

Workout of the Day


For time:

30 clean and jerks
30 muscle-ups
30 snatches

♀ 95 lb.
♂ 135 lb.

Post time to comments.

Comments on 190807


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Doug Brubacher
May 13th, 2021 at 3:01 am
Commented on: 190807

CFWUx2 sub 1mu for pus/dips 10*45dl +1cl,sn 10*95dl +1cl,sn 5*106dl +1cl,sn 5*117 +1cl,sn


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Alfred Leutl
February 5th, 2021 at 10:02 am
Commented on: The Power Snatch


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Tercio Dal Col
August 27th, 2020 at 12:10 am
Commented on: 190807


30 C&J - 95 lbs

30 Jump(box) BMU

30 Snatches- 95 lbs

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Clailton Silva
August 26th, 2020 at 5:36 pm
Commented on: 190807


30 clean & jerk 60kg

30 ring muscle up

30 snatch 60kg

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João Paulo Borges Thomaz
August 26th, 2020 at 1:18 pm
Commented on: 190807


30 CJ - 85 lbs

30 MU

30 S - 65 lbs

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Adriana Brandao
August 26th, 2020 at 1:15 pm
Commented on: 190807

30 clean and jerk (55 LB)

30 muscle up.adaptado (burpee e queixo na barra)

30 snatches (47 LB).

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Nicolly Barbalho
August 26th, 2020 at 12:19 pm
Commented on: 190807

30 clean&jerk 55lbs (ficou leve)

30 muscle Up dip argola

30 snatches 55lbs


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Kury Akin
October 27th, 2019 at 2:22 pm
Commented on: 190807

9:35. 3R @ 35kg of 10 power clean press, 10 burpees, 10 power snatch. Sore knee after yesterday's run.

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Shane Azizi
September 25th, 2019 at 11:12 pm
Commented on: 190807

26:58 Rx

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Chase Hiland
September 10th, 2019 at 9:22 pm
Commented on: 190807


Scaled to 115 lbs. and 21 muscle-ups


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Cy Azizi
August 31st, 2019 at 12:41 am
Commented on: 190807

115# 37:05

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Clint Michael
August 30th, 2019 at 3:54 am
Commented on: 190807


Used bar muscle-ups

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Jeff Chalfant
August 28th, 2019 at 10:28 pm
Commented on: 190807

12:27 for Juan’s option 1

2:44 for 30 c and j at 95lb. (5 reps sets)

To 9:27 for 21 muscleups

3:00 more for 30 snatches at 95lbs (singles)

Feeling good tired and definitely uninjured after yesterday’s first ever weighted pack run.


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John Campion
August 28th, 2019 at 12:20 pm
Commented on: 190807

95# squats cj and snatches


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Christopher Voght
August 23rd, 2019 at 8:36 pm
Commented on: 190807

For time:

30 clean and jerks

15 muscle-ups rings, kipping

30 snatches

♂‚ 95 lb.


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Morgan Greene
August 19th, 2019 at 11:34 pm
Commented on: 190807

scaled SN to 65#: 20:06

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Joseph Amaya
August 15th, 2019 at 2:33 pm
Commented on: 190807

For time:

30 clean and jerks

30 muscle-ups

30 snatches

♂‚ 70 lb.

44 min

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Fl oR
August 11th, 2019 at 7:22 pm
Commented on: 190807

M / 37 / 215lbs

Rxd 19min 30sec

Grace 3min 30sec

Muscle-ups (slow) 12 min in 15sets of 2

Isabel 4min

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Hendrik Bünzen
August 11th, 2019 at 1:26 pm
Commented on: 190807

31:52 rx’d

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Dave DeCoste
August 10th, 2019 at 4:06 pm
Commented on: 190807


Women’s Rx.

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Claire Fiddian-Green
August 10th, 2019 at 2:46 pm
Commented on: 190807

17:50. Grace Rx at 95 lb. in 5:49 (PR), 30 baby ring muscle ups with jump up to full arm extension, 30 power snatches at 70 lb.

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Stefan Schuricht
August 10th, 2019 at 1:49 pm
Commented on: 190807

30 c+j

30 bar muscle ups

30 power snatches

scaled to 40kg


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Steve Day
August 9th, 2019 at 12:45 am
Commented on: 190807


C&J 95lbs

Baby muscle ups

Snatch 75lbs


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Brandon Jennings
August 8th, 2019 at 10:58 pm
Commented on: 190807

21:14 with strict HSPU instead of muscle-ups (don't have a rig for muscle-ups). Good workout.

