Friday 240913


For time:
1,000-meter row
50 thrusters
30 pull-ups

♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb

Compare to 220808.

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Today’s workout is a classic CrossFit benchmark. If you have completed this workout previously, look back at your score. This workout is meant to be a sprint and completed in 10 minutes or less. Reduce the distance of the row and the weight of the bar to ensure you can push the pace. Modify the pull-ups to crank out large sets that test your conditioning.

Intermediate option:
For time:
1,000-meter row
50 thrusters
30 pull-ups

25 lb
35 lb

Beginner option:
For time:
800-meter row
30 thrusters
20 ring rows

15 lb
25 lb

The Thruster
The Kipping Pull-Up
The Butterfly Pull-Up
The Ring Row
Jackie: CrossFit WOD Tips

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Monday 220808

For time:

1,000-meter row
50 thrusters
30 pull-ups

♀ 35 lb ♂ 45 lb

If your Jackie time is greater than 8 minutes, or you’ve never completed the workout, perform it as written above. If you do have a fast time on record, consider scaling up the thruster and pull-ups to something similar to the Games finale.

Post time to comments.
Compare 181213.

The benchmark Jackie is meant to be performed at very high intensity. Reduce the distance of the row and the weight of the bar to ensure you can push the pace. Modify the pull-ups so you can crank out large sets that test your conditioning.

Intermediate Option
For time:

1,000-meter row
50 thrusters
30 pull-ups

22 lb35 lb

Beginner Option
For time:

800-meter row
35 thrusters
20 assisted pull-ups

12 lb22 lb

Thursday 181213


For time:
1,000-meter row
50 thrusters
30 pull-ups

Men: 45 lb.
Women: 35 lb.

Scroll for scaling options.
Post time to comments.

Compare to 150515.

Related content:
The Thruster
The Kipping Pull-Up

The benchmark Jackie is meant to be performed at very high intensity. Reduce the distance of the row and the weight of the bar to ensure you can push the pace. Modify the pull-ups so you can crank out large sets that test your conditioning.

Intermediate Option
For time:
1,000-meter row
50 thrusters
30 pull-ups

Men: 35 lb.
Women: 22 lb.

Beginner Option
For time:
800-meter row
35 thrusters
20 assisted pull-ups

Men: 22 lb.
Women: 12 lb.

Tuesday 180807

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
21 GHD sit-ups
14 single-arm dumbbell push jerks

Use a single, heavy dumbbell and alternate arms each rep.

Scroll for scaling options.

Post rounds completed and dumbbell weight to comments.
Compare to 170405.

CrossFit WOD 170405 with Brooke Wells
The GHD Sit-up

Avoid a high volume of reps on the GHD if you have not had previous exposure to it. Use a dumbbell that is manageable, yet challenging.

Intermediate Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
14 GHD sit-ups
14 single-arm dumbbell push jerks

Beginner Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
21 sit-ups
14 single-arm dumbbell push jerks

Sunday 180513

Rest Day

"Separate Is Not Equal in the Marine Corps," The New York Times.

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Thursday 161020

27-21-15 reps for time of:
165-lb. back squats
Handstand push-ups

Post time to comments.

Wednesday 160921

Freestyle Fran

45 reps of each for time:
95-lb. thrusters

Partition as needed to complete 45 reps of each exercise as quickly as possible.

Read “Fooling Around With Fran” to help strategize.

Post time and rep scheme used to comments.

Wednesday 151111

Matt 16

For time:
16 deadlifts, 275 lb.
16 hang power cleans, 185 lb.
16 push presses, 135 lb.
Run 800 meters
16 deadlifts, 275 lb.
16 hang power cleans, 185 lb.
16 push presses, 135 lb.
Run 800 meters
16 deadlifts, 275 lb.
16 hang power cleans, 185 lb.
16 push presses, 135 lb.

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Friday 150515


For time:
1,000-meter row
45-lb. thrusters, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Compare to 130517.

Sam Briggs, 6:05 - [video]

"Athlete Emotion Project" - CrossFit Journal [photo essay]

Live coverage of the regionals begins Friday morning!

Tuesday 130709


21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups

Post time to comments.

Compare to 130410.

