

Workout of the Day


5 rounds for max reps of:

¾ bodyweight hang power snatches
Handstand push-ups

Rest as needed between rounds.

Post reps of each to comments.
Compare to 210126.

For each movement, pick modifications that allow you to complete at least 10 reps. Reduce the weight on the snatches so that it is still heavy for you but light enough that you can cycle the reps. Newer athletes should treat today as an opportunity to practice two difficult movements.

Intermediate Option:
5 rounds for max reps of:
2/3 bodyweight hang power snatches
Handstand push-ups

Rest as needed between rounds.

Beginner Option:
5 rounds, not for time of:
10 hang power snatches
10 push-ups

♀ 45 lb. ♂ 65 lb.

Comments on 211007


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Doug Brubacher
February 28th, 2024 at 2:56 am
Commented on: 211007

CFWUx2 10*45dl+1sn*2 burgener 10*95+1sn*2

8-10 8-11 8-12 8-12 8-13

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Doug Brubacher
February 28th, 2024 at 2:57 am

95lb snatch

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Jeremy Maillet
January 15th, 2023 at 12:28 am
Commented on: 211007

hang power snatch 12-12-12-12-12 @125lbs

*HSPU 12-12-12-12-12

*strict piked with feet on 30” box with hands on 2x45lb plates (~3 inch deficit) and head to abmat.

*I completed a round every 6 minutes for 30 minutes.

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Sebastian Wieczorek
November 29th, 2021 at 6:33 am
Commented on: 211007

November 28th, 2021; midday

wu: bike, slihps, pvc

skill: snatch drills

wod: LANE

5 rnds max reps

1/2 bw hpsn 42,5 kg

hspu feet on bench (way harder than the last scaling options)

2-3 min rest



post: ski, shoulder and back accessory, stretch, bike

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Jeff Chalfant
October 28th, 2021 at 10:33 pm
Commented on: 211007

7/15-16 Couldn’t believe I lost count!

7/12-13 almost fell off the wall -lost count!



7/7 (failed rep 8)

135lb. Power snatches at 182lbs bw (3/4=136.5) So not quite rx’d but better than last time by 5 reps overall on p. Sn. and 15 reps on hspu, and didn’t use any grip aid besides taped thumbs time 22 minutes. Approx. 2m between exercises...


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Mario Cruz
October 22nd, 2021 at 11:06 pm
Commented on: 211007


snatch 125Lbs (BW 165Lbs)

R1- 8/31

R2- 7/30

R3- 7/27

R4- 5/25

R5- 5/27

Total Snatches 32

Total HSPU 140

Total Reps 172 Reps

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Brett Eckles
October 19th, 2021 at 11:50 am
Commented on: 211007

Snatches at 115 - 10, 8, 8, 8, 8

strict HSPU - 8, 8, 6, 5, 5


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Kevin Miller
October 18th, 2021 at 10:49 pm
Commented on: 211007


95# snatches

elevated push ups off a 26” box






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Mike Scott
October 18th, 2021 at 3:55 pm
Commented on: 211007

I've done a good amount of chest/shoulders/back lately so went light with only four rounds of 75# hang power snatches & 6 HSPUs to two blue plates.

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Morgan Greene
October 18th, 2021 at 2:31 pm
Commented on: Efficiency Tips: Handstand Push-Ups

115# SN: 8-8-8-7-6

HSPU: 5-5-4-4-3

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Ruiqin Huang
October 18th, 2021 at 7:30 am
Commented on: 211007

2/3 BW 115#







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James Tucker
October 17th, 2021 at 10:42 pm
Commented on: 211007

Subbed HPU for pike- push ups because I didn't want to kick a hole in my dry wall lol. Still a good burn. Bar @105lbs







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Leonel Manzilla
October 17th, 2021 at 1:13 am
Commented on: 211007

Male 23y 175cm 84kg

84 Kg = 185 lb × .75 = 138.75 = 135lb

Scaled to kipping handstand push ups

Same reps as the hpS

7 unbroken /7 (3/4)

7 (3/4) / 7 unbroken

7 (5/3) / 7 unbroken

7 (6/1) / 7 (5/1/1)

7 unbroken / 7(2/3/1/2)

Wack upper body strength but heeeyyy Im improving,

Hps: fore arms are not the problem, I think is the pull n under , gotta start barbell rowing.

KHsp: Wide stand, got First time 7 reps unbroken


After WOD

2 more rounds, same strategy

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Ralph Keeley
October 14th, 2021 at 2:30 am
Commented on: 211007







Scaled to 2/3 bodyweight; strict HSPU. 4:00 between rounds with 30-40 seconds between HPS and HSPU.

