The CrossFit Coach: Cristina Anderson

ByCrossFitJuly 17, 2023

After years of pursuing fitness with personal trainers at globo gyms, Cristina Anderson (CF-L4) discovered CrossFit and knew she had found her niche — in more ways than one.

“When the coach would explain movements, I understood them,” she says. “I had this natural ability to understand core to extremity and I knew how to move well.”

When Anderson attended the CrossFit Level 1 Course in early 2020, she had no idea where it would lead her. With COVID-19 restrictions firmly in place in most of the world, and many affiliates temporarily closed, Anderson was unable to get the real-world coaching experience she desired. So when a CrossFit Level 2 Course opened up near her, she jumped at the chance to go. It was here she learned that not only did she move well, she coached well, too.

“What stood out to me about Cristina the first time I met her — she had never coached before. And from the minute she stands in front of that group, she’s commanding the room,” says CrossFit Seminar Staff Manager Denise Thomas (CF-L4). “And that was mind-blowing to me … she came in and she was one of the best coaches in that course.”

Soon after earning her Level 2 credential, Cristina began her career as a CrossFit coach at CrossFit Marshfield in Massachusetts.

“Cristina has an amazing ability to coach anybody — regardless of their ability level — that comes into the gym, and that absolutely stems from her high level of emotional intelligence and just her ability to relate to people,” says Joe Masley, owner of CrossFit Marshfield.

In three years time, Anderson became a Certified CrossFit Coach (CF-L4), the highest credential offered by CrossFit. Continuing her education is top of mind as she navigates her current role as head coach at CrossFit Medfield in the next town over.

“I think it’s so important to continue your education,” Anderson says. “I think that, as coaches, we need to be leveling up so that we can show up as the best version of ourselves in order to help people when they’re trying to become the best version of themselves.”

As someone who never used to consider herself athletic, Anderson encourages others to give CrossFit a try.

“People make an incorrect assumption that (CrossFit) is not for them based on self-limiting beliefs, based on things that they assume from social media or society … You just have to find the right CrossFit (affiliate) that matches with your values and feels like a good place to be, and you’ll find your tribe.”