Commented on: Dr. Jim McCarter: The Top Myths About Ketosis Debunked by Clinical Trials
It was very pleasant talk by Dr.Jim Mccarter and he has hihlighted many of the myths about keto .As mentioned ,its myth that keto will deplete muscle glycogen and As explained by Dr.Jim Mccarter that trials has shown no change in muscle glycogen .But that trials was on ultra mrathon or runners (long distance athletes)where predominat energy source is fats . Whats will be in case of explosive athletes ? or who trains under ATP/CP will have same effect?
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Olivia Leonard
December 30th, 2019 at 1:26 am
Commented on: 191226
Several poets have considered this striking Brueghel painting in ekphrastic poems, as linked here. It’s cool to compare their various interpretations alongside the painting itself.
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Brian Mulvaney
December 27th, 2019 at 1:59 pm
Commented on: Dr. Jim McCarter: The Top Myths About Ketosis Debunked by Clinical Trials
It was truly a pleasure to be present for this talk. Jim McCarter has a light touch and a DEEP command of the facts. No keto myth survives contact with this investigator.
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