

Workout of the Day



Complete as many rounds as possible in 60 minutes of:

17 power cleans
75 squats

♀ 95 lb. ♂ 135 lb.

Unload the barbell and carry it 200 meters away.
Return to the plates and then carry one forward to the barbell.
Retrieve the second plate, carry it forward, and reload the barbell for the next round.

Post rounds completed to comments.
Compare to 160614.

This is another longer-style workout, but this one involves unloading and carrying equipment forward — grunt work. Similar to Grace, the barbell should be loaded so you can perform multiple reps unbroken. Newer athletes should reduce the duration.

Intermediate Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 60 minutes of:
17 power cleans
75 squats

♀ 85 lb. ♂ 115 lb.

Unload the barbell and carry it 200 meters away. Return to the plates and then carry one forward to the barbell. Retrieve the second plate, carry it forward and reload the barbell for the next round.

Beginner Option:
Complete two rounds of:
17 power cleans 75 squats

♀ 55 lb. ♂ 75 lb.

Unload the barbell and carry it 200 meters away. Return to the plates and then carry one forward to the barbell. Retrieve the second plate, carry it forward and reload the barbell for the next round.

Comments on WOD 210704


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Doug Brubacher
November 5th, 2023 at 11:45 pm
Commented on: 210704

CFWUx2 10*45dl*2

3r pcl/sqt, carry 2r

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Dan Kremer
September 3rd, 2021 at 9:28 pm
Commented on: 210704

4 rds plus 17 75 Rx’d

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Sebastian Wieczorek
August 18th, 2021 at 7:45 am
Commented on: 210704

August 13th, 2021

wu: bike, pvc

wod: amrap'60

17 pow. cleans 40 kg

75 air squats

unload the bar

200 m one hand carry kb 14kg

1:30 ski erg for cal

200 m one hand carry kb 14 kg

1:30 ski erg for cal

200 m one hand carry kb 14 kg

reload the bar

3 rnds + 370 m; 138 cal

post: bike, stretch

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Scotty McCartney
August 14th, 2021 at 1:34 am
Commented on: 210704


A bit late to this one. Originally planned to do 30 mins but only got to 2+11. So changed to 3RFT. 43:31Rx. 4/3/2/2/2/2/2 on cleans. Very much a running w awkward objects wod. Didn’t piece together that it was 1k running every round. Good one

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Leonardo Silva
August 12th, 2021 at 12:20 am
Commented on: 210704

5 R

32 min

whitout unload the barbell

, give my legs back

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Jeff Chalfant
July 25th, 2021 at 7:30 pm
Commented on: 210704

4 complete round plus 17 cleans plus 32 squats as prescribed. No hook grip and dropped singles except for 2 sets of 2 reps. No breakfast except a glass of lemonade. No warmup. Started really slow, got faster as I went. Didn’t realize how much I could recover on the weighted carries until round 1 was over, and I made it my goal to get 4 rounds and change. Next time I think 12 minutes per round is doable especially if I use hook grip and push the pace a little more on cleans and squats. Felt pretty good on runs and great on carries.


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Morgan Greene
July 17th, 2021 at 3:51 pm
Commented on: 210704

3 rds in 37 min. Ran out of mental endurance to keep grinding

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Mario Cruz
July 17th, 2021 at 12:08 am
Commented on: 210704


4 rounds

17 Power cleans

74 squats

200m barbell farmer carry

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Courtney Guthrie
July 16th, 2021 at 1:32 pm
Commented on: 210704

Did as a buddy WOD

6 rounds (on the last round we carried the whole bar back with plates on it)


2 trips per round

same amount of reps as programmed.


CrossFit AFK

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Jeffrey Howard
July 16th, 2021 at 12:18 am
Commented on: 210704


CrossFit AFK

4+57 - Rx

For my parents. (They both served)

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Leonel Manzilla
July 13th, 2021 at 3:38 am
Commented on: 210704

Male 23y 175cm 83kg,

RX 135lb

4 rounds and 17 n 75 of 5th round

60 min

Edit* lol I just realized that I ran an extra 200m every round

get the barbell 200m, return (200m), then one plate 200m, return (200m), then the last one is just one 200m

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Nate Gordon
July 12th, 2021 at 4:01 pm
Commented on: 210704

4 rounds + 600 m

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Az Native
July 7th, 2021 at 4:28 pm
Commented on: 210704

Heavily modified coming back from 3 week flu.

15 minutes:

17 PC 95lbs

75 squats

Did not break bar down, just straight through Amrap.

2 rounds +9 PC.

That flu wrecked me…

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John Clarke
July 6th, 2021 at 3:54 pm
Commented on: 210704

17 Hang Power Cleans, 75lbs

75 Squats

6 rounds in 56 minutes. 150 meters instead of 200.

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Jonathan Elmore
July 6th, 2021 at 2:28 pm
Commented on: 210704

Rx 4 rounds @1:03:54

slow start and extra hot and humid

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QiHui Xing
July 6th, 2021 at 9:50 am
Commented on: 210704
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Jim Rix
July 5th, 2021 at 5:48 pm
Commented on: 210704

Scaled to 95#

5 rounds + 17 PC + 15 squats

Done at the local high school football field. Girls cheerleaders and a local fitness class got to experience my workout weirdness.

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Jim Rix
July 6th, 2021 at 5:13 pm

Just realized I didn't quite do this right. I did each transport (bar, weight, weight) as an out and back, so I didn't do any of the unweighted return legs the workout actually called for. My 5+ rounds would have been lower with those extra runs.

