

Workout of the Day


5 rounds, each for time, of:

20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squats

Rest precisely three minutes between rounds.

Post times to comments.
Compare to 201121.

This is a classic benchmark workout with the goal of staying relatively consistent each round. If unable to finish each movement in 3 sets or less, decrease the reps by 5-10 per movement.

Beginner Option:
3 rounds, each for time, of:
10 ring rows
15 push-ups
20 sit-ups
25 squats

Rest precisely three minutes between rounds.

Comments on 220111


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Doug Brubacher
June 12th, 2024 at 2:11 am
Commented on: 220111



Didn't rest between rounds.

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Joseph Vrba
July 7th, 2023 at 5:33 pm
Commented on: The Push-Up



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Gavin Young
April 13th, 2023 at 6:11 pm
Commented on: 220111

34:23 RX

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David Cruz
March 11th, 2023 at 6:50 pm
Commented on: The Push-Up


I first started Crossfit when my brother got back from deployment and told me about this workout site him and his buddies would do when they were sent all over the place, this must have been 2009 or '10 (i tried to look up but the leaderboard doesn't even go back that far anymore). anyway we did soley mainsite wods at globo gyms and later video submitted our open scores we were hooked. Many years later I've done lots of fitness since then but last week i was feeling nostalgic and wanted the oldschool feel of the .com so i logged in to see if y'all were still there and sure enough there you all were. this was my first solid week doin mainsite wods the feeling i get doin wods with basically anonymous people from around the world knowing we are in this together is a beautiful thing, thank you community. And thank you to Crossfit for keeping the mainsite wods up! these workouts continue to be simple beautiful brutal and elegant. to paraphrase 'one of the three ways to find meaning in life, is to have the right attitude in suffering' - Viktor Frankle, Mans search for meaning.


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Chris Meldrum
March 11th, 2023 at 8:19 pm

welcome back, i've been here since 2008 as well!

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Lincoln Kerger
March 11th, 2023 at 9:21 pm

Great to have you back! I've been following mainsite since 2007, but didn't start posting until 2020. I couldn't agree more that the community is awesome. Very well done today by the way!

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Nate Gordon
March 12th, 2023 at 2:48 am

awesome score, nice comment!

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Manchild Manchild
January 8th, 2023 at 11:01 pm
Commented on: 220111

3 rounds, and subbed 20 TJs for 40 sit-ups


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Sebastian Wieczorek
April 10th, 2022 at 5:51 am
Commented on: 220111

next day, midday

wu: bike, slihps

skill: kippings

wod: barbara

5 rnds

12 black band assisted strict pull ups

30 push ups

40 sit ups

50 air squats

3 min rest


post: walk, crosser, stretch, bike

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Clint Michael
April 8th, 2022 at 8:35 pm
Commented on: 220111

5:10, 5:58, 7:09, 7:01, 7:07

I still hate this WOD.

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Diego Iriberri
February 25th, 2022 at 5:55 pm
Commented on: 220111


12:32 (5:07)

21:03 (5:29)

30:31 (6:29)

40:24 (6:53)

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Mindaugas Talacka
February 11th, 2022 at 4:58 pm
Commented on: 220111

Managed to complete the workout in ~30min. each round was about 3.40-3.50


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Leonel Manzilla
February 4th, 2022 at 12:42 am
Commented on: 220111

3:29, 3:24, 3:58, 4:04, 4:24: 31:30

Male rx shit was cold af


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Jeff Chalfant
February 1st, 2022 at 10:16 pm
Commented on: 220111

34:56 as rx’d PR by 19 seconds-not quite as easy as last time though. Felt like ass going into each set of pull-ups cardio-wise, although I still managed to do them all unbroken-with a gymnastics kip. Arms close on pushups like demo. Broke pushups into 5 sets round 1 and 2 to save stamina and overall time, more breaks from there. Finished round 5 pushups with 5-5-5-4-3-3-3-2. Surprising ab pump with butterfly abmat sit-ups.

