Guest Programmer - HWPO
July 22-Aug. 4, 2024
For time:
Run 2,500 meters
Swim 800 meters
*Ski erg 1,600/2,000 meters as an alternative to the swim.
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Once again, we’ve thrown in a bit of CrossFit Games training! With the announcement of the running and swimming at the Games, why not give it a shot? If you have access to open water, take a training partner with you or stay in a supervised and populated area. If you’re swimming in a pool, split this workout into 50-, 100-, or 200-meter intervals to give yourself short breaks. Avid swimmers can challenge themselves to swim consistently and aim for a sub-2:00/100-meter pace.
The effort on the swim for many is quite substantial, so it’s important to run at a comfortable, aerobic pace to not get into the water and find breathing to be difficult.
If swimming is a new challenge for you and you have very little experience in the water but want to include it, start with the swim, focus on technique, and then run with more intensity.
GOAL: CrossFit Games training and aerobic conditioning
ADVANCED ATHLETE TARGET: Run 10-12 minutes, swim 16 minutes or less
BEGINNER ATHLETE TARGET: Comfort of the run, completing the swim
Intermediate option:
For time:
Run 2,000 meters
Swim 400 meters
Beginner option:
For time:
Swim 200 meters
Jog or walk 1,200 meters
Coaching cues:
Think running is all in the legs? Think again. Mastering your arm movement can increase efficiency and speed. Hold your hands in a loose fist and think about swiping your fingers right along your hip bone as you send your elbows back with each step. Better yet, “lick it and stick it!” Pretend you have an ice cream cone in each hand. Lick it, then stick it in your pocket.
Run Swim: Individual Event 1 of the 2024 CrossFit Games
Swimming, CrossFit Style
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10 rounds for time of:
Swim 100 meters
Rest 1 minute
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Compare to similar 220716.
Choose a distance you can complete in 2 minutes or less. Less-competent swimmers may also extend the rest period.
Intermediate option:
7 rounds for time of:
Swim 100 meters
Rest 2 minutes
Beginner option:
7 rounds for time of:
Swim 50 meters
Rest 2 minutes
Coaching cues:
Swimming is a skill that comes with practice and time under tension just like everything else we do within the affiliate walls.
No matter your ability in the water, look at this as an opportunity to push your limitations and adapt. Scale accordingly, jump in (literally), and grow at the boundaries of your experience.
Swim Workout Tips
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10 sets, each for time:
50-meter swim
Rest 1 minute between sets.
Post your fastest and slowest time to comments.
Today we are performing 10 sprint-style efforts. Each set should take no more than 1 minute to complete. If you do not have access to a pool or open water, use the substitutions listed below. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed. Beginner athletes should reduce the distance of each effort.
Modifications: 150/200-meter ski erg, 150/200-meter row, 300/400-meter C2 bike.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d
Beginner option:
10 sets, each for time:
25-meter swim
Rest 1 minute between sets.
Swimming Tips for CrossFit Athletes Part 1 With Chris Michelmore
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Featured photo:
Taken by FLSportsGuy Photography at the 2023 WheelWOD Games.
Rest Day
Take a 60-minute walk or hike.
Take an introductory class to an activity you’ve been waiting to try.
Ideas: Pottery, painting, martial arts, swimming, or a writing workshop. Pursuing new skills puts us back in a beginner’s seat and helps us become better at learning.
Recommended read: "Double Duty — Arielle Loewen’s Tale of Motherhood and CrossFit Games Redemption"
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Meet Guest Programmer – Michele Letendre: Dec. 4-17, 2023.
Run Ski Run
For time:
Run 1 mile
Ski 500 meters
Run 1 mile
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Goal: 20 minutes of work.
Run Swim Run was a 2017 CrossFit Games event where athletes ran a course around the venue and swam in Lake Monona in Madison, Wisconsin. In today’s workout, we’re replacing the swim with the ski erg.
This workout is about aerobic capacity and technical endurance. The ski erg will feel like a nice break but be careful not to become complacent.
To improve your run pace, focus on posture. Imagine a string holding you up from the top of your head pulling your neck up and lifting your chin. In contrast, your shoulders should feel lower and your hands relaxed.
If you did the running intervals two weeks ago, you’ll have a good idea of your speed. A trick for this one could be to average your times on the 400-meter runs and add 10 seconds to your pace in order to sustain the effort for the next mile.
