Skipped SLIPS
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Eric O'Connor
August 10th, 2019 at 2:35 am
Commented on: 190810
These sprint efforts always seem to leave me sore and I usually perform them with a little bit of caution. I highly recommend completing a long warm-up ( and recommend running the first 3-5 efforts at about 85-90% before really laying the hammer down on the middle sets, if you want. Most of my athletes can complete this workout as prescribed because the overall volume isn't very high. I will just need to make sure that I give them appropriate time goals for each interval.
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Christopher Tipton
August 10th, 2019 at 10:14 am
Thanks for the video! Watched and saved. Running is always my worst warmup and I never have an inkling on how to start. This helps!
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Grace Patenaude
August 12th, 2019 at 1:03 pm
Thank you Eric! I’ll use this YouTube warm up next time.
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Bryan Rosen
August 10th, 2019 at 1:24 am
Commented on: 190810
Warm-up for 190810:
2 rounds of:
10 ring rows
10 push-ups
10 GHD sit-ups
10 GHD hip extensions
10 overhead squats with PVC
30-second Samson stretch, per side
25 meters of high knees + jog 25 meters
25 meters of butt-kickers + jog 25 meters
100 meters jog
3 sets of 50 meter runs at 80-90% effort
*Rest 90 seconds after each set
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Juan Acevedo
August 10th, 2019 at 1:06 am
Commented on: 190810
There're two things that will keep you young: learning and playing. We do both in CrossFit all the time. Today's workout is a good example of this. Let's start with the sprints: the play side. Today's goal is to get out there and run as fast as you can, and laugh hard when you get to the finish line. Your time is cool and all, but what matters is to go out hard! We deadlift a lot, we do a lot of power cleans, we squat like it's our job: we are developed athletes. Let's use that fitness today! Go to a track and warm up thoroughly, get a good long sweaty one. Then hit those sprints with anger! Pull those legs up with your hammies, like you deadlift for reps, and tense your quads like you can squat for time. If you feel like you are losing power early in the sprints, scale to 60 or 80 meters.
Now let's go to the learning side: SLIPS. Gymnasts are great athletes, but mostly they are strong as fuck. SLIPS is the very foundation of Gymnastics. Hence in many ways SLIPS is the foundation of your strength. You should always approach it as such. Now, we haven't done this in a while so today it is a good day to assess and see where you are with all movements. We want two things: to check for your form and for your capacity. For form, just take out your phone and record each movement, then check your shapes. For capacity, lets maximize those holds. Take notes on everything. Based on this info you will be able to develop a nice program for yourself for the following weeks.
60-meter sprints
80-meter sprints
200-meter sprints with 120 seconds rest in between.
Max Front Scale hold on each leg. (Priority is front leg straight at constant height)
Max Back Scale hold on each leg, (Priority is back leg straight and aligned with pelvis and spine at constant height)
Max L-Sit/Tuck hold (Priority is arms fully extended and shoulders down)
Max Handstand hold (Use the lowest level of assistance possible while maintaining a neutral spine)
Max Gymnastics Plank (Priority is Hollow Body Position with shoulder blades protracted -a.k.a. separate those blades hard)
Stretch as needed.
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Steven Thunander
August 10th, 2019 at 12:22 am
Commented on: 190810
Globo scale: if you can get to a track or a flat surface that is 100m or so, go there and do this workout. If not, sub either 125m rows or 10/8 calorie assault/echo bike. These should be all out efforts. Rest 90 seconds between efforts.
Do the SLIPS as a nice long cool down. SLIPS is the acronym for (gymnastics) scales, l-sits, inversion (handstands), planks and stretching.
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Chris Sinagoga
August 10th, 2019 at 12:14 am
Commented on: 190810
Champions Club Scaling Notes:
What the SLIPS routine does is take the essentials from gymnastics and give them to us, leaving out the rest of the things that increase danger level. In other words, getting really good at the SLIPS will give a GPP athlete every great adaptation they need from the world of gymnastics without the risk of doing competitive, artistic gymnastics. These are good things to practice, and something I need to stop glancing over. As for the run, the rest means that you won't be able to hit max efforts on sprints, and that's okay. As long as the feel of a sprint is there, you're good.
I SHOULD TRY THIS AS RX'D IF: I can keep a consistent cadence on the run, and I am okay with running being the sole emphasis for the day
Jay Junkin, a tall drink of water from my gym, just read this workout and mocked his scale of what I would do. "Let me guess, go to the hill, run up the steep side, walk down, repeat a few times." Well Jay, just for that we'll have a fun workout for you tomorrow.
FIRST TIME IN FOREVER VERSION: I might try to combine this with either that max effort squat clean workout or Mary. Give them a short sprint then either a medium-weight lift(s) that feel heavier after a sprint, or a slow set of gymnastics
Upper-body injury - as is
Middle-body injury - bike
Lower-body injury - just the SLIPS, and maybe a long duration bike
Jump rope - always
Handstand walk - falling practice
Kip - global extension/feet together
Squat - hip prep
[insert thin you suck at]
GENERAL FEAR LEVEL: 7. If it was a full-rest it would be worse.
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Grace Patenaude
August 10th, 2019 at 12:01 am
Commented on: 190810
Oh wow sprints!!!!!!!
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Nicole Deaver
August 10th, 2019 at 7:35 pm
I do love sprints! I’d definitely pick sprints over long distance any day (and I’m not great at either).
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Grace Patenaude
August 12th, 2019 at 1:01 pm
Nicole Deaver, same here especially with the 90 seconds recovery in between even though if it got painful after the 6th set.
Comments on 190810