round times: 4:04/4:23/4:52/4:59/4:38


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Christian Simpson
January 27th, 2022 at 1:57 am
Commented on: 220111

3 rounds due to time...5:23/6:00/7:10

11/21/20: made up on 3/2/21:


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Nate Gordon
January 25th, 2022 at 10:46 pm
Commented on: 220111


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Jeffrey Howard
January 22nd, 2022 at 1:35 pm
Commented on: 220111


CrossFit AFK

36:20 - Rx (R1 - 4:17, rested to 7:17, R2 - 12:07, rested to 15:07, R3 - 20:14, rested to 23:14, R4 - 28:28, rested to 31:28, R5 - 36:20. Did R1 of pull-ups and push-ups in sets of 5s + whatever small set is needed to finish it out, R2 was sets of 6's, then R3 was sets of 7's, then R4 was sets of 8's, and finally did 9's to finish out R5. Ab-mat sit-ups and squats were all unbroken, slowed down during the sit-ups from round to round. On 201121 I finished in 44:32.)

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Robert Watterson
January 21st, 2022 at 4:51 pm
Commented on: The Kipping Pull-Up

I feel the kipping pull-up and the strict pull-up accomplish different things physically and are very different when programed in a workout.

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Dan Morris
January 20th, 2022 at 5:35 pm
Commented on: 220111

~45 minutes

43 / 6’0 / 195

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Ralph Keeley
January 17th, 2022 at 4:37 am
Commented on: 220111


First day back after being down for a bit with a cold. Decided to modify this one and go until it started to feel weird.

Ended up doing 8 rounds of 10/15/20/25 with a 2:00 rest between.

Deo gratias

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Anton Gross
January 14th, 2022 at 12:42 am
Commented on: 220111

M/ 47/ 138 lbs/ 5’-6”

As Rx:


5 rounds of:

20 pull ups

30 push-ups

40 sit ups

50 air squats

Rest exactly 3:00 times between rounds.

3:00, 2:58, 3:12, 3:24, 3,26

Completed last round in 27:44.

Not too bad. I really felt. In situps the most. I also broke up last two rounds of push ups . Squats felt easy and pull ups were not too bad either.

Sit ups were hard in 4th round and really hard in last round. I haven’t done this WOD in a really long time.

I would have thought the pull ups would be more challenging than normal because I did it on my thick indoor pull up bar.

Mentally I break the larger sets into quick bursts of 4&5 instead of thinking of doing 40 or 50. This way I’m just going quickly to do 4-5 and then do that for 8-10 sets but you only think of 1-5 and then count the sets. For me that helps. Large sets an get mentally draining.

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Jon Friedland
January 13th, 2022 at 11:00 pm
Commented on: 220111

PR (2 this week!)

1/15/22: 32.00 10,20,30,40

11/23/20: 32.52: 10, 20 30, 40. 4.24; 4.08; 4.45; 3.40(?); 3.55

7/4/17: 39:00 no squats bc triathlon

11/18/12: 53 min flat

8/1/11: 6.35 6.46 8.41 7.59 11.49 = 53.50

5/5/10: Half the reps. 60# pu assist. 2.11, 2.15, 2.01, 2.22, 2.10

Early 09: 6.30 6.21 7.01 6.57 8.07. = 46.55

Prior: 701, 704, 644, 906, 931 with 40lb assist on pullups.


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Steve Day
January 13th, 2022 at 5:16 pm
Commented on: 220111

3:10, 3:30, 3:59, 3:29, 3:34

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Fabian Delaflor
January 13th, 2022 at 12:06 pm
Commented on: 220111

5 Rds each for time:

first round was

15 pull up’s

25 push ups

40 sit ups

50 squats

time: 5:27

second round and on adjusted to:

10 pull ups

20 push ups

30 sit ups

40 squats

time: 4:36

third round: 4:27

fourth round: 4:35

fifth round: 4:46

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Antonio Alves
January 12th, 2022 at 9:33 pm
Commented on: 220111


20 inverted rows

30 kneeling push-ups

40 abmat butterfly sit-ups

50 squats

SCORE: R1: 6'58'' / R2: 7'25'' / R3: 7'13'' / R4: 7'32'' / R5: 6'55''

201121: R1: 7'57'' / R2: 7'27'' / R3: 7'18'' / R4: 6'48'' / R8: 8'33''


Still slow, but definitely felt "easier" this time.

