Friday 140228

Workout 14.1

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 double-unders
75-lb. power snatches, 15 reps

Post rounds and reps completed to comments and/or register and submit your results as part of the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games Open.

Top male and female scores will receive $2014.

Compare to 110316.

Thursday 140227

Rest Day

CrossFit Games Update: February 26, 2014 - [video]

The Greek and the Games by Jane Drexler, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]

Sugar Dangers - Dr. Richard Johnson LecturePart 1, Part 2, Part 3, YouTube.

Wednesday 140226

CrossFit Total

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Post total to comments.

Compare to 140213.

Tuesday 140225


In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:
4 minutes of clean and jerks, 135 lb.
4 minutes of rowing
4 minutes of burpees

Post sum of clean and jerk reps, rowing calories and burpee reps to comments.

Monday 140224

Row 10,000 meters

Post time to comments.

Danny Broflex: Episode 7 - The PSA: Sign Up Bro! - video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]

Lance Couryat theBig Whip Invitational - video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]

Friday's Push-Up Contest Winners:
1. David Gilbert
2. Alex Chiaradia
3. Amador Porras

Friday 140221

50 super-strict push-ups in one set
5,000-m row

Upload video of push-ups to YouTube with your name and "CrossFit Push-up Contest 140221" in title and then post link to comments by 5 p.m. PT Friday. Prizes of $1,000, $750 and $500 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd-place efforts. Technique trumps speed.

  1. Low camera perpendicular to athlete's body.
  2. No perturbance of midline. No movement in hip, knee or head.
  3. Use CFJ The Push-up as reference.

Post row time to comments.

Thursday 140220

Special Mary

For time, all strict:
5 handstand push-ups
10 one-legged squats, alternating
15 pull-ups
10 handstand push-ups
20 one-legged squats, alternating
30 pull-ups
15 handstand push-ups
30 one-legged squats, alternating
45 pull-ups
10 handstand push-ups
20 one-legged squats, alternating
30 pull-ups
5 handstand push-ups
10 one-legged squats, alternating
15 pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Greg Glassman on the Open: Part 2 - [video]

Double-Under/Clean & Jerk Workout at The Ranch with Brooke Ence and Jon Pera - video [ipod] [mov] [720 HD] [1080 HD]

Wednesday 140219

Rest Day

CrossFit Tour: Khalipa and His Haka - CrossFit Journal video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]

Rival Industries Sweet-Talk the Public by Eric Lipton, The New York Times.

Post link of favorite LIVE music recording on the net to comments.

Tuesday 140218

Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
5 box jumps, 30 in.
225-lb. cleans, 3 reps

Post rounds completed to comments. Share scaled WOD that preserves the stimulus where needed and results therein.

$700 prize for the best performance videotaped, uploaded to YouTube and linked in comments by 5 p.m. PT Tuesday. Women use a 24-in. box and clean 155 lb. to be eligible for the prize.

Monday 140217

Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
5 triple-unders
185-lb. thrusters, 3 reps

Post rounds completed to comments. Share scaled WOD that preserves the stimulus where needed and results therein.

$700 prize for the best performance videotaped, uploaded to YouTube and linked in comments by 5 p.m. PT Monday. Women thruster 125 lb. to be eligible for the prize.

Sunday 140216

Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
5 sub-1:30/500-m pace pulls on C2 rower
315-lb. deadlifts, 3 reps

Post rounds completed to comments. Share scaled WOD that preserves the stimulus where needed and results therein.

$700 prize for the best performance videotaped, uploaded to YouTube and linked in comments by 5 p.m. PT Sunday. Women pull sub-1:43/500-m pace and deadlift 215 lb. to be eligible for the prize.

The Need for Speed by Emily Beers, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]

Friday 140214

Set rower for 3 intervals of 2 minutes of rowing and 2 minutes of "rest." During the first rest period, perform max reps of 95-lb. thruster; the second rest period, 95-lb. power snatch; the third rest period, 95-lb. squat cleans.

Add all reps to calories for each row and post sum to comments.

Valentine's Day: Decades Vs. Decadence by Emily Beers, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]

For the Love of Coffee by E.M. Burton, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]
and video [ipod] [mov] [720 HD] [1080 HD]

Thursday 140213

CrossFit Total

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Post total to comments.

Compare to 140116.

Sub 3 Minutes with Zach Forrest - video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]

Wednesday 140212

Set rower for 3 intervals of 2 minutes of rowing and 2 minutes of "rest." During the first rest period, perform max pull-ups; the second rest period, max burpees; and the third rest period, max GHD sit-ups (hand to floor).

Add all reps to calories for each row and post sum to comments.

The Flash of the Blade by Emily Beers, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]

Danny Broflex: Episode 6 - Bro-Reps - video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]

Monday 140210

3 rounds for time of:
115 pound Push press, 21 reps
3 Legless 15-foot rope ascents
27 GHD Sit-ups

Post time to comments.

"Kettlebell Hand Switches" with Jeff Martone - video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]

Sunday 140209

3 rounds for time of:
115 pound Power clean, 21 reps
27 Burpees
27 GHD Sit-ups

Post time to comments.

"Mountains Into Moguls" by Emily Beers, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]

Saturday 140208

3 rounds for time of:
115 pound Power snatch, 21 reps
27 L Pull-ups
27 GHD Sit-ups

Post time to comments.

Thursday 140206

For time:
50 Ring dips
115 pound Squat clean, 50 reps
50 Ring dips

Post time to comments.

Wednesday 140205

In front of a clock set for nine minutes:
2 minutes of Burpees
2 minutes of GHD Sit-ups
2 minutes of Inverted Burpees
1 minute of Burpees
1 minute of GHD Sit-ups
1 minute of Inverted Burpees

Post reps for each set to comments.

"The Thin Red Line of Fitness" by Emily Beers, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]

Tuesday 140204

For time:
50 L-Pull-ups
115 pound Squat clean, 50 reps
50 L-Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Danny Broflex: Episode 5 - The Game of Chess - video [ipod] [mov] [HD mov]

Brian Nabeta's 11-13 year-old team practice at Arden Hills Swimming - video [mov]

Monday 140203

Rest Day

"Found Money" by Chris Cooper, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]

"Sugar: The Bitter Truth" with Dr. Robert Lustig.

Sunday 140202

Attempt PRs with as much warm-up, ramp-up, and rest between efforts as needed of:
1RM Front squat
1,000 meter Row
Ring Dips

Post load, time, and reps to comments. Annotate PRs.

"Wrangling the Road Warriors" by Emily Beers, CrossFit Journal article [pdf]

Saturday 140201

Attempt PRs with as much warm-up, ramp-up, and rest between efforts as needed of:
1RM Deadlift
1,000 meter Row

Post load, time, and reps to comments. Annotate PRs.
