

Workout of the Day


Tabata back squats, 65/95 lb.
Rest 1 minute
Tabata L-sit
Rest 1 minute
Tabata ring rows
Rest 1 minute
Tabata handstand hold
Rest 1 minute
Tabata row

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for eight intervals. For the L-sit and handstand hold, count the number of seconds maintained in the hold.

Post total reps/seconds/calories for each exercise to comments. Compare to 201105.

Reduce the load on the back squat to allow you to keep moving for the full 20 seconds. For the L-sit, find a variation with which you can perform at least a 20-second hold. For the ring rows, find a foot position that allows you to complete 10 consecutive reps. Moving the feet farther away will increase the difficulty. If you are unable to kick up to a handstand, select a modification that allows you to develop strength in an inverted position.

Intermediate Option:
Tabata back squats, 45/65 lb.
Rest 1 minute
Tabata L-sit
Rest 1 minute
Tabata ring rows
Rest 1 minute
Tabata handstand hold against wall
Rest 1 minute
Tabata row

Beginner Option:
Tabata air squats
Rest 1 minute
Tabata knee tuck on parallettes
Rest 1 minute
Tabata ring rows
Rest 1 minute
Tabata pike hold
Rest 1 minute
Tabata row

Comments on 210615


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Doug Brubacher
October 8th, 2023 at 11:00 pm
Commented on: 210615


7-8secs-6*-17secs-54(sum cals)

*Started at 9, then 8, then 7, finished at 6 per rnd

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Clint Michael
September 1st, 2021 at 1:11 am
Commented on: 210615


L sits-92

Ring rows-49

Handstand holds-76

No rower, so SDHP-72

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Sebastian Wieczorek
July 21st, 2021 at 3:39 pm
Commented on: 210615

July 20th, 2021

wu: bike, pvc, bar

skill: hs

wod: tab. bsq 25 kg = 66 reps

1 min rest

tab. hollow hold

1 min rest

tab. ring row = 74 reps

1 min rest

tab. hs hold box 71'

1 min rest

tab. ski cal = 36 cal

post: bike, stretching

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Jeff Chalfant
July 7th, 2021 at 2:35 am
Commented on: 210615

57 squats (pr is 67)

80 seconds L sit on floor 2x05s/round

54 ring rows no angle/feet on floor

80 seconds free handstands

52 calories

Felt tired today, ate badly, worked out late, performed as expected.


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Blas Raventos
June 29th, 2021 at 1:26 pm
Commented on: 210615

My scaling:

BS with 37.5kg

Tuck L - sits

Free Handstands - as rxd

DU, subbed no rowing machine

Ring rows

My score: 663 reps total.

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Jeffrey Howard
June 29th, 2021 at 1:45 am
Commented on: 210615


CrossFit AFK


(84reps, 95lb)


(143sec, Tuck hold from a hang)


(41reps, feet set just above rings on a 30in box)


(160sec, handstand on wall)



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Courtney Guthrie
June 28th, 2021 at 9:55 pm
Commented on: 210615


45# back squat

alt one straight one bent l sit on floor with hands out front

ring rows feet under rings

handstand hold on wall

cal row


CrossFit AFK

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Aaron Brumit
June 26th, 2021 at 4:55 pm
Commented on: 210615

Scaled squats to 65 lbs, L-sits to tucked knees, and handstand hold to heels lightly touching wall

Squat 80, sits 125, ring row 59, handstand 130, row 44

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Mario Cruz
June 25th, 2021 at 12:48 am
Commented on: 210615

Backsquats 70

Lsit (parallels) 115seg

ring rows (feet elevated) 49 Reps

handstand hold (free) 56seg

row Cals 54

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Ralph Keeley
June 23rd, 2021 at 6:00 am
Commented on: 210615


Back squats: 83

L-sit: 80 seconds

Ring rows: 50

Handstand hold: 141 seconds

Row: 65 calories

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Damien Leroux
June 22nd, 2021 at 1:42 pm
Commented on: 210615