12 km hilly run yesterday made squats even slower than usual

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Coastie Nick
January 12th, 2022 at 8:57 pm
Commented on: 220111


Rd.1: 2:34

Rd. 2: 2:39

Rd. 3: 2:46

Rd. 4: 2:49

Rd. 5: 3:00

(25:48 total)

201121: 2:38, 2:44, 2:54, 2:58, 2:57 (26:11 total)

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Az Native
January 12th, 2022 at 5:02 pm
Commented on: 220111

5:18,5:00,5:50,6:03,6:14. Forearms still pretty sore so subbed 100lb cable row for PU. Time sucked, but first time doing all 5 rounds in a long time. Just have to embrace the suck!

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Patrik Hermansson
January 12th, 2022 at 4:48 pm
Commented on: 220111

3 rounds, each for time, of:

10 strict pullup

15 push-ups

20 sit-ups

25 squats


3:05, 3:12, 3:17

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Thomas Aug
January 12th, 2022 at 1:43 pm
Commented on: 220111

4 rounds, gym was crowded so only got a good time on first round. After that someone took matt and space for sit-ups, so I had to find another matt and space each round.

Round 1,3&4 substituted ring rows, round 2 did weight assisted pull-ups.

4:50 for round 1.

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Igor Shirchkov
January 12th, 2022 at 4:58 am
Commented on: 220111

6 pull-ups

15 push-ups

20 sit-ups

25 squats

Rest precisely three minutes between rounds.


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James Gentile
January 12th, 2022 at 3:16 am
Commented on: 220111

As RXd in the high teens here in SEPA. kipping PU, butterfly sit-ups (no ab mat), unanchored.






31:32 when it was all said and done (not adding in the 3 minutes of rest after the 5th round).

unbroken on everything the first 2 rounds, i have no idea how the 2nd round was that much slower, but I think I really must have slowed down on the sit-ups. 3rd round had a break on push-ups. Last two rounds had breaks on pull and push-ups. I knew the last round was going to be bad.

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David Smith
January 12th, 2022 at 2:59 am
Commented on: 220111


10 strict pull up

20 push up

20 sit up

50 squats

2:58 3:19 4:19 4:23 4:17


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Randy Crooker
January 12th, 2022 at 2:24 am
Commented on: 220111








compare to 11-21-20


3:34, 4:35, 5:55, 6:11, 6:32


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Mike Munsee
January 12th, 2022 at 12:15 am
Commented on: 220111

M 51/195/6’

Took 5 reps off each exercise.

31:27 total time including

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Sam K
January 11th, 2022 at 10:59 pm
Commented on: 220111

5 rounds of:

20 Pull-ups

30 Push-ups

40 AbMat Sit-Ups

50 Air Squats

3min rest

3:19, 3:58, 4:31, 5:15🤢, 4:47

Rx: 21:50


Think half the time was just squats 2 at a time 😮‍💨

Son(teen, 160lbs):

10 pull up

15 push up

30 sit up

50 squats


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Charlie Pokorny
January 11th, 2022 at 10:06 pm
Commented on: 220111

3:36 - 3:51 - 3:53 - 3:51 - 3:36 = 30:47 total Rx'd

Kipping PU, unanchored SU


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David Whiteman
January 11th, 2022 at 5:52 pm
Commented on: 220111

Half Barbara

5 rounds, each for time, of:

10 pull-ups (strict - doing my best to stop kipping all movements including HSPU)

15 push-ups

20 sit-ups (butterfly with ab-mat)

25 air squats

Rest precisely one and half minutes between rounds.

