Annie Sakamoto is a household name within the CrossFit community, loved by her fans and peers for her smile, uplifting personality, and incredible fitness. She was one of the original “Nasty Girls” and has competed at the CrossFit Games six times (as an individual, on a team, and as a masters athlete). This year she earned first place in the Women’s 45-49 division at the Games.
What many don’t know about Annie is her mastery of the coaching profession. She’s coached CrossFit since 2004, teaching thousands of classes and private training sessions. In her coaching, Annie focuses on making a human connection with the athletes in her class and having a positive impact on their lives. “It’s not just the methodology of CrossFit,” Annie says. “It’s the community. That’s where all the magic is.”
Comments on Original Annie: 17 Years of CrossFit Coaching
She has been an inspiration to me and my community since we began in 2005. Her passion and enthusiasm have remained constant. Thank you for making this!
Annie, you are a legend that we all hold in such high regard. Congratulations on your incredible work at the Games this year, we are all so proud to call you a friend and a premier example of what it means to be a CrossFitter. All the love.
Hey CrossFit, great video on Annie! 👏🏼 I was fortunate enough to share my first CF Games experience in Annie’s division. I have to admit, of all the Games athletes, the one I was most excited to meet was Annie. I was shocked when she actually knew my name and connected with me immediately. She is an inspiration and definitely an Icon. She is kind and warm and genuine and she made a pretty scary competition experience fun. It was a privilege to compete along side her. I’m so excited about her amazing Games win this year and I hope to compete with her again soon. ☺️ Way to go Annie!
Great video! Keep up the work Annie! I've been a fan of yours since '06.
Original Annie: 17 Years of CrossFit Coaching