Tabata back squats, 65/95 lb. (69reps)

Rest 1 minute

Tabata L-sit (6 unbroken/1 broken/1unbroken)

Rest 1 minute

Tabata ring rows (54 reps)

Rest 1 minute

Tabata handstand hold (0 unbroken)

Rest 1 minute

Tabata row (75~76 calories)


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Sam Meixell
June 21st, 2021 at 11:48 am
Commented on: 210615

Tabata back squats, 95 lb. - 44 reps

Tabata L-sit - 90 sec

Tabata ring rows - 40 reps

Tabata handstand hold - 80 secs

Tabata row - 44 cal

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Matt Jones
June 20th, 2021 at 10:20 pm
Commented on: 210615


ring row-38


hs hold-107



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Erik Dresner
June 18th, 2021 at 3:47 pm
Commented on: 210615

BS 95#: 72 reps (8-8-9-9-9-9-10-10)

L sit: 10”/round

Ring row: 51 reps (9-8-6-6-6-5-5-6) (PR!)

HS hold: 20”/round

Row: 68 reps (8-9-9-9-8-8-8-9) (5 better than last time, but 10 short of PR with fresher legs)

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Sean Rockett
June 18th, 2021 at 12:18 am
Commented on: Why Doctors Recommend (and Do) CrossFit: Movement Is Life

Great article. Nicely summarized.

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Lincoln Kerger
June 17th, 2021 at 4:23 am
Commented on: 210615

BS - 70 (95#)

L-sit (dip bars) - 83 sec

RR - 59 (had to do this on a bar bell)

HH (back to wall) - 104 sec

Row - 59 cal

Compare to:


BS - 67 (95#)

L-sit (hanging) - 86 sec

RR - 78 is listed but that can't be right, was probably 58

HH (back to wall) - 92 sec

SDHP for row - 71 (65#)

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Troy Bruun
June 16th, 2021 at 1:48 am
Commented on: 210615

5 mile Trail Run @ Laurentian Divide


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Kevin Marshall
June 16th, 2021 at 12:11 am
Commented on: 210615

Had to scale quite a bit bc of gym equipment, plus apartment gyn was packed did tabatas for everything:

Air squats kept 14

Side plank left and rt switches 20 sec per

Push ups did 8s

Handstand hold off wall kept 20sec per

Row just rowed hard no realy counter the thing was weird

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Antonio Alves
June 15th, 2021 at 11:10 pm
Commented on: 210615

Tabata back squats: 35 reps w/ 55# bar

Rest 1 minute

Tabata L-sit: 8* 20 seconds L-sit tuck holds

Rest 1 minute

Tabata inverted rows: 32 reps

Rest 1 minute

Tabata handstand hold: 4*45 seconds wall-facing holds, 15 seconds rest

Rest 1 minute

Tabata DB SDLHP: 64 reps w/ 2x20# DBs


Low energy day... sleep deprived and pressed for time. Pity, as I remember doing and really enjoying 201105. Not so much today.

5km easy run in the morning.

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Steve Day
June 15th, 2021 at 10:33 pm
Commented on: 210615

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Steve Day
June 15th, 2021 at 10:33 pm
Commented on: 210615

84/ 108 sec / 61/ 160 sec / 62 cal

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Nathan Goisnard
June 15th, 2021 at 10:21 pm
Commented on: 210615


40# dbs back squats

seated v / L sits

bow flex pulls (rings outside)

hand stand holds

row for calories

mostly lost count, but it was good enough

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Nicole Deaver
June 15th, 2021 at 10:07 pm
Commented on: 210615

Back squats (65#): 80

knee raises : 138 sec

ring rows: 59

handstand holds: 160sec

SDHP (45#): 89

Compare to: 78/112/60/160/91

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Sam K
June 15th, 2021 at 9:49 pm
Commented on: 210615