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Matt Zero
August 8th, 2019 at 9:18 pm
Commented on: 190807


Snatched scaled to 115lbs

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Viktor Wachtler
August 8th, 2019 at 7:31 pm
Commented on: 190807

Scaled, subbed:

30 double 20kg kettlebell clean & jerks

30 ring muscle-ups

30 double 20kg kettlebell snatches



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John Clarke
August 8th, 2019 at 6:30 pm
Commented on: 190807

Scaled way down:

30 Hang Power Clean

30 Burpees

30 Push Press

7:05 - 75 lbs

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Joseph Amaya
August 8th, 2019 at 5:00 pm
Commented on: 190807

For time: 44:00

30 clean and jerks

30 muscle-ups

30 snatches

♂‚ 70 lb.

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Sam Meixell
August 8th, 2019 at 1:52 pm
Commented on: 190807


15 clean and jerks, 95#

15 muscle-up transitions

15 snatches, 95#

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Vincent Dahlqvist
August 8th, 2019 at 10:43 am
Commented on: 190807

12:45, scaled to 95Ibs for C&J and Snatch, jumping ring muscle ups

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Agnese Skrastina
August 8th, 2019 at 7:18 am
Commented on: 190807

Warm up:

3 min row

then 3R of

5 Russian push ups

10 ring rows

15 BJ

10 DUs

3 wall walks

30 C&J

6R of 5 Kipping PU and 5 MU transitions

30 snatches

16:15 (20 kg)

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Jim Rix
August 8th, 2019 at 3:37 am
Commented on: 190807

Subbed and scaled to:

30 power clean and jerks, 85#, in about 3:07

30 burpees, in about 5:27

30 power snatches, 75#


Great workout...shoulda gone 95# and 80#.

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Phill Kiddoo
August 8th, 2019 at 2:47 am
Commented on: 190807

18:48 rxd

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Edisson Samaniego
August 8th, 2019 at 2:33 am
Commented on: 190807

Tiempo 28:51

peso para los levantamientos 115 libras

muscle ups en la barra

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Mark Phillips
August 7th, 2019 at 11:43 pm
Commented on: 190807

I did 17 clean and jerks 135lb 13 pull ups 14 dips 5 snatches 45lb bar killed me I'm so weak

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Tripp Starling
August 7th, 2019 at 11:42 pm
Commented on: 190807

Chill! 11:23 - 65# and 10 kipping mu

Went at this at 50% (65#). Made the reps very pretty and worked on smooth cycling touch and go. Returning the barbell to the ground got smooth. Starting to click. Been working on strict muscle ups and wanted to see how kip would go and did 10 pretty kipping muscle ups in between (singles).

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Troy Bruun
August 7th, 2019 at 11:05 pm
Commented on: 190807



Scaled MU to box MU

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Scott Lester
August 7th, 2019 at 10:17 pm
Commented on: 190807

13:55 @ 95# and burpees instead of muscle ups

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Matt Zero
August 7th, 2019 at 9:59 pm
Commented on: 190807

30lb ruck

37:07 Rx’d with terrain

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Nathan Michael King
August 7th, 2019 at 9:03 pm
Commented on: 190807


Grace 95#

15 RMU

Isabel 95#

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Tom Perry
August 7th, 2019 at 8:16 pm
Commented on: 190807

170 / 58

Today marks my 13th anniversary of CrossFit. I still remember that first workout where I thought 'what am I doing?' Real glad I stuck it out.

As for today, scaled a lot with a hip and shoulder replacement.

30 C&Js at 80 pounds

60 Pull-ups and hand release push-ups (done is sets of 5 each)

30 Snatches at 60 pounds


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Jim Rix
August 7th, 2019 at 10:53 pm

Happy anniversary Tom! I think tat definitely qualifies you as an CF OG! About 10 years for me...amazing how things have changed.

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Mike Andridge
August 7th, 2019 at 10:56 pm

Awesome job Tom.