2:46; 3:05; 3:22; 3;29; 3:45 with total time with rest at 22:30


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Mja 204
January 11th, 2022 at 5:44 pm
Commented on: 220111

M / 37 / 86.5kg

Scaled 3 sets x (Strict Pull-ups x 15 / PU x 30 / ab mat sit-ups x 40 / Air Squat x 50)

Set 1 = 5:30 / Set 2 = 5:45 / set 3 = 5:47 - Total = 26:02

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Jonathan Elmore
January 11th, 2022 at 5:05 pm
Commented on: 220111

I don’t know about anyone else but I have an overwhelming fear of competing mainly when it comes to competing with myself. But if feels Great when you win! All with ab mat






total time with breaks 31:24

compared 201121






190817 first started CF






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Jim Rix
January 11th, 2022 at 5:17 pm

Nice progress!

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Chris Sinagoga
January 11th, 2022 at 7:13 pm

I feel you man. I used to get really nervous before some football and basketball games and track races, and the nerves competing with myself on a workout can get even worse.

For me it comes from two things: 1, don't want to face the prospect of thinking I did "worse" and 2, I know what it costed last time to put up the score, and I know what it will cost this time to put up a better one.

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Mike Andridge
January 11th, 2022 at 7:17 pm

Yup! I didn't look at compare to's until after the wod. Mentally it helps me with the "slow is smooth, smooth is fast" mindset.

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Jonathan Elmore
January 11th, 2022 at 7:46 pm

Thanks guys for the responses. Much appreciate

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Emily Jenkins
January 12th, 2022 at 11:22 am

Chris any tips on how to affront those mental barriers?

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Jim Rix
January 11th, 2022 at 4:46 pm
Commented on: 220111

4 rounds

subbed knee raises for sit-ups

3:56 - 3:38 - 3:46 - 3:46

On vacation in Cabo…I deserve a one-round break!!

112120: rx, all rounds in the 3:50s except r5 at 4:02. Sit-ups definitely slower than knee raises.


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Mike Andridge
January 11th, 2022 at 5:24 pm

Have fun Jim!!

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Charles Meyers
January 11th, 2022 at 1:23 pm
Commented on: 220111

Beginner Option:

3 rounds, each for time, of:

10 ring rows

15 push-ups

20 sit-ups

25 squats


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John Clarke
January 11th, 2022 at 12:03 pm
Commented on: 220111

Brought this inside, 4* windchill. Had to ditch the pull-ups:

5 rounds:

30 pushups

40 hollow rocks

50 squats


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Mike Andridge
January 11th, 2022 at 11:57 am
Commented on: 220111

Barbara rx

abmat sit ups-unanchored







For my notes--today was in the basement w/normal pull up bar---not in the garage w/ a yoke fat bar for pull ups. Made a huge difference.

Compare to June 2017






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Daniel Robinson
January 11th, 2022 at 11:37 am
Commented on: 220111


5 rds ea. for time @ 1/2 reps






*1:1 rest

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Alfred Leutl
January 11th, 2022 at 10:52 am
Commented on: 220111

33,12 R.X

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QiHui Xing
January 11th, 2022 at 3:33 am
Commented on: 220111

201121:RX:36'40''.1R: 3'36'',2R: 4'19'',3R: 5'21'',4R: 5'44'',5R: 5'50''.(butterfly)https://youtu.be/RTCcjkIB8UA

220111:RX:38'40''.1R: 4'42'',2R: 5'10'',3R: 5'32'',4R: 5'53'',5R: 5'22''.(strict pull-up)https://youtu.be/hSRZKFpkNIY

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Chris Sinagoga
January 11th, 2022 at 2:31 am
Commented on: 220111

Champions Club Scaling Notes


"Name the original CrossFit benchmark video with Jolene as the soundtrack."

