Trust the Process

ByStephane RochetSeptember 25, 2024
Found in:Essentials

As CrossFit athletes, we know there’s always room to improve — whether it’s refining our technique, pacing ourselves, or maintaining form under fatigue. Additionally, the constant battle to optimize our nutrition and lifestyle to support our efforts in the gym can be overwhelming, especially when we’re eager to master it all right away.

But impatience can be our downfall. As highlighted in the CrossFit Journal article “Fundamentals, Virtuosity, and Mastery,” the urge to skip the basics and jump to advanced movements before we’re ready is a trap. Attempting overhead squats without perfecting the air squat, attempting muscle-ups without building strength in pull-ups and dips, or diving into complex diets without mastering basic nutrition principles can lead to injury, frustration, and stalled progress.

The key is to resist the urge to rush. Trust the process, master the fundamentals, and progress will follow.

Trusting the process looks like:

  1. Working out consistently 
  2. Putting forth your best effort
  3. Implementing sound nutrition practices

Workout Consistently

To get fitter, healthier, and more skilled at CrossFit, we must show up and do the work. One or two days a week is better than none, but progress will be slow. A sweet spot for many CrossFit members seems to be three to four days per week. This commitment provides the time needed to truly practice and master the basics. At the same time, fitness and health results accumulate quickly due to the balance of sufficient work and adequate recovery. Any additional workouts in the week are opportunities to ingrain the fundamentals even more. The key is to just keep showing up. 

Work Hard

To make the most of our sessions, we strive for intensity by pushing ourselves to be uncomfortable every day. No matter how we feel, we give the best effort we can summon that day, whether it’s lifting a challenging weight or finding a taxing pace. Working hard also includes diligent, deliberate practice to master a technique or skill. This work can be tedious and frustrating, but we put the time and effort in because we know it is necessary for us to move forward. We don’t get distracted by more advanced movements or “specialization” programs we’re not ready for yet or don’t need. We focus on conquering the step we’re on. Lastly, we listen to our coaches. We strive to apply their cues even when it’s a struggle or we’d rather be doing something else. We trust our coaches know what we need to get us where we want to be. So, we listen, absorb, and implement their feedback to the best of our ability every time.   

Sound Nutrition

What we do outside the gym is just as important as our workouts. Proper nutrition is critical for providing the energy required to fuel our efforts. Without a sound diet, we can’t maximize our results. All that is necessary here is to adopt a plan based on whole, unprocessed foods consumed properly to support our activity level. That is, we just need to dial in the quality and quantity of our food: Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. No keto strips, no overly restrictive protocols, no expensive supplement regimens. In conjunction with our nutrition plan, we must also attend to other lifestyle factors, making sure we get adequate sleep and have stress management strategies in place.

Focusing on these areas, to the exclusion of everything else, is trusting the process. By doing this over and over, day in and day out, we will achieve elite fitness and health beyond what we could have ever imagined. We will progress far further than if we deviate from this process and fail to master the basics.

There’s no way to shortcut or accelerate this fitness journey. Nor do we need to. As long as we show up, put the effort in, and implement good lifestyle habits, we get fitter and healthier every day and move toward our goals. Guaranteed. Knowing this allows us to trust the process and have fun with it. We can be confident we are doing it correctly for the best results. There is no pressure, no disappointment because we feel we are not progressing fast enough, but instead, the satisfaction of owning and mastering our health. 

We need to trust the process and reap the rewards. 

Tell Us About Your Experience!

  1. Do you sometimes have trouble trusting the process? How do you get your head back in the game?
  2. What advice do you offer clients or fellow CrossFitters who get stuck in doubt or frustration?

About the Author

Stephane Rochet smilingStephane Rochet is a Senior Content Writer for CrossFit. He has worked as a Flowmaster on the CrossFit Seminar Staff and has over 15 years of experience as a collegiate/tactical strength and conditioning coach. He is a Certified CrossFit Trainer (CF-L3) and enjoys training athletes in his garage gym.