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Lincoln Kerger
July 5th, 2021 at 2:52 pm
Commented on: 210704

Scaled PC to 95#, otherwise Rx'd

5 rds

That hurt. 100+ degrees again. Could have done better/pushed harder had the conditions been better - don't want a heat injury. Walked the bar bell carries to make sure I didn't bang into anything around me. Jogged/ran with the plates mixing up how I carried them.

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Jim Rix
July 6th, 2021 at 5:15 pm

Smart to moderate such a long workout in high heat.

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Michael Arko
July 5th, 2021 at 2:20 pm
Commented on: 210704

95 lbs

4 rounds

Aimed for 5. Spilled my water bottle during rd.2. I had to slow down after that or risk heat exhaustion.

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James Gentile
July 5th, 2021 at 1:31 pm
Commented on: 210704

Done 7/4. RXd. Glad I watched the video, though the 75 squats were with 135lbs!

Done at home, so carried weights 100m out and back, then ran the 200m before doing the next piece.

4 rounds plus 9 PCs.

Tried some jogging with the weight carry, but it was mostly walking. The 75 squats might have been the worst part.

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Melissa Yinger
July 5th, 2021 at 4:14 am
Commented on: 210704

4 rounds + 17 cleans + 75 squats + 75 meters with the bar. 45-lb. barbell, two 25-lb. plates, and lots of strange looks from the neighbors as I carted all of that down the street and back over and over again.

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Sarah Dallos
July 5th, 2021 at 3:36 am
Commented on: 210704

Scale for home:

35# DB cleans

carried one dumbbell at a time out 200M

then brought both back before starting another round while wearing a 14# Vest


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Coastie Nick
July 5th, 2021 at 3:18 am
Commented on: 210704


5 rds + 10 reps

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Nathan Goisnard
July 5th, 2021 at 12:04 am
Commented on: 210704

Intermediate scale (60 min AMRAP 115lbs)

4 rounds + 17 cleans, 75 squats, and about 20m with the bar


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Brian Louchis
July 4th, 2021 at 9:43 pm
Commented on: 210704


40 minutes

7 bench presses 155 lbs

4 minutes bike

17 power cleans, 50 lb dumbbells

75 squats

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YooSik Kim
July 4th, 2021 at 8:48 pm
Commented on: 210704


Complete as many reps as possible in 5minutes of:

5 strict pull-ups

5 strict ring-dips

10 pistol alt.


1min rest

Complete as many reps as possible in 5minutes of:

10 One-arm dumbbell snatches alt. 22.5kg

5 Dumbbell’s thrusters 


오늘도 무사히

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Antonio Alves
July 4th, 2021 at 8:47 pm
Commented on: 210704

Modified / scaled to:


Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:

17 DB power cleans w/ 2x 12,5 kg DBs

75 squats

100-meter farmer's carry w/ the DBs

SCORE: 4 rounds + 17 cleans


Completed a few more cleans in the remaining time for a grand total of 75 reps.

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Charlie Pokorny
July 4th, 2021 at 8:36 pm
Commented on: 210704

4 rounds + 92 reps Rx'd

160614 was 4 rounds + 44 reps Rx'd


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Jim Rix
July 5th, 2021 at 5:49 pm

So close to 5 rounds!

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Gary Meyer
July 4th, 2021 at 8:13 pm
Commented on: 210704


17 Power Clean 95#

75 squat 95#

200m x3 (bar, 25#, 25#)

Scaled to 4 rounds

52:20 min

3pm, 89° 96% humidity, that sucked!

Good luck yall, you'll be happy you did it after it's done!

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Joe Conradi
July 4th, 2021 at 7:53 pm
Commented on: 210704

Scaled to:

2x70#DBs for power cleans

45#DB for walks

4 rounds. Distance 2.25mi

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Nicole Deaver
July 4th, 2021 at 7:46 pm
Commented on: 210704


4 Rds

17 cleans (65#)

75 back squats (65#)

400m farmer’s carry (25# DBs)


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Mike Andridge
July 4th, 2021 at 5:56 pm
Commented on: 210704

Scaled to

5 rnds

Wearing 20#vest

200m FC rt arm w/40#db

200m FC lft arm w/40# db

17 HPC 40#db's

75 sqts



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Charles Meyers
July 4th, 2021 at 4:52 pm
Commented on: 210704

Complete as many rounds as possible in 60 minutes of:

17 power cleans

75 squats

95 lbs 3- rounds plus 3 power cleans

Unload the barbell and carry it 200 meters away. Return to the plates and then carry one forward to the barbell. Retrieve the second plate, carry it forward and reload the barbell for the next round.

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Chris Sinagoga
July 4th, 2021 at 12:46 am
Commented on: 210704

Champions Club Scaling Notes


Nothing to rant about


An honorary workout, emphasizing stamina for jumping with a moderate weight, squatting, and informal carrying


Do I have the mental capacity to work out for an hour straight? Also, what am I going to do when walking down the sidewalk with a bar on my back and Mr. Dennis is walking his little dog right towards me? Do I wait for him to move? Do I move to the side and try to explain myself? Do I smile and try to make fun of myself? Lots of options here, none of which would make Mr. Dennis think I am even the slightest bit sane.


AMRAP in 25 minutes of:

20 cleans

30 squats

Run 400 meters


As is, and if you rap all of DAYTONA by Pusha T twice in a row in your head that will get you... well... almost all the way through the workout.


Sprint the running part back to your stuff.


Pick something else. Anything else.


4 rounds + 11 power cleans as rx'd. I walked the carry stuff, so I'm sure it would have been harder if I ran.


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Jim Rix
July 4th, 2021 at 12:16 am
Commented on: 210704

As the 4th WOD in a row, and after Peyton today…this is gonna be a tough one.

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