Being a frequent flyer doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice healthy nutrition habits.
Nicole Christensen, CrossFit Nutrition Course Director, has spent a significant amount of time on the road as part of CrossFit Seminar Staff.
To stay on track while on the go, she recommends visiting the grocery store as soon as you land and keeping a phone note of go-to portable meals so you don’t have to think about what you’re going to purchase.
Need help getting started? For breakfast, lunch, and snacks, she chooses:
Packages of berries
Cooked chicken breasts
Deli meats
Peanut butter packets
Oatmeal packets
Lara bars
Carrots & hummus
When traveling multiple days a week, she notes dinner should mirror what you eat at home so you can maintain consistency in your diet. Keep yourself on track with basics like salads, meats, and vegetables.
Continue learning with the CrossFit Nutrition I Course.
Traveling and Healthy Nutrition Habits