Every 2 minutes for 10 rounds complete: 200/250-meter row and 10 medicine-ball cleans at 14 lb/20 lb.
“The needs of our olympic athletes and grandparents differ by degree, not kind.” That is to say, everyone needs to perform an intelligently selected variety of functional movements at a level of intensity appropriate for that individual. Everyone needs to eat food that sustains, rather than harms, the body. This is the pursuit of fitness, and the ability to maintain that fitness throughout your life is a defining measure of health. CrossFit At Home is a place to access the necessary tools—functional movement, simple nourishment—to sustain and preserve your health at home.
WOD Demo with Laura Horvath and Ben Smith
Published on June 7, 2022Laura Horvath and Ben Smith perform today's workout of the day: Back squat 10-8-6-4-2 reps, Shoulder press 10-8-6-4-2 reps, Deadlift 10-8-6-4-2 reps.
From the Vault: "Roaming Diane" with Adrian Bozman
Published on April 15, 2022Adrian Bozman completes "Roaming Diane" at San Fransisco CrossFit in August 2007.
From the Archive: Nicole Carroll's Bodyweight OHS x 15
Published on March 2, 2022Originally published in July 2007.
From the Archive: WOD 110916 Demo With CrossFit Santa Cruz
Published on February 7, 2022CrossFit Santa Cruz does today's workout: 5 rounds for time of: 35 double-unders, run 200 meters.
From the Archive: The CrossFit Total With Nicole and Zac
Published on December 27, 2021Nicole Carroll and Zac Pine perform The CrossFit Total at the original CrossFit gym.
The Ghost Workout with Robert "The Ghost" Guerrero
Published on December 25, 2021The Ghost Workout Demo with Robert "The Ghost" Guerrero
From the Archive: WOD Demo With Pat Barber and Wes Piatt
Published on November 29, 2021Back in 2014, Pat Barber and Wes Piatt took on the workout of the day.
Workout Demo: Heavy Grace
Published on October 1, 2021Seminar Staff Flowmasters Rob Lawson and Dafydd Dennis demo today's WOD. Heavy Grace, 30 clean and jerks for time.
From the Archive: Kelly WOD Demo With Josh Everett
Published on September 30, 2021Josh Everett does the WOD, circa 2012.