

Workout of the Day


For time:

100 hip-back extensions

Each time you break a set or rest at the bottom, stop and perform 15 wall-ball shots.

♀ 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target
♂ 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target

Post time to comments.
Compare to 191017.

This workout challenges the stamina and control of the midline while fatigued. The wall-ball “penalties” will encourage large sets of hip-back extensions, but don’t surrender the quality of your movement on this exercise.

Intermediate Option:
For time:
70 hip-back extensions

Each time you break a set or rest at the bottom, stop and perform 15 wall-ball shots.

♀ 10-lb. ball ♂ 16-lb. ball

Beginner Option:
For time:
50 hip-back extensions

Each time you break a set or rest at the bottom, stop and perform 10 wall-ball shots. Rest 30 seconds after each set of wall-ball shots.

♀ 6-lb. ball ♂ 12-lb. ball

Comments on 210814


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Doug Brubacher
December 13th, 2023 at 1:07 am
Commented on: 210814

CFWUx2 5 hbe sub for BE


5*20 hbe

4*15 wb

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Jeremy Maillet
November 9th, 2022 at 3:42 am
Commented on: 210814

22:28 Rx

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Clint Michael
November 16th, 2021 at 12:36 pm
Commented on: 210814

16:45 - Rx’d

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Sebastian Wieczorek
October 2nd, 2021 at 7:50 am
Commented on: 210814

September 30th, 2021*

wu: bike, pvc, scales

skill: db variations

wod: 5 rnds

15 leg back extensions on box (no ghd)

15 sg db thruster 15 kg (no wall)


post: bike, stretch

* Seven days off between this and the prior wod: regeneration, focus, motivation.

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Ruthie Lloyd
September 22nd, 2021 at 12:45 pm
Commented on: 210814


Back ext in sets of 20

60 wall balls (4 sets)


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Jeff Chalfant
September 4th, 2021 at 8:51 pm
Commented on: 210814

23:27-or37 I forget. Last time 13:51...

8 sets of wallballs this time...6 last time I think. Largest was 14 and smallest was 8...last time 16 and 11. Unbroken wallballs again but this time I felt them in my lower back. Don’t remember feeling that last time.

Rested a bit more this time before hip-back extensions in addition to taking 2 extra breaks and I think my added fatigue and time may have been due in part to a slower tempo on execution...low back smoked.


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Jesse Montagnino
August 27th, 2021 at 6:04 pm
Commented on: 210814

9:08 rx

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Mario Cruz
August 27th, 2021 at 12:11 am
Commented on: 210814




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Morgan Greene
August 26th, 2021 at 12:17 pm
Commented on: 210814


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Courtney Guthrie
August 25th, 2021 at 10:09 pm
Commented on: 210814

13:50 s


5 breaks



CrossFit AFK

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Ralph Keeley
August 25th, 2021 at 5:31 am
Commented on: 210814


21:19 Rx

(135 wall-ball shots)

Deo gratias

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Leonel Manzilla
August 23rd, 2021 at 2:10 am
Commented on: 210814







15 x6 90 wbs

20 lb 10ft


Male 23y 175cm 82kg

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Jeffrey Howard
August 22nd, 2021 at 5:58 pm
Commented on: 210814


CrossFit AFK

16:20 - Rx (6 breaks)

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Brett Eckles
August 20th, 2021 at 10:33 am
Commented on: 210814

13:40 Rx

4 sets of 25 reps


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Tassio De Souza
August 20th, 2021 at 9:55 am
Commented on: 210814

6'15" RX

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Jeffery Powell
August 17th, 2021 at 1:12 pm
Commented on: 210814

8:59, beginner. Much harder than I anticipated.

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Chin-Sheng Chou
August 17th, 2021 at 4:15 am
Commented on: 210814

RX, 28:17


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James Gentile
August 17th, 2021 at 12:19 am
Commented on: 210814

completed 8/15. Subbed 45lb good mornings and 10lb wall ball as high as I could throw it.

5:29 with x2 rounds of wall balls.

Felt like I missed the point with this WOD, but it was still a good workout. Followed it with 8/15's WOD.

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Az Native
August 16th, 2021 at 4:24 pm
Commented on: 210814

7:35, broke at 33,55,76,100 so did 3 rounds of the WB. Last was 9:35 with 4 breaks

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Christian Simpson
August 16th, 2021 at 12:20 pm
Commented on: 210814

Hip ext on my bench. 3 rounds...4:50

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Lincoln Kerger
August 15th, 2021 at 7:28 pm
Commented on: 210814

Rx'd (ish)


No GHD rack, just the Roman Chair. Been out several days due to a leg infection - good to get back into it to some extent.

