7 sets for load of:
1 snatch-grip deadlift
1 snatch pull
1 snatch
1 overhead squat
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a heavy day with a snatch complex. The goal is to build across each set, working up as heavy as possible. Keep in mind that heavy is relative to each person's capacity and technique. Do not increase the loading if safety or technique are in jeopardy. As you complete each set, a regrip is allowed between the deadlift and snatch pull, and after the snatch pull. However, do not spend more than 10 seconds between movements. The snatch can be performed as a power or squat variation.
Reduce the loading of the barbell to maintain the integrity of each movement.
To reduce the complexity of the movement, reduce the load to an empty barbell or PVC pipe. For the snatch, perform a hang power snatch.
In case of an injury or limitation, perform this complex with a clean variation (clean-grip deadlift, clean pull, clean, and front squat). This complex can also be performed with a single dumbbell. For the overhead squat, consider an overhead lunge if overhead mobility is limited.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
Same as Rx’d.
Coaching cues:
Use the hips and legs to drive the barbell up, then press under the bar to receive it as high as possible. As the load increases, expect to receive the bar in a lower squat.
The Snatch
The Power Snatch
What Is a Snatch?
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