Saturday 130525

2013 CrossFit Games Regional Event 4

For time:
100 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
100 Chest to bar pull-ups
100 One-legged squats, alternating
70 pound Dumbbell snatch, alternating, 100 reps

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Friday 130517

2013 CrossFit Games Regional Event 1


1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Compare to 130420.

"Kids And Bar Muscle-ups" video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Saturday 130420


1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Compare to 130211.

Dan Bailey's first "Jackie" - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Monday 130211


1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

Elisabeth Akinwale 6:32. Post time to comments.

Compare to 110726.

"Hand Position" with Tony Blauer - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Friday 120803

For time:
75 pound Thruster, 30 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents
75 pound Thruster, 20 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents
75 pound Thruster, 10 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascents

Andrea Ager 3:40. Post time to comments.

Friday 120420

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
15 Push-ups

Ted Vigil 11 rounds + 13 push-up, Jackie Perez 11 rounds + 3 push-up.
Post rounds completed to comments.

"Defining Functional Movements" with Todd Widman - video [wmv] [mov]

WOD Demo with CrossFit CSA - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

Tuesday 110726


1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Compare to 110430.

"Peter Egyed the Coach: Part 1" with Peter Egyed, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

"The Manimal is Ready" - video [wmv] [mov]

The Games Update: Four Days Out - video [wmv] [mov]

"All Over the Map: Phillips, Polaski and Alverson" by Again Faster Equipment - video [wmv] [mov]

"So Cal Qualified Athletes" - video [wmv] [mov]

"CrossFit's Relationship with Reebok Enhances Its Financial and Commercial Credibility" by Patrick Rishe, Forbes.

Saturday 110430


1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Compare to 101124.

"Rowing Instruction: Rower Maintenance" with Greg Hammond, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

"The Reebok CrossFit Open in Their Own Words: Week 5" by Again Faster Equipment, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

Greg Glassman on the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games Open - video [wmv] [mov]

"Is There Anybody Out There?" by Carl Zimmer, The Wall Street Journal.

Wednesday 101124


1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

Mikko Salo 5:24, Austin Malleolo 5:34, Tommy Hackenbruck 5:42, Pat Sherwood 5:55, Kevin Montoya 6:13, Kristan Clever 7:13 (45lbs), Heather Bergeron 8:00 (45lbs), Rebecca Voigt 8:03 (45lbs), Katie Hogan 8:17.
Post time to comments.

Compare to 090306.

"CrossFit Endurance Swimming: The Pull Phase" with Brian Nabeta and Chris Michelmore, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

"Insight Into the CrossFit Games" from the California Road Trip - video [wmv] [mov]

Kids Competition at CrossFit Relentless with CrossFit New England.

WOD Demo with Tommy Hackenbruck at the Man Expo - video [wmv] [mov]

Mikko Salo on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]

Austin Malleolo on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]

Kevin Montoya on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]

Heather Bergeron on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]

"Excess, upon occasion can be exhilarating, because it prevents moderation from acquiring the deadening effect of a habit. "
- Somerset Maugham

Thursday 091224

Deadlift 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps

Post total load (add up all six barbell loads) to comments.

A Conversation with Skip Chase: Part 1, a CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

"Jackie:" Greg A vs Level 1 Trainers - video [wmv] [mov]

Saturday 090620

Rest Day

Shane Hamman by CrossFit Again Faster, CrossFit Journal Preview - video [wmv] [mov]

Break Records Legally: CrossFit will be conducting on-site steroid testing on all athletes competing at the 2009 CrossFit Games.

Post thoughts to comments.

Friday 090306


1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Wednesday 081008


Five rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-ups
21 Burpees

Post time to comments.

Each burpee terminates with a jump one foot above max standing reach.

Saturday 071013


Complete as many rounds as possible in twenty minutes of:

5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats
15 Pull-ups

Post round completed to comments.

"Jackie", CrossFit Kids - video [wmv] [mov]

Wednesday 070207


For time:
1000 meter Row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Compare to 050803.

Saturday 060909

Rest Day

Greg Amundson, "Jackie" - 5:52 [video]

Bombing Nazi Germany

Post thoughts to comments.

Wednesday 050803


1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

Post time to comments.