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Coastie Nick
August 7th, 2019 at 7:47 pm
Commented on: 190807


30 C&J @ 135#

30 MU

30 power snatches @ 95#

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Jacob Cram
August 7th, 2019 at 6:37 pm
Commented on: 190807


C&J: 115lb

MU: toe nail assist

S: 95lb

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Brendan Mullan
August 7th, 2019 at 6:10 pm
Commented on: 190807

For time

30 C&J @ 40kg

30 burpees

30 shoulder press @ 40kg

9.28 min 😁

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Bryan Howard
August 7th, 2019 at 5:49 pm
Commented on: 190807

11:36 scaled


Pull ups


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Matthew Letarte
August 7th, 2019 at 4:49 pm
Commented on: 190807

This was my first time doing a benchmark workout like this, scaled to 95#, did 30 C2B pull-ups and 60 dips instead of MU since I can't do MU without putting my head through the ceiling.

30 C&J ~5min

30 PU, 60 Dips ~6min

30 Snatch ~7min

19:12 total time

Did the lifts in unbroken sets of 5s, I could have gone harder, but a good workout for sure.

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Nicole Deaver
August 7th, 2019 at 4:24 pm
Commented on: 190807


30 clean & jerks (75#)-(4:28-New Grace PR by almost 40sec)

30 pull-ups

30 Dips

30 snatches (65#)

C & J- about 70% of max-felt heavier

Snatch- about 80% of max

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Michael Bishop
August 7th, 2019 at 2:51 pm
Commented on: 190807

Cottage version

30 kb push jerks 50 lbs alternating

30 strict chair dips

30 strict tucked towel pull ups

30 kb snatches alternating 50 lbs


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Didier Rios
August 7th, 2019 at 2:37 pm
Commented on: 190807

30 clean and jerks

30 muscle-ups

30 snatches

♂‚ 135 lb.

TC: 16:55

clean and jerk : 3:20

muscle up: 8:55

snatch : 16:55

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Michael Arko
August 7th, 2019 at 2:24 pm
Commented on: 190807

Scaled / subbed as follows:

30 clean & jerks @ 75lbs

30 strict pull-ups

30 strict ring-dips

30 snatches @ 75lbs


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Karl Eagleman
August 7th, 2019 at 1:31 pm
Commented on: 190807

Cycling through muscle-ups on today's workout? This cue helped me immensely. I hope it helps you guys:

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Evan Walton
August 7th, 2019 at 1:15 pm
Commented on: 190807

Clean and jerk Rxd

30 normal pullups

Snatch 95lbs

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Rafael Pacheco
August 7th, 2019 at 6:31 pm

I did the same, no muscle up available ...

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Robert Fleming
August 7th, 2019 at 11:27 am
Commented on: 190807

14:11 @ #95 with pull-ups

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Sebastien Fitzpatrick
August 7th, 2019 at 10:23 am
Commented on: 190807

31:17 Rx

I reserved my pace to keep consistent, and it may have been too much reservation. And for what it’s worth, I have torn thumbs.

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Artak Tonoyan
August 7th, 2019 at 8:34 am
Commented on: 190807

I have done it as prescribed and it took me 20 minutes on the dot. Finished Cindy at 4:17 and then 3 sets of 5 MU, I couldn't keep 5's till the end - which was the plan, so just finished with sets of 3's.

Then singles on Snatch.

Happy enough with my performance.

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Antonio Ippolito
August 7th, 2019 at 7:50 am
Commented on: 190807

I Love this ❤️

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Edisson Samaniego
August 7th, 2019 at 10:57 am


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Eric O'Connor
August 7th, 2019 at 2:40 am
Commented on: 190807

I was hoping that we would see this workout pop-up! As we saw this past weekend, faster times will be under 10:00…..which seems insane to me. A good goal, for us “normal” folk, is to shoot for sub 15 minutes. For most people, the muscle-ups seem to be the most time consuming out of the 3 sections. For this reason, it might be advantageous to pace the 30 clean and jerks so that premature muscular failure can be avoided on the muscle-ups. When scaling this workout I will look to preserve the function of each movement, relative to the capacity of each athlete. Here are some thoughts:

Clean and Jerk- I consider this to be a moderate weight and a moderate volume. I will have athletes utilize loads that allow for at least consistent singles to be performed. I will also look for the 30 reps to be completed in no longer than 5:00. For new or de-conditioned athletes, I may reduce reps on an individual basis. This movement is technically demanding but is essentially all about getting the bar from the floor to an overhead position. I will attempt to preserve this function relativel to the capacity of my athletes. An example of a what one rep might look like for an athlete that lacks mechanics: deadlift + hang power clean + push press.