^^That was the original taunt I directed towards Mel earlier today, hoping to cover up for the fact that I had been stumped for the previous 20 minutes trying to remember off the top of my head. Unfortunately my plan was exposed when he asked for a hint, and all I said was "something with Greg Amundson?" So I frantically went down the YouTube rabbit hole trying to beat Mel to the video. I was distracted, however, when I accidentally clicked on a video I'd never heard of: a Dolly Parton/Kenny Rogers duet called Islands in the Stream. While I was sulking in my despair, the hook came on about a minute in and I completely lost my shit. Some nerdy record label dude in 1997 heard that, that, and the first thing he said was, "Somebody get Ol' Dirty Bastard on the phone. I have an idea..."


Long and light. Stamina plays a huge factor in the individual movements, but not too much in one movement to the next. Mainly, though, a test of our gymnastics stamina recovery.


Jesus is calling you.


Take the test as listed, or scale to hit the desired intensity outcome?


Sub 20 kips for pull-ups, and maybe do hollow rocks for sit-ups? Otherwise do as listed and stop when for the form goes in a permanent wrong direction.


As listed


Divide pull-ups and push-ups however you want each round.


I did another variation of yesterday's workout, this time at a higher intensity.

GENERAL FEAR LEVEL: I say 9 because I think this has to be in your wheelhouse to be a 10. Mel says a 10. Doesn't matter wither way, General Fear Level for this is being in an interrogation room with Method Man, 15 boxes of pizza, and a sewing machine.

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Chris Meldrum
January 11th, 2022 at 2:40 am

Yup, Barbara is the worst. Ain't seen that b*tch in 12 years and don't plan on seeing her over the next 12 neither.

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Greg Glassman
January 4th, 2020 at 11:30 pm
Commented on: The Kipping Pull-Up

If you cannot do five consecutive strict muscle-ups, learning to kip is counterproductive. As an historical aside, I'd deemphasize the kipping pull-up were we to do things again.

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Jade Teasdale
January 5th, 2020 at 11:05 pm

I imagine you might feel the same with kipping HSPU?

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Greg Glassman
January 6th, 2020 at 4:38 pm

Basically, that is correct, Jade. The kipping pull-up is an ineluctable consequence of high rep strict pull-ups. Before an athlete gets to 40 pull-ups the kip arises spontaneously. It doesn't need to be taught and perhaps should not be.

My thoughts on the "kipping" HSPU can be found here:


I am not a fan of the "kipping" HSPU!

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Jon Friedland
January 13th, 2022 at 11:10 pm

Thanks Coach (CrossFit has changed my life). Is this because of risk of injury or just wrong trajectory for progression. I always liked the kipping pull up because it allowed me to get much more volume and i figure it builds coordination, strength and flexibility amongst a bunch of muscle groups big and small. Full disclosure: i can't do 5 strict MUs and probably never will. JonNYC (XF since 2008).

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Mariah Sabioni
February 21st, 2023 at 10:45 am

What are your thoughts now regarding this early publication on the CrossFit journal? Anything that you would put forward differently? http://library.crossfit.com/free/pdf/32_05_Kipping_Pullup.pdf

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Katina Thornton
February 12th, 2019 at 3:24 am
Commented on: The Push-Up

I have struggled with keeping my elbows in close to my body. Form is so important and it is worth the extra effort to do these movements properly.

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January 15th, 2019 at 3:16 pm
Commented on: The Air Squat

I have a pain on the interior portion of my right knee when I try to squat below the knee hinge. Any ideas on building that up so that I can squat fully?

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Adam Coleman
January 16th, 2019 at 9:27 pm

I had similar problems awhile back. I did alot of work with bands. Clamshells. Lateral shuffle. Banded squats (slow squat, concentrate on pushing the knees out). Worked pretty well for me, but I'm not PT or other expert by any means.

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Brady Scanlan
January 17th, 2019 at 12:41 pm

I would definitely see your doctor about it. No sense making a bad problem worse. I'm guessing he will recommend seeing a physiotherapist. Mine did amazing things for my shoulder.

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Kareem Elbasty
February 22nd, 2024 at 9:42 pm

Try creating ground tension backwards while lowering into your squat. MeatHeadMonk on ig if you need help understand what that means.

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