Deo gratias

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Michael Arko
October 13th, 2021 at 1:00 pm
Commented on: 211007

75lbs HPS (50% bw), pike push-ups, every 4 minutes

14 / 20

13 / 14

12 / 13

11 / 14

12 / 15

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Damien Leroux
October 12th, 2021 at 10:11 pm
Commented on: 211007

Rx (58.5kg/ every 4 minutes) (77kg):

Rd 1 : 11 + 13

Rd 2 : 11 + 9

Rd 3 : 8 + 8

Rd 4 : 8 + 9

Rd 5 : 8 + 7

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Jeffrey Howard
October 12th, 2021 at 9:32 pm
Commented on: 211007


CrossFit AFK

109 reps - Sc (scaled the weight up to 125lb from 115lb, exact 3/4 BW is 116lb for me.) Splits for snatch and hspu were 10/12-10/12-10/12-10/12-9/12, thumb started to tear on the last set and really limited my effort. Went about every 5-minutes so close to 3-minutes rest between sets.

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Jeffrey Howard
October 12th, 2021 at 9:33 pm

On 210126,

104 reps - Rx

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Courtney Guthrie
October 11th, 2021 at 9:06 pm
Commented on: 211007

40% s 55# / regular PERFECT push-ups



10(or 11 I lost count)-5



rested apps 3 min between sets

also whoops I been lying about my age for a month


CrossFit AFK

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Randy Crooker
October 9th, 2021 at 11:12 pm
Commented on: 211007

Scaled to 100lb hang power snatch

HSPU to ab-mat on top of 35lb plate

3 minutes rest between rounds

10-10, 10-7, 7-9, 8-8, 6-7

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Charlie Pokorny
October 9th, 2021 at 4:49 pm
Commented on: 211007

Did 120-lb snatch (61% BW) and strict HSPU: 12/12 - 10/10 - 9/9 - 10/9 - 9/8


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Michael Newton
October 8th, 2021 at 10:01 pm
Commented on: 211007

5 rounds, not for time

10 UB Hang Power Snatch (75)

10 Seated BB Strict Press (75)

strict press was hard. Broke up one set

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James Gentile
October 8th, 2021 at 9:22 pm
Commented on: 211007

Scaled to 95lbs and HSPU to 4"






Messed around with a hook the first 4 rounds, didn't feel great. Also nursing a tender low back and left wrist.

More reps and 115lbs in January...

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Tassio De Souza
October 8th, 2021 at 6:19 pm
Commented on: 211007

5 Rounds

10 Hang Power Snatches 40 kg

10 Unbroken HSPU

Rest between 2-3 minutes

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Christian Simpson
October 8th, 2021 at 3:48 pm
Commented on: 211007

1/26/21: Sc to 95#/str HSPU to 4" mat...91 reps

Today: Sc to 105#/str HSPU...53 reps, cleaning between each set

7/5, 5/5, 5/5, 6/5, 6/4

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QiHui Xing
October 8th, 2021 at 7:20 am
Commented on: 211007

EVENT 3 (4'34'')






EVENT 4 (1'59'')



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Brian Louchis
October 8th, 2021 at 4:26 am
Commented on: 211007

125 lb HPS (2/3 bw) / St. HSPU






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Nicole Deaver
October 7th, 2021 at 11:49 pm
Commented on: 211007

12-11/ 13-12/ 10-11/ 9-10/11-10

(109 reps)

60# (50% BW)

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Antonio Alves
October 7th, 2021 at 11:00 pm
Commented on: 211007

Limited to 2x 9,5 kg DB, don't have HSPU, so I did:


5 rounds for max reps of:

Double dumbbells hang power snatch, w/ a 2' time cap

DB shoulder presses, sitting on the floor

2' rest between rounds


30 / 10

20 / 9

22 / 8

25 / 7

20 / 6


210126 was a slighly different mod, so not really comparable.

Another very long day, and again just glad I checked the box.

20 km bike ride: 10 in the morning, another 10 late in the day , just before WOD.

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Steve Day
October 7th, 2021 at 10:39 pm
Commented on: 211007

Scaled to:

115lbs = 64% body weight

strict hspu against wall to abmat






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Sam K
October 7th, 2021 at 9:30 pm
Commented on: 211007

Modified to 135lb HPCSs(60% bodyweight) w/ HSPUs

R1: 10, 15

R2: 8, 13

R3: 9, 12

R4: 7, 12

R5: 11, 10

Total reps: 107


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Thomas Aug
October 7th, 2021 at 9:04 pm
Commented on: 211007

Going to try to start posting regularly to motivate me to hopefully lose some weight. 56/5'9"/209

Started with 211006 - Can't do front squats due to shoulder replacement, can't get the one arm to that position. So scaled to Smith Machine, bar as high on neck as possible, feet together and out front

175x10, 215x5, 235x3, 255x1, 245x3, 225x5, 185x10


Can only do 1-arm snatch, so alternated with hang squat cleans. Also scaled to elevated pushups - feet on bench, hands on dumbbells.