Muscle-ups- This is a relatively high-skill movement with a relatively high-volume of reps today. I think this is the first time all year that we have seen muscle-ups programmed without the “strict” designation. Due to the nature of the movement, as well as the increased demand when being performed after the clean and jerks, I know that there will be a large portion of my athletes that will need to scale.

The first option will be to simply reduce the reps. I will likely do this for athletes that have capacity for muscle-ups, but 30 reps will take longer than 8:00-9:00. Even completing 15 reps, for this workout, will be adequate for many athletes.

For those that cannot perform muscle-ups, the main movement modification will be to be perform a muscle-up movement from low rings. A good variation is to have athletes keep their feet on the ground and straighten their legs, with the feet in front of the rings, before completing the muscle-up. The further the feet are away from the rings, the harder the movement will be. This movement seems easy at first glance, but, when performed in a controlled fashion, it can provide a pretty significant challenge. The difficulty, of this movement, can be further increased by elevating the feet on a box. To further decrease the difficulty of the movement, I can have athletes start with bent legs and utilize lower body assistance throughout the entire range of motion.

Snatch- I consider the prescribed weight to be moderate and will be very difficult after the clean and jerks/muscle-ups. If I scaled the clean and jerks correctly, I may be able to have many of my athletes utilize the same weight for the snatches. However, I know that I will probably need to reduce the load further. I will look to use a load that allows for the 30 snatches to be completed in no more than 5:00-6:00.

Due to the snatch grip, some athletes may have difficulty maintaining a mechanically sound position on the initial pull from the floor. In this situation, or with any major deviation in first-pull mechanics, performing a hang power snatch is an acceptable alternative.

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Anton Gross
August 8th, 2019 at 1:52 am

Eric, for me, I only weigh about 135, I feel that my snatch is about. That. I will most likely do either Rx or maybe a little lighter C&J. MU as Rx as that is my least concern out of these three. I will definitely scale the snatch. Either 115 or maybe 105 but depends on how they feel. My snatch is my weakness. I can OHS over 175 and have done 15 at over BW a while ago but I have an issue snatching more than 115 comfortably. I do occasionally snatch DB and feel much more in control and explosive with DBs than a bar. I should probably work snatch balance more to replicate the pain suing and yelling myself under the bar I think. Regards and thanks for the ideas

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Bryan Rosen
August 7th, 2019 at 1:22 am
Commented on: 190807

Warm-up for 190807 (The Standard):


2 rounds of:

250-m row

30-sec plank into 5 push-ups

10 reverse grip PVC pass-throughs

10 jumping air squats



Perform 5 reps at each step of the progression:

- False grip ring rows

- 10-second ring support + ring dip negative

- Low-ring hip to ring drill

- Low-ring muscle-up transition with feet under body + dip

- High ring muscle-ups

Clean and Jerk

Perform all steps of progression with an empty barbell:

5 dip and drive

5 high hang muscle cleans

5 high hang power cleans

5 power cleans

5 reps - jump, punch, and land (no barbell)

10 reps - push jerk


Perform all steps of progression with an empty barbell:

5 snatch-width grip deadlifts + shrug

5 muscle snatch

5 power snatch

Build up

Complete 3 sets of 4 clean and jerk + 4 snatch, increasing in weight each set.

*After each set, perform 2 reps of intended muscle-up progression

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Edisson Samaniego
August 7th, 2019 at 10:57 am


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Robert Fleming
August 7th, 2019 at 11:28 am

Thanks for the warm ups

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Juan Acevedo
August 7th, 2019 at 1:16 am
Commented on: 190807

Workout name: THE STANDARD



Hell yeah! As soon as it was announced this workout became an instant benchmark. However don't dismiss the cynicism of the name. Being able to do this as prescribed under 12:00 is the standard only for top ten Games Athletes, that is how fit they are. It is a beautiful thing but also not the standard for most of us. Let's move past that today and try to stay true to the stimulus we are looking for. What we want out of this is to adjust loads, reps, and difficulty to a place where you can complete each of the three parts in between 3 and 4 minutes. That is a fast pace: 8-10 repetitions per minute! This workout is an awful/delicious mix of stamina, skill, and Fran cough: OUCH! Also take into account that after 30 fast clean and jerks your heart rate will go super high and your shoulders will be toasted, which makes these muscle-ups very challenging. Scale appropriately.

