Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 double-unders
75-lb. power snatches, 15 reps
Post rounds and reps completed to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games Open.
Top male and female scores will receive $2014.
Compare to 110316.
Rest Day
CrossFit Games Update: February 26, 2014 - [video]
The Greek and the Games by Jane Drexler, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]
Sugar Dangers - Dr. Richard Johnson LecturePart 1, Part 2, Part 3, YouTube.
CrossFit Games Update: February 25, 2014 - [video]
Lose the Luge? by Emily Beers - CrossFit Journal article [pdf]
In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:
4 minutes of clean and jerks, 135 lb.
4 minutes of rowing
4 minutes of burpees
Post sum of clean and jerk reps, rowing calories and burpee reps to comments.
Row 10,000 meters
Post time to comments.
Danny Broflex: Episode 7 - The PSA: Sign Up Bro! - video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]
Lance Couryat theBig Whip Invitational - video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]
Friday's Push-Up Contest Winners:
1. David Gilbert
2. Alex Chiaradia
3. Amador Porras
Rest Day
Offline, Episode 4: The "Knees Out" Cue - CrossFit Journal video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]
2 rounds SLOWLY of:
20 back extensions
15 hip extensions
10 hip-back extensions
50 GHD sit-ups
50 super-strict push-ups in one set
5,000-m row
Upload video of push-ups to YouTube with your name and "CrossFit Push-up Contest 140221" in title and then post link to comments by 5 p.m. PT Friday. Prizes of $1,000, $750 and $500 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd-place efforts. Technique trumps speed.
Post row time to comments.
The Test of Fitness - video [ipod] [mov] [720 HD] [1080 HD]
Sub 3 minutes with Chris Spealler - [video]
Special Mary
For time, all strict:
5 handstand push-ups
10 one-legged squats, alternating
15 pull-ups
10 handstand push-ups
20 one-legged squats, alternating
30 pull-ups
15 handstand push-ups
30 one-legged squats, alternating
45 pull-ups
10 handstand push-ups
20 one-legged squats, alternating
30 pull-ups
5 handstand push-ups
10 one-legged squats, alternating
15 pull-ups
Post time to comments.
Greg Glassman on the Open: Part 2 - [video]
Double-Under/Clean & Jerk Workout at The Ranch with Brooke Ence and Jon Pera - video [ipod] [mov] [720 HD] [1080 HD]
Rest Day
CrossFit Tour: Khalipa and His Haka - CrossFit Journal video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]
Rival Industries Sweet-Talk the Public by Eric Lipton, The New York Times.
Post link of favorite LIVE music recording on the net to comments.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
5 box jumps, 30 in.
225-lb. cleans, 3 reps
Post rounds completed to comments. Share scaled WOD that preserves the stimulus where needed and results therein.
$700 prize for the best performance videotaped, uploaded to YouTube and linked in comments by 5 p.m. PT Tuesday. Women use a 24-in. box and clean 155 lb. to be eligible for the prize.
Greg Glassman on the Open: Part 1 - [video]
Free to Fly by Chris Cooper, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
5 triple-unders
185-lb. thrusters, 3 reps
Post rounds completed to comments. Share scaled WOD that preserves the stimulus where needed and results therein.
$700 prize for the best performance videotaped, uploaded to YouTube and linked in comments by 5 p.m. PT Monday. Women thruster 125 lb. to be eligible for the prize.
Rory Zambard on Coaching: Have a Plan - CrossFit Journal video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
5 sub-1:30/500-m pace pulls on C2 rower
315-lb. deadlifts, 3 reps
Post rounds completed to comments. Share scaled WOD that preserves the stimulus where needed and results therein.
$700 prize for the best performance videotaped, uploaded to YouTube and linked in comments by 5 p.m. PT Sunday. Women pull sub-1:43/500-m pace and deadlift 215 lb. to be eligible for the prize.
The Need for Speed by Emily Beers, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]
Rest Day
Daniel Rodriguez Keeps Winning - CrossFit Journal video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]
For the Love of Physics with Walter Lewin, YouTube.
Set rower for 3 intervals of 2 minutes of rowing and 2 minutes of "rest." During the first rest period, perform max reps of 95-lb. thruster; the second rest period, 95-lb. power snatch; the third rest period, 95-lb. squat cleans.
Add all reps to calories for each row and post sum to comments.
Valentine's Day: Decades Vs. Decadence by Emily Beers, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]
For the Love of Coffee by E.M. Burton, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]
and video [ipod] [mov] [720 HD] [1080 HD]
Sub 3 Minutes with Zach Forrest - video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]
Set rower for 3 intervals of 2 minutes of rowing and 2 minutes of "rest." During the first rest period, perform max pull-ups; the second rest period, max burpees; and the third rest period, max GHD sit-ups (hand to floor).
Add all reps to calories for each row and post sum to comments.
The Flash of the Blade by Emily Beers, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]
Danny Broflex: Episode 6 - Bro-Reps - video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]
Rest Day
Under Cover by Andrea Maria Cecil, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]
Study: Sugar even at moderate levels toxic to mice health, reproduction, The Washington Post.
3 rounds for time of:
115 pound Push press, 21 reps
3 Legless 15-foot rope ascents
27 GHD Sit-ups
Post time to comments.
"Kettlebell Hand Switches" with Jeff Martone - video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]
3 rounds for time of:
115 pound Power clean, 21 reps
27 Burpees
27 GHD Sit-ups
Post time to comments.
"Mountains Into Moguls" by Emily Beers, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]
3 rounds for time of:
115 pound Power snatch, 21 reps
27 L Pull-ups
27 GHD Sit-ups
Post time to comments.
"Crazy-Time Power Cleans" with Jesse Ward - CrossFit Journal video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]
For time:
50 Ring dips
115 pound Squat clean, 50 reps
50 Ring dips
Post time to comments.
"Pose-Running Drills: Lean and Pull" with Brian MacKenzie, CrossFit Journal video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]
In front of a clock set for nine minutes:
2 minutes of Burpees
2 minutes of GHD Sit-ups
2 minutes of Inverted Burpees
1 minute of Burpees
1 minute of GHD Sit-ups
1 minute of Inverted Burpees
Post reps for each set to comments.
"The Thin Red Line of Fitness" by Emily Beers, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]
For time:
50 L-Pull-ups
115 pound Squat clean, 50 reps
50 L-Pull-ups
Post time to comments.
Danny Broflex: Episode 5 - The Game of Chess - video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]
Brian Nabeta's 11-13 year-old team practice at Arden Hills Swimming - video [mov]
Rest Day
"Found Money" by Chris Cooper, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]
"Sugar: The Bitter Truth" with Dr. Robert Lustig.
Attempt PRs with as much warm-up, ramp-up, and rest between efforts as needed of:
1RM Front squat
1,000 meter Row
Ring Dips
Post load, time, and reps to comments. Annotate PRs.
"Wrangling the Road Warriors" by Emily Beers, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]
Attempt PRs with as much warm-up, ramp-up, and rest between efforts as needed of:
1RM Deadlift
1,000 meter Row
Post load, time, and reps to comments. Annotate PRs.