55lb snatch - 10, then 60lb x10, 10

Squat cleans with 50lb dumbbells x8, then 45lb x10, 10

Elevated pushups - 14, 15, 12, 12, 11

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Coastie Nick
October 7th, 2021 at 8:09 pm
Commented on: 211007

Scaled to 55% BW: 12/11, 10/11, 10/8, 8/8, 7/8.

3-4 minutes rest between rounds.

210126 (same scale): 10/10, 8/8, 7/4, 6/7, 6/4

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Joe Conradi
October 7th, 2021 at 6:39 pm
Commented on: 211007

Scaled to 2x45#DBs (53%bw), and strict arnold press):

16/14, 14/14, 15/13, 14/12, 13/11

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Jim Rix
October 7th, 2021 at 5:33 pm
Commented on: 211007

For time:

45 walking lunges

21-15-9 of

wall balls, 20#

kb swings, 44#

45 walking lunges


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Braxton Glass
October 7th, 2021 at 3:50 pm
Commented on: 211007



knee support HSPU (24”box)


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Steven Thunander
October 7th, 2021 at 2:59 pm
Commented on: 211007

Globo scale: If you do not have a wall or place to do HSPU use the same bar (or set of dumbbells) for max strict presses. Dumbbell sub double dumbbells hang power snatch at 1/2 bodyweight (both dumbbells added together)

Busy gym: Just find a space and do as above. Use dumbbells if needed.

Bodyweight/ equipmentless sub 5 rounds of 1 minute max reps "knee jumps" and max reps hspu or hand release pushups.

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Dana Soprano
October 7th, 2021 at 1:11 pm
Commented on: Workout Tips

Lynne’s big brother?!

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Charles Meyers
October 7th, 2021 at 12:46 pm
Commented on: 211007

5 rounds for max reps of:

75 lbs hang power snatches

pike push-ups from box 32” box






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Matthew Moran
October 7th, 2021 at 12:02 pm
Commented on: 211007



first two at 115, last 3 at 95-lbs



first two strict, last 3 with 5 strict and 5 kipping

-not trying to customize just trying to keep quiet for baby!

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Jeffery Powell
October 7th, 2021 at 10:49 am
Commented on: 211007

Beginner. First three rounds were at 70pds, went down to 65 for the last two.

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Chris Sinagoga
October 7th, 2021 at 1:56 am
Commented on: 211007


In 2015 the Champions Club had a young kid named Ricky (inventor of Ricky Reps) who had been with us for close to 5 years at the time; flexible as Stretch Armstrong, deceptively strong and fit, and great technique. Yet his most memorable workout (to me) came on that fall day in 2015 of his senior year in high school when he couldn't for the life of him figure out how much weight he was supposed to go up for each set on his cleans without me telling him exactly how much. I then realized that if I had been feeding this dependance all these years I had failed him.

This, of course, brings me to the hang power snatches today. I worked out with Bubs this morning and between the two of us we have almost a quarter-century of Catholic School education, plus some college years (I dropped out after 4, she went longer than 4). There is a good chance that we spent a combined 5,000 hours in math class over our lives... and it took us 8 minutes* of trying to figure out 3/4 of 150 lbs. and 170 lbs. - arguing, drawing numbers in the air with our fingers, and stupid estimations - before giving up and just settling on weight that seemed good for 8-11 reps.

*no phones in the gym, so calculators were not available


Testing our stamina for jumping with medium weight and pushing with skill. Changing orientation, upright torso also themes.


Am I good enough at either movement to make max reps be a good use of time?


5 rounds, 2-minutes of practice each


Do all the hspu sets first, then all the power snatch sets second.


Do the hang power snatch and hspu right after each other and rest as needed after that.


Pick two movements you can do at full capacity and use the same format as here. If it's bodyweight stuff then do 1-minute efforts or something like that.


Checked the box on this one. 125 on power snatches, strict hspu, 8 on the first rounds, 6 on the ones after that, went every 2 minutes. Also embarrassed myself trying to math before the workout.


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Jim Rix
October 7th, 2021 at 5:36 pm

Hilarious example of why we shouldn’t do math in public. Reminds me of my son, now a mechanical engineer and Calculus whiz who in HS couldn’t figure out how much weight was on the bar without asking me.

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Chris Sinagoga
October 8th, 2021 at 12:00 am

Haha. I'll bet you did your fair share of trash talking to him! Legit question Jim: do you add up weight on your bar or just memorize the combinations?

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