That said ... chill! Today, imagine you are rowing: keep your stroke rate constant, your form tight and you will get to other side like a Boss.

Note: Fraser and Toomey were working at ~35% of their clean max. Use this as a guideline.


â–¶ Good for athletes with RX Grace and RX Isabel between 3:00 and 4:00.

â–¶ Workload reduction of about 25%.

For time:

30 clean and jerks

21 muscle-ups

30 snatches

♀ 65 lb.

♂‚ 95 lb.


â–¶ Workload reduction of about 50%.

For time:

30 clean and jerks


6 rounds

5 rings kip swings

5 muscle up transition feet on ground


30 snatches

♀ 45 lb.

♂‚ 65 lb.


â–¶ Workload reduction of about 75%.

For time:

30 clean and jerks


4 rounds

5 rings kip swings

5 muscle up transition feet on ground


30 snatches

♀ 35 lb.

♂‚ 45 lb.

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Bryan Rosen
August 7th, 2019 at 1:22 am

Welcome back!

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Juan Acevedo
August 7th, 2019 at 1:29 am

Thank you sir!

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Steven Thunander
August 7th, 2019 at 12:52 am
Commented on: 190807

Globo scale: 2 girls and a benchmark mixed in, the Standard workout.

If you do not have a barbell sub 30 50lb double dumbbell clean and jerks and 60 alternating dumbbell snatches, 50lb. Sub for muscleups are 2/1 chest to bar pullups and 3/1 bar dips or 2/1 weighted bar dips, 20lb db.

Sanctionals: pro, as rxed divisions as rxed. Teams use team version. (The trio/see note below). Intermediate: either cut the muscleups to 15 in the sandwich, or move them to the end of the workout with the cap; tiebreak is last snatch. Scaled: 115/75 lbs, 20 jumping muscleups in the sandwich or 10 muscleups as the end, tiebreak is time of last snatch. Beginner 95/65 lbs, burpees over bar. Time cap 12 min for individual, 25 min for teams of 4. Teams of 3 would multiply the reps accordingly (90/90/90, then scaled per division standards, MU's at the end except for pro/rx+), 25 minute cap.

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Chris Sinagoga
August 7th, 2019 at 12:05 am
Commented on: 190807

Champions Club Scaling Notes


Usually I like to treat “for time” workouts as a sprint. This would fall under that category. Muscle-ups are a sprint for almost nobody, so I would do burpees as a sub and practice muscle-up stuff during the warmup. The tricky thing here, though, is all three movements are high-skill — at least in terms on the stuff we do in the weight room. In order, I’d rank the difficulty 1. Burpees, 2. Clean and jerks, 3. Snatches. Since we want to go fast, I might overlook mistakes on timing and focus on position. For instance, I’d rather have someone pull with their arms on a hang snatch and keep their arches in their feet than the other way around(lose the arches but have good timing). All depends on your purpose though.

I SHOULD TRY THIS RX’D IF: I was in the final heat at the Games


For time:

30 clean and jerks

30 burpees

30 snatches

FIRST TIME/PART-TIME VERSION: sub kettlebell swings for c&j and sub push press for snatches. Add reps to those if needed. This gives you a chance to go faster than they could if they aren’t too familiar with the c&j and snatches.


Upper-body injury — for time: 30 push press (one-arm), 400m sprint, 30 one-arm kb swings

Middle-body injury — part-time version, just with the 400m run instead (or bike/row)

Lower-body injury — sprint workouts are tough in this category. Try amrap in 15 of: 10 kipping pull-ups, :30 handstand, 10 GHD sit-ups (slow)


Dips — muscle-up practice

Kipping pull-up — muscle-up prep

Box jump — landing prep

Jump rope — always

Handstand — overhead prep

GENERAL FEAR LEVEL (1=REST DAY, 10=PR-DRIVEN FGB): 8. With burpees as a sub and at Just Light Enough Not To Set It Down Yet weight this will be very, very unpleasant.

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Basem ElAdawy
August 7th, 2019 at 7:30 am

The "I SHOULD TRY THIS RX’D IF: I was in the final heat at the Games" line had me in stitches.

What do you think about burpee pullups (or even burpee muscleups) sub for muscleups ?

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Chris Sinagoga
August 8th, 2019 at 12:06 am

Um... now that you mention it, might not be a bad idea... actually a really cool idea. Test it out and let me know how it goes. I might test it out soon too.

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