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Subscribe to Workout of the Day emails, and you'll receive CrossFit programming in a three-days-on, one-day-off, two-days-on, one-day-off cadence.","brazeGroupId":"d68551b9-ac7e-437e-bfd2-d225702413cc","headlineText":"Workout of the Day"},{"bodyText":"Get inspired with the latest and/or trending articles, stories, videos, and podcasts focused on the CrossFit community and methodology.","brazeGroupId":"1bfd806e-efe3-404d-9980-c8f38c39490b","headlineText":"What's Trending"},{"bodyText":"Be the first to know when official updates and announcements are released from CrossFit HQ.","brazeGroupId":"cb28cb07-ca09-4739-b73b-7413f95a4892","headlineText":"Updates and Announcements from CrossFit HQ"},{"bodyText":"This subscription is for those interested in announcements, updates, and stories about the CrossFit Games season and its competitors. ","brazeGroupId":"e56abfcc-c940-482d-879c-eed93958cbbe","headlineText":"CrossFit Games"},{"bodyText":"This monthly newsletter includes important CrossFit Games competition season updates, resources, and tips. It is intended for competitive athletes but is open to anyone interested in learning more about the CrossFit Games season.","brazeGroupId":"fce49890-9b3c-4e1f-9e06-1bd06cd696a3","headlineText":"The Hopper"},{"bodyText":"The Professional Coach provides a wealth of articles, media, and webinar opportunities that cover all aspects of coaching, including best practices, real-world coaching application, scaling, methodology, nutrition, CEU opportunities, and more. With contributions from experts inside and outside the CrossFit space, this twice-monthly newsletter is the ultimate tool for any coach looking to improve their skills and knowledge. This newsletter is exclusively available to those who hold a Level 1 Certificate or higher. ","brazeGroupId":"653207fb-9734-44c9-a988-23eb18142529","headlineText":"The Professional Coach"},{"bodyText":"The Affiliate Update is a newsletter for CrossFit affiliate owners and includes upcoming event details, business and marketing resources, and general updates from CrossFit HQ. 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Question: How do I continue to grow as a coach when I don’t look up to my fellow coaches or my gym’s owner?
Growing as a coach is a never-ending process that can be tackled in various ways. In a perfect world, you’d be surrounded by other coaches who push and motivate you to do better. Collectively, you’d all strive to master your craft and bring your members along for the ride. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Still, if those scenarios aren’t in play, that doesn’t let you off the hook. Here are 10 activities you can do to achieve excellence as a coach, even if your gym and coaching environment aren’t ideal.
#1 – Learn From What Not To Do
If you believe the other coaches at your gym lack an essential skill set, for example, they don’t teach enough, use this as a driving force to show up to every class with an excellent teaching plan. By doing so, you not only improve your skills but also set a positive example for your peers, potentially inspiring them to improve.
#2 – Videotape Your Classes
It’s easy to videotape your entire class and use the tools already published in TPC to evaluate your performance. You could also share your recording with a coach you admire, no matter where they live and coach, and ask for feedback.
#3 – Give Yourself a Monthly Challenge
Setting personal goals is a great way to keep yourself motivated and accountable. For instance, you could aim to show up to class with a detailed plan every time or to address each participant by name at least once during class. Over time, these little goals add up, help keep you moving forward, and inspire you to try new things. You can make the other coaches aware of what your goal is and see if they want to join in.
#4 – Ask for Member Feedback on Your Classes
This is a powerful tool for gaining valuable insights into your coaching style. Ask specific questions like, “Are my classes fun/enjoyable?” and “What is my biggest strength as a coach?” Asking for and receiving feedback will help you improve and foster a sense of connection and engagement with your members. \n
This is probably the most underrated area of improvement. Can you move at least 10% better than the beginner, intermediate, or advanced member in your classes in all nine foundational movements? Is there a movement you cannot demo, like the muscle-up or the handstand push-up? Work at it, discover new progressions that work for you, and then bring them to your classes.
#7 – Visit Other Affiliates
If there’s a coach you admire, ask if you can shadow them for a week or weekend. Follow them around, see how they interact at their gym, take all their classes, and take notes. The more coaches you see, the more you will appreciate different styles and how members respond to them.
#8 – Read the Level 1 Training Guide and Pay Attention to the Details
Being a coach also means being an expert in the CrossFit methodology. Can you define CrossFit, fitness, health, technique, etc.?
#9 – Train Other Trainers
This might be counterintuitive initially, but learning to demystify how you coach by teaching others is one of the best ways to identify your own weaknesses. Also, raising the level around you will ensure you get more opportunities to be challenged.
If you go into the course with an open mind and an “I want to improve” attitude, you will have enough feedback during that weekend to practice with for the next three to five years of coaching.
Before we wrap it up, I’d be remiss if I didn’t include these two bonus activities.
Bonus #1 – Meet Your Frustration Head-On
Talk to the owner and/or your fellow coaches and see how they feel about the coach development, or lack thereof, happening at your gym. It might be an uncomfortable conversation, but it might also lead to a breakthrough. \n
Bonus #2 – Ask Yourself, “Is It Time To Move On?”