Intermediate option:
For time:
Run 1,000 meters
Ski 500 meters
Run 1,000 meters
Beginner option:
For time:
Run 800 meters
Ski 350 meters
Run 800 meters
To build cardiovascular endurance, adjust the distances to allow jogging, running, or walking within the time domain. The running should take no more than 16 minutes in total. Move continuously on the ski erg. Aim for no more than 4 minutes on the ski erg.
Metabolic Conditioning
What Is Fitness? Part 2: Metabolic Pathways
CAP Tips: Running Position Drill
CAP Tips: Running Pulling in Place
CAP Tips: Running Falling Forward
CAP Tips: Running Change in Support Drill
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Meet Guest Programmer – Michele Letendre: Dec. 4-17, 2023.
Rest day
Read: “A Deft Dose of Volume”
Every 1:30 for 15 rounds, complete:
Swim 50-75 meters
Keep moving but stay within your comfort zone. You should get 30-40 seconds of consistent rest without over-exerting. Focus on your breathing rhythm — in swimming, the ease of breathing comes from good body rotation and not turning your head excessively to one side.
Intermediate option:
Every 1:30 for 15 rounds, complete:
Swim 25-50 meters
Beginner option:
Complete 10 rounds of:
Swim 25-50 meters
Rest as needed between rounds.
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Swim for 25 minutes.
Every 5 minutes, stop and perform 20 push-ups.
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If you cannot get to a pool, lake, or other water source, substitute with a run. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed.
Beginner option:
Swim for 25 minutes.
Every 5 minutes, stop and perform 10 knee push-ups.
For time:
Run 1.5 miles
Swim 500 meters
Run 1.5 miles
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Compare to 170803.
Choose a running distance that can be completed in approximately 12 minutes. Less- experienced swimmers should consider planning a brief rest interval during the swim. More- experienced athletes should strive to sustain a steady pace throughout the workout. If you do not have access to a pool, ocean, or lake, sub for a bike of similar duration, about 3 miles.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
Run 1.5 miles
Swim 300 meters
Run 1.5 miles
Beginner Option:
For time:
Run 1 miles
Swim 10 minutes
Run 1 miles
10 rounds with a 2-minute rest in between, of any (or any combination) of:
Swim 100 meters
Run 400 meters
Row 500 meters
Bike 1000 meters
Post your choice of exercises and times of each round to comments.
Compare to 130830.
Pick your poison. Today’s metabolic conditioning workout provides an opportunity for you to work on your weakness. Two minutes between efforts is plenty of time to recover in order to attack each sprint at 85-95% effort. Beginners can reduce the overall volume.
Beginner Option:
5 rounds with a 2-minute rest in between, of any (or any combination) of:
Swim 100 meters
Run 400 meters
Row 500 meters
Bike 1000 meters
10 rounds, each for time of:
Swim 50 yards
Rest 1 minute
10 rounds, each for time of:
200-m sprint
Rest 1 minute
If you cannot get to a pool, lake, or other water source, sub for a run of similar length.
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If you do not have access to a pool or open-water swimming for today’s workout, substitute with 200-m run repeats. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed. Beginner-level athletes should reduce the number of rounds.
Beginner Option:
7 rounds, each for time of:
Swim or run 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:
50-yard swim
10 push-ups
15 squats
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Compare to 140906.
If you do not have access to a pool or open-water swimming for this Hero workout, substitute with a monostructural piece for about 1 minute, i.e. run, bike, or row.
Beginner Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
25-yard swim
5 push-ups
10 squats
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
50-yard swim
20 push-ups
30 squats
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Paired with two bodyweight movements, this swim workout can be completed anywhere. If needed, reduce the reps of the push-ups and squats so you can keep moving throughout the 20 minutes.
Beginner Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
25-yard swim
10 push-ups
15 squats
Rinse ‘N’ Repeat(ish)
Every 2 minutes for as long as possible:
50-yard swim
8 burpees*
*Add 2 burpees each round until you cannot complete the reps within the 2-minute interval.
If you cannot get to a pool, lake, or other water source, sub for a run of similar length.
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The first few rounds should be achievable, so if necessary reduce the swim length or start with a lower number of burpees.
Intermediate Option:
Every 2 minutes for as long as possible:
50-yard swim
2 burpees*
*Add 2 burpees each round until you cannot complete the reps within the 2-minute interval.