71 - 95lb back squats (from floor, hold entire time)

125 - knee tuck L-sits(sec)

59 - ring rows(horizontal)

137 - HS hold(sec)

83 - row(cal)

Rx other than L-sits



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Liz Rekas
June 15th, 2021 at 9:32 pm
Commented on: 210615

Lost count - scaled/lots of mods

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Coastie Nick
June 15th, 2021 at 9:17 pm
Commented on: 210615


Sq. : 85 reps @ 95#

L sit: 117 sec. on parallettes

RR: 60 reps

HSH: 146 sec. against wall

Row: 54 calories


Sq. :75 reps @ 95#

L sit: 103 sec. on parallettes

RR: 63 reps

HSH: 144 sec. against wall

Row: 53 calories


68 reps @ 95#

110 sec. on parallettes

58 reps

124 sec. against wall

65 calories

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YooSik Kim
June 15th, 2021 at 8:53 pm
Commented on: 210615


21-15-9-6-3 reps for time of:

Strict handstand push-ups

Doumbbell front squats, 22.5kg x2

Strict pull-ups


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Christian Simpson
June 15th, 2021 at 8:01 pm
Commented on: 210615

same sc as previous. Lsit tuck hold from parallelette/hs against wall

Today: 50/140/48/123/58 = 419 reps

11/5/20: 47/130/47/130/57 = 411

12/9/19: 56/125/60/115/61 = 417

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Avraham Kupetz
June 15th, 2021 at 7:51 pm
Commented on: 210615

Tabata back squats, 31 lb. DBs ---56

Rest 1 minute

Tabata L-sit - ----128

Rest 1 minute

Tabata seated banded rows ( with legs extended on floor and band is against the feet ) --------71

Rest 1 minute

Tabata handstand hold. ------80

Rest 1 minute

Tabata run ( sprints, and jog on rest )

-----. 1 km

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Dave DeCoste
June 15th, 2021 at 7:47 pm
Commented on: 210615

Back squat - 81

L-sit - 112

Ring rows - 92

Handstand hold - 152

Row - 55

Total 492 versus 419 on 191209

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Charlie Pokorny
June 15th, 2021 at 7:34 pm
Commented on: 210615

448 total rep-second-cals Rx'd

Back Squats: 11's = 88

L-sit (on rings): 15-15-15-15 12-12-12-12 = 108

Ring rows (legs parallel to ground): 10-10-10-7 7-5-6-6 = 61

HS-hold (against wall): 20-20-16-16 16-16-12-16 = 132

Row: 8-8-8-7 7-7-7-7 = 59

201105 was 83-100-59-108-59 = 409


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Jim Rix
June 15th, 2021 at 6:19 pm
Commented on: Why Doctors Recommend (and Do) CrossFit: Movement Is Life

Started in the 2007-08 timeframe. While my running has become markedly slower over the years, my overall conditioning, especially strength, has improved dramatically. As a 58 year old I’m much stronger than as a 50 year old, and my Murph time is 5-6 minutes faster than 6 years ago. So glad I happened onto CF.

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Jim Rix
June 15th, 2021 at 6:04 pm
Commented on: 210615

Squats, 75#: 94

L-sits, using parallel tea: 82 sec

Ring rows, near parallel to the ground: 56

Handstand holds: 89 sec

Rows: 50 cals

371 total

Ring rows by far the worst part of this workout. Started with 11 reps, ended with 5s and 6s. Ugh.


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Charlie Pokorny
June 15th, 2021 at 7:39 pm

Yeah - the ring rows get me on this one too!

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Chris Sinagoga
June 15th, 2021 at 5:38 pm
Commented on: 210615

Champions Club Scaling Notes


The longer I coach Tabata, the more I realize how much we assume in order for this to be done well in a group. 1) a general understanding of rotations/format, 2) technique on movements, 3) technique to do movements faster than you normally would, and 4) the stamina to make this 20-on-20-off, not 10-on-20-off.