Just like it is for anyone working for a company who feels they’ve topped out and need to move on to new challenges, sometimes you realize that to get to the next level in your coach development, you need to make a move. What are you willing to do to become the best coach you can be? \n
Focusing on these strategies can help you continue to grow as a coach, even if you don’t look up to the other coaches or the owner of your gym. Personal growth and development are within your control, and by taking proactive steps, you can achieve excellence in your coaching practice. Remember, the journey to becoming a better coach is ongoing, and your commitment to self-improvement will benefit you and inspire and positively impact your members and clients.
Matthieu Dubreucq is a Seminar Staff Flowmaster for CrossFit’s Education Department and has been the owner of CrossFit Laval since 2008. It is now hosted by Matt’s Garage Training Club. He is a Certified CrossFit Coach (CF-L4), former Canadian Sailing Team athlete, Canadian Ski Alliance Level 3 Ski Instructor, and Canadian Yachting Association Level 4 Coach. He is a published kid’s book author of “Let’s Run, Allons Courir,” and in July 2024, he will publish his first nonfiction book co-authored with Christopher Dedeyan, “Play For Profit.”
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Question: How do I continue to grow as a coach when I don’t look up to my fellow coaches or my gym’s owner?
Growing as a coach is a never-ending process that can be tackled in various ways. In a perfect world, you’d be surrounded by other coaches who push and motivate you to do better. Collectively, you’d all strive to master your craft and bring your members along for the ride. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Still, if those scenarios aren’t in play, that doesn’t let you off the hook. Here are 10 activities you can do to achieve excellence as a coach, even if your gym and coaching environment aren’t ideal.
#1 – Learn From What Not To Do
If you believe the other coaches at your gym lack an essential skill set, for example, they don’t teach enough, use this as a driving force to show up to every class with an excellent teaching plan. By doing so, you not only improve your skills but also set a positive example for your peers, potentially inspiring them to improve.
#2 – Videotape Your Classes
It’s easy to videotape your entire class and use the tools already published in TPC to evaluate your performance. You could also share your recording with a coach you admire, no matter where they live and coach, and ask for feedback.
#3 – Give Yourself a Monthly Challenge
Setting personal goals is a great way to keep yourself motivated and accountable. For instance, you could aim to show up to class with a detailed plan every time or to address each participant by name at least once during class. Over time, these little goals add up, help keep you moving forward, and inspire you to try new things. You can make the other coaches aware of what your goal is and see if they want to join in.
#4 – Ask for Member Feedback on Your Classes
This is a powerful tool for gaining valuable insights into your coaching style. Ask specific questions like, “Are my classes fun/enjoyable?” and “What is my biggest strength as a coach?” Asking for and receiving feedback will help you improve and foster a sense of connection and engagement with your members.
This is probably the most underrated area of improvement. Can you move at least 10% better than the beginner, intermediate, or advanced member in your classes in all nine foundational movements? Is there a movement you cannot demo, like the muscle-up or the handstand push-up? Work at it, discover new progressions that work for you, and then bring them to your classes.
#7 – Visit Other Affiliates
If there’s a coach you admire, ask if you can shadow them for a week or weekend. Follow them around, see how they interact at their gym, take all their classes, and take notes. The more coaches you see, the more you will appreciate different styles and how members respond to them.
#8 – Read the Level 1 Training Guide and Pay Attention to the Details
Being a coach also means being an expert in the CrossFit methodology. Can you define CrossFit, fitness, health, technique, etc.?
#9 – Train Other Trainers
This might be counterintuitive initially, but learning to demystify how you coach by teaching others is one of the best ways to identify your own weaknesses. Also, raising the level around you will ensure you get more opportunities to be challenged.
If you go into the course with an open mind and an “I want to improve” attitude, you will have enough feedback during that weekend to practice with for the next three to five years of coaching.
Before we wrap it up, I’d be remiss if I didn’t include these two bonus activities.
Bonus #1 – Meet Your Frustration Head-On
Talk to the owner and/or your fellow coaches and see how they feel about the coach development, or lack thereof, happening at your gym. It might be an uncomfortable conversation, but it might also lead to a breakthrough.
Bonus #2 – Ask Yourself, “Is It Time To Move On?”
Just like it is for anyone working for a company who feels they’ve topped out and need to move on to new challenges, sometimes you realize that to get to the next level in your coach development, you need to make a move. What are you willing to do to become the best coach you can be?
Focusing on these strategies can help you continue to grow as a coach, even if you don’t look up to the other coaches or the owner of your gym. Personal growth and development are within your control, and by taking proactive steps, you can achieve excellence in your coaching practice. Remember, the journey to becoming a better coach is ongoing, and your commitment to self-improvement will benefit you and inspire and positively impact your members and clients.
Matthieu Dubreucq is a Seminar Staff Flowmaster for CrossFit’s Education Department and has been the owner of CrossFit Laval since 2008. It is now hosted by Matt’s Garage Training Club. He is a Certified CrossFit Coach (CF-L4), former Canadian Sailing Team athlete, Canadian Ski Alliance Level 3 Ski Instructor, and Canadian Yachting Association Level 4 Coach. He is a published kid’s book author of “Let’s Run, Allons Courir,” and in July 2024, he will publish his first nonfiction book co-authored with Christopher Dedeyan, “Play For Profit.”
Ask a Coach: How Do I Continue To Grow as a Coach When I Don’t Look up to My Fellow Coaches or My Gym’s Owner?