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The Handstand Walk

Standing [and walking] on one’s hands dramatically alters the normal kinetic chain required for standing [and walking] on one’s feet. When standing, the hip is the focus of control and leverage. When in the handstand, the focus shifts to the shoulder. This shift not only helps develop “shoulders strong as hips” but also presents a set of unique demands on the body’s core. Hand walking and pressing to the handstand are gateway movements to much of the corpus of gymnastics movements, and gymnastics training, even of rudimentary movements, has no peer for core or neurological training.

WatchThe Handstand Walk

Training the GHD Sit-Up

CrossFit defines core strength as midline stabilization. Capacity with midline stabilization translates to improved efficiency and performance as well as greater power output. We use the GHD for four exercises that heighten awareness and develop this capacity: the hip extension, back extension, hip-and-back extension, and the GHD sit-up.

Read MoreTraining the GHD Sit-Up