Did I read the rant and think, "yeah, that sounds like me" or do I need to pick a more consistent time scheme with less sense of urgency?


Squatting, the holding the bottom of the squat (L-sit is bottom of squat from the hips perspective), pulling from the shoulders, pushing from the shoulders, and a good ol' traditional cardio piece.


Practice L-sits and handstands in the warmup and do an AMRAP in 20 minutes of run/row, squat, and ring row


Sub bottom of squat hold for back squat (probably not 95), sub hollow hold for l-sit, sub ring row hold for ring row.


Sub knees to elbows for l-sit and sub handstand push-up for handstand hold


Upper-body - sub one-arm ring row and dumbbell press and run

Lower-body - skip on back squats, otherwise you're good


Checked the box as rx'd, just did 800m run instead of row


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James Gentile
June 15th, 2021 at 4:23 pm
Commented on: 210615

Squats - 86

L-Sit - 32s (done for four rounds using KB's for parallettes, than switched to V-holds for 20s each last four rounds)

Barbell rows (from lying position, no rings) - 66

Handstand Hold - 130s

Single-Unders (no calorie measuring equipment) - 400

compare to:






Progress!!! Really happy with the progress on handstands and rope, L-sits still need some work.

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Jonathan Elmore
June 15th, 2021 at 3:45 pm
Commented on: 210615

BS 12 11 10 10 10 11 11 10

LS 20 20 20 20 20 17 15 15

RR 17 15 12 11 12 10 12 12

HS 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

R 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

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Nate Gordon
June 15th, 2021 at 3:39 pm
Commented on: 210615

back squats = 75

scaled to knee tuck = 20 sec each round

ring rows = 46

hs hold = 20 sec each round

row = 60 calories

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Az Native
June 15th, 2021 at 2:59 pm
Commented on: Why Doctors Recommend (and Do) CrossFit: Movement Is Life

Been Crossfitting for 15 years now, and I heartily approve this message...

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Michael Arko
June 15th, 2021 at 1:42 pm
Commented on: 210615

75lb back squats - 101 reps

ring tuck holds - 154 secs

ring rows - 58 reps

handstand holds - 153 secs

elliptical trainer, low resistance - 0.23 mi / 22.5 cal

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Dick Pirozzolo
June 15th, 2021 at 1:32 pm
Commented on: Why Doctors Recommend (and Do) CrossFit: Movement Is Life

Terrific article — the wide age range of CrossFit athletes is a big plus and inducement to keep at it and try harder. It also keeps you from getting grumpy says this 76 yo.

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QiHui Xing
June 15th, 2021 at 1:03 pm
Commented on: 210615
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Charles Meyers
June 15th, 2021 at 12:26 pm
Commented on: 210615

Tabata back squats, 65 lbs 11-10-10-10-10-9-9-8

Rest 1 minute

Tabata L-sit from bar 8-8-8-8-8-7-7-6

Rest 1 minute

Tabata ring rows 14-13-11-11-10-9-8-7

Rest 1 minute

Tabata handstand hold pike from box 11-11-10-10-10-9-9-8

Rest 1 minute

Tabata row cal 6-6-6-5-5-4-4-4

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Joe Conradi
June 15th, 2021 at 10:34 am
Commented on: 210615


2x45#DBs squats: 73

sitting L sit: 160s

70#DB single arm row: 49 each arm

box pikes HS: 160s

2x20#DBs SDHP: 103

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Katina Thornton
June 15th, 2021 at 5:01 am
Commented on: Why Doctors Recommend (and Do) CrossFit: Movement Is Life

Doctors that CrossFit are passionate about it for one simple reason: it works.

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Stephen Hipskind
June 15th, 2021 at 1:10 am
Commented on: 210615

Definitely doing this tomorrow!

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