Beginner Option:
Every 2 minutes for as long as possible:
25-yard swim
1 burpee*
*Add 1 burpee each round until you cannot complete the reps within the 2-minute interval.
10 rounds for time of:
Swim 100 yards
Rest 1 minute
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Compare to 180706.
Choose a distance that you can complete in under 2 minutes. Less-competent swimmers may also extend the rest period.
Intermediate Option:
7 rounds for time of:
Swim 100 yards
Rest 2 minutes
Beginner Option:
7 rounds for time of:
Swim 50 yards
Rest 2 minutes
5 rounds for time of:
Swim 200 meters
Rest 2 minutes
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Compare to 180331.
Try your best to find a pool and get in the water. If it takes you more than four minutes to swim 200 meters, reduce the distance. If you are unable to find a pool, try this interval with running, biking, rowing, SkiErg, etc.
Intermediate Option:
5 rounds for time of:
Swim 150 meters
Rest 2 minutes
Beginner Option:
5 rounds for time of:
Swim 100 meters
Rest 2 minutes
5 rounds for time of:
Swim 100 yards
30 push-ups
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Compare to 170902.
If you are a proficient swimmer, perform this workout as prescribed. If you are an inexperienced swimmer, reduce the distance. Strive to complete each swim in approximately 2 minutes. Spend the warm-up practicing a push-up option that allows you to complete at least 10 consecutive reps. Before heading to the water, spend time watching instructional swimming videos.
Intermediate Option:
5 rounds for time of:
Swim 75 yards
20 push-ups
Beginner Option:
4 rounds for time of:
Swim 50 yards
15 knee push-ups
20 rounds for time of:
Swim 50 yards
Rest 30 seconds
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• Read: Torpedo School 2: Learn to Turn
If needed, reduce the volume and increase the rest so that you can swim hard on each interval.
Intermediate Option
15 rounds for time of:
Swim 50 yards
Rest 60 seconds
Beginner Option
10 rounds for time of:
Swim 50 yards
Rest 60 seconds
10 rounds for time of:
Swim 100 yards
Rest 1 minute
Scroll for scaling options.
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Compare to 150802.
• CrossFit WOD 180706 Tips With Rory McKernan
• Swim Tips for CrossFitters Part 1 With Chris Michelmore
Choose a distance that you can complete in under two minutes. Less competent swimmers may also extend the rest period.
Intermediate Option
7 rounds for time of:
Swim 100 yards
Rest 2 minutes
Beginner Option
7 rounds for time of:
Swim 50 yards
Rest 2 minutes
For time:
1,000-m swim (1,094 yards)
Scroll for scaling options.
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Compare to 140629.
• CrossFit WOD 180609 Tips With Rory McKernan
• Read: Torpedo School
Less proficient swimmers can reduce the distance of the swim.
Intermediate Option
For time:
750-m swim
Beginner Option
For time:
500-m swim
5 rounds for time of:
Swim 200 meters
Rest 2 minutes
Scroll for scaling options.
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Compare to 160430.
• CrossFit WOD 180331 Tips With Adrian Bozman
• Torpedo School
Try your best to find a pool and get in the water. If it takes you more than four minutes to swim 200 meters, reduce the distance. If you are unable to find a pool, try this interval with running, biking, rowing, SkiErg, etc.
Intermediate Option
5 rounds for time of:
Swim 150 meters
Rest 2 minutes
Beginner Option
5 rounds for time of:
Swim 100 meters
Rest 2 minutes
Related content:
• CrossFit WOD 170902 With Rory McKernan
• The Push-up
10 2-minute rounds of:
50-yard swim
Max-rep 35-lb. dumbbell power clean and jerks
There is no rest between rounds.
Post total number of reps completed to comments.
Related content:
• CrossFit WOD 170819 With Dafydd Dennis
• The Dumbbell Power Clean
• The Dumbbell Push Jerk
For time:
Run 1.5 miles
Swim 500 meters
Run 1.5 miles
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5 rounds for time of:
Swim 50 meters
25 push-ups
Compare to 110524.
4 rounds, each for time of:
200-yard swim
Rest as needed between efforts.
Post times for each round to comments.
"Seeing Faults in the Static and Dynamic Positions" from the CrossFit Level 2 Trainer Course - [video]
Swim as far as possible in 30 minutes
Post distance to comments.
"Wall Squat Drill" from the CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Course - [video]