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QiHui Xing
August 15th, 2021 at 3:44 am
Commented on: 210814
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Troy Bruun
August 14th, 2021 at 11:26 pm
Commented on: 210814

19 mile XC MTB Race 1:36.51

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Aj Hanson
August 14th, 2021 at 10:04 pm
Commented on: 210814

first workout

-400m run w/ clean 185 x10 rounds

my time:35:28

95 clean 400m run x10 rounds

wifes time : 31:43

second workout

100 hip-back extensions

15 wall balls 20#

my time: 10:01

15wall balls 14#

wifes time 11:11

final workout bench press

65% 75% 5 reps 1 rep 85% max


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Jim Rix
August 14th, 2021 at 10:02 pm
Commented on: 210814

12:56 Rx, with 45 wall balls

191017: 60 with 45 thrusters, 45#, in 9:15

170703: 15:12 rx


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Nicole Deaver
August 14th, 2021 at 7:14 pm
Commented on: 210814



100 Good Mornings (45#)

2 sets of 15 Wall Balls (10#) (@ 50 reps & 100 reps)

Compare: 9:07 3 sets of wall balls

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Charlie Pokorny
August 14th, 2021 at 6:21 pm
Commented on: 210814

15:12 Rx'd (HBE in 7 sets)


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Dan Kremer
August 14th, 2021 at 5:18 pm
Commented on: 210814

4 rds

25 Supermans

15 WB


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Coastie Nick
August 14th, 2021 at 4:12 pm
Commented on: 210814

Rx’d: 6:25

191017: 7:10

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Michael Arko
August 14th, 2021 at 4:08 pm
Commented on: 210814

Subbed 16lbs dumbbell thrusters for wallballs



6 breaks = 90 thrusters


1) Tuck that shirt in! *On 2nd shift, my shirt fell over my head, forced a break at 7 reps.

2) Push past the mental limit -- every round could be more like **that last one.

3) Slower is better -- pushing the HBE pace equals bad form and a quick burnout.

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Charles Meyers
August 14th, 2021 at 3:31 pm
Commented on: 210814

Beginner Option:

For time: 11:40,5x10 wall balls

50 hip-back extensions 5x10

Each time you break a set or rest at the bottom, stop and perform 10wall-ball shots. Rest 30 seconds after each set of wall-ball shots.

♀ 6-lb. ball ♂ 12-lb. ball

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Erik Dresner
August 14th, 2021 at 2:29 pm
Commented on: 210814

5 rounds for time:

30 Superman (1” hold at top)

20 DB thrusters (2x20# DBs)


I could never justify the purchase of a GHD machine. Too big and too expensive for something I would only use for hip and/or back extensions. (GHD sit-ups and my back don’t get along.)

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Joe Conradi
August 14th, 2021 at 2:13 pm
Commented on: 210814


2x15# DBs thrusters for wall balls


(Total of 3 sets)

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Jonathan Elmore
August 14th, 2021 at 1:46 pm
Commented on: 210814

29:26 I think I did 11 rounds of 10 Oh well. The last half I did 20 wall balls. My transitions were really slow from being so dizzy (head rush). Fun One! Thanks CF

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Antonio Alves
August 14th, 2021 at 1:28 pm
Commented on: 210814

Modified, using 2x 7,5 kg dumbbells


For time:

100 russian DB swings

For each break, 15 DB thrusters.

SCORE: 10'17''. Sets of 30 / 25 / 15 / 20 / 10 swings. 4 x 15 thrusters.


Thought I could do the swings in 2 or 3 sets max, but it was almost 30° C before 8am... really tough....😰

Practiced good mornings with DB as warm-up. Did a few more sets after. In all, around 100 thrusters and 140 swings.

Despite the heat, nice and solid WOD.

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Steve Day
August 14th, 2021 at 12:48 pm
Commented on: 210814

For quality/untimed

broke into sets of 20

75 20# wall balls

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Katina Thornton
August 14th, 2021 at 2:20 am
Commented on: Workout Tips

Thank you, Alex, for encouraging movement virtuosity over time, particularly in relation to the spine.

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Chris Sinagoga
August 14th, 2021 at 1:02 am
Commented on: 210814

Champions Club Scaling Notes


For a reference, I would consider a Just a Workout CrossFit WOD as a 7 out of 10 in General Fear Level; a 7 meaning you are lying on your back after and short of breath. Most typical AMRAP in 20 workouts with a GMW combination will give you that. An 8 is the same but the lying on the ground is the kind where no position you put yourself in is comfortable; fetal position is tough on the legs, on your side is tough on the arms, on your back makes you dizzy, so you just end up squirming around for like 10 or 15 minutes. A 9 is all the above plus a headache and nausea. A 10 is... yeah, if you've been there you know. On the other end, a 6 gives you a workout feel but you have the ability to stand in the immediate aftermath. A 5 is right on that border of wanting to do it and not wanting to do it; a set of 5 back squats feels that way after the 3rd rep. And lower than that usually has a lot to do with stamina playing a factor in your intensity feel. Or it's a testing day.


Using jumping with a rather large range of motion to punish for a lack of stamina in the midline. Specific themes also include squatting without connection, pushing with an accuracy component, global flexion/extension.


Is my midline control/strength/stamina good enough to make this workout format a good choice for the day?


Do 150 wallballs for time, each time you stop the rhythm perform 30 hollow rocks


As is, just go slower than you want to on the hip-back extensions.


2 rounds of:

Max reps wallballs

15 slow hip-back extensions

Rest as needed between rounds


Didn't really keep track of time, but I used a 14-lb. ball and did about 60 hip-back extensions and 40 hip extensions.


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