Complete as many reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
1,200-meter ruck
24 toes-to-bars
12 push jerks
Max box step-ups with your ruck in the remaining time
♀ 125-lb barbell, 30-lb ruck, and 20-inch box
♂ 185-lb barbell, 45-lb ruck, and 24-inch box
Post total step-ups reps to comments.
Today’s chipper-style workout challenges you to get through the first three exercises before you can earn a score. If you want more time with the box step-ups, you need to move quickly. Athletes should reduce the distance of the ruck, the difficulty of the toes-to-bars, and the load of the push jerks to give themselves at least 90 seconds to perform max reps of the box step-ups with the ruck. Some athletes could have several minutes, but that means they need to be moving! Athletes should start with the ruck, take it off for the toes-to-bars and push jerks, and then put the ruck back on for the box step-ups.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
1,200-meter ruck
24 knees-to-armpits
12 push jerks
Max box step-ups with your ruck in the remaining time
♀ 95-lb barbell, 20-lb ruck, 20-inch box
♂ 135-lb barbell, 30-lb ruck, and 24-inch box
Beginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
800-meter run
24 hanging knee raises
12 push presses
Max box step-ups in the remaining time
♀ 35-lb barbell and 20-inch box
♂ 45-lb barbell and a 24-inch box
Get GORUCK Ballistic Trainers™
An Intro to Rucking — Get Started
The Toes-to-bar
The Push Jerk
The Push Press
Drills for the Toes-to-bar
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Featured photo:
Taken by Nam Vo of Jeff Adler at the 2022 Atlas Games in Montréal, Canada.
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