In 15 minutes, complete as much as possible of:
1 deadlift
50-m run
2 deadlifts
100-m run
3 deadlifts
150-m run
4 deadlifts
200-m run
♀ 185 lb. ♂ 275 lb.
Post total completed to comments.
Choose a load that is challenging but that you can complete unbroken for the first few rounds. As the reps and distances increase, plan on smaller sets with short breaks to maintain intensity for as long as possible.
Intermediate Option:
In 15 minutes, complete as much as possible of:
1 deadlift
50-m run
2 deadlifts
100-m run
3 deadlifts
150-m run
4 deadlifts
200-m run
♀ 125 lb. ♂ 185 lb.
Beginner Option:
In 10 minutes, complete as much as possible of:
1 deadlift
50-m run
2 deadlifts
100-m run
3 deadlifts
150-m run
4 deadlifts
200-m run
♀ 75 lb. ♂ 115 lb.
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