Complete as much as possible in 12 minutes of:
1 weighted muscle-up
5 medicine-ball cleans
2 weighted muscle-ups
10 medicine-ball cleans
3 weighted muscle-ups
15 medicine-ball cleans
4 weighted muscle-ups
20 medicine-ball cleans
Etc., adding 1 muscle-up and 5 med-ball cleans each round. Use a 14/20-lb. ball for both exercises.
Post reps completed to comments.
Compare to 170726.
This couplet starts out quick in the earlier rounds, and tests muscle stamina as the reps increase. Pick a muscle-up modification that works both a pull and a push.
Intermediate Option:
Complete as much as possible in 12 minutes of:
1 muscle-up
5 medicine-ball cleans
2 muscle-ups
10 medicine-ball cleans
3 muscle-ups
15 medicine-ball cleans
4 muscle-ups
20 medicine-ball cleans
Etc., adding 1 muscle-up and 5 med-ball cleans each round.
♀ 14-lb. ball ♂ 20-lb. ball
Beginner Option:
Complete as much as possible in 12 minutes of:
1 jumping pull-up + 1 assisted push-ups
5 medicine-ball cleans
2 jumping pull-up + 2 assisted push-ups
10 medicine-ball cleans
3 jumping pull-up + 3 assisted push-ups
15 medicine-ball cleans
4 jumping pull-up + 4 assisted push-ups
20 medicine-ball cleans
♀ 6-lb. ball ♂ 10-lb. ball
Comments on 210628