Nathan Smith: Choose Life

ByCrossFit December 30, 2018

Nathan Smith weighed 275 lb. by age 15. By 21, he had reached 400 lb.

Smith says his weight-loss efforts before CrossFit were futile.

“I would go on some extreme diet, and that’s just not sustainable,” he says. “It would work for about two weeks. … All that did was just leave me feeling more defeated.”

Smith says he frequently awoke with chest pains and experienced shortness of breath when tying his shoes. Realizing death might come knocking on his door if he didn’t make a change, he started walking for exercise and focused on his nutrition.

“I started to cut out the sweets, and the sugars and Coca-Colas,” he says. “Just that initial shock to the system was enough to start seeing some pretty big results.”

Smith lost 40 lb. on his own before finding Premier CrossFit in Tyler, Texas.

“I started CrossFitting every day (and) I saw some major results very quickly,” he says.

Since starting CrossFit, Smith has lost 150 lb.

“I used to be this huge guy that didn’t think he’d ever get here,” he says of his health and fitness. “The fact that I’m here is just amazing.”