3 rounds for time:
12 left-hand Turkish get-ups
12 right-hand Turkish get-ups
3 legless rope climbs, 15-ft. rope
♀ 35-lb. dumbbell
♂ 50-lb. dumbbell
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Compare to 200515.
Choose a dumbbell weight that allows you to work diligently through the Turkish get-ups, completing the reps in 2-3 sets. Similarly, choose a rope climb modification that is challenging but allows you to keep moving.
Intermediate Option:
3 rounds for time:
12 left-hand Turkish get-ups
12 right-hand Turkish get-ups
3 rope climbs, 15-ft. rope
♀ 25-lb. dumbbell
♂ 35-lb. dumbbell
Beginner Option:
3 rounds for time:
6 left-hand Turkish get-ups
6 right-hand Turkish get-ups
3 rope climbs, lying to standing
♀ 5-lb. dumbbell
♂ 10-lb. dumbbell
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