

Workout of the Day


7 rounds for time of:

Lunge 20 feet in as few steps as possible (AFSAP).

After each round, perform 5 seconds of L-sit and 10 double-unders for each step taken — e.g., if it takes 6 lunge steps, L-sit for 30 seconds and complete 60 double-unders before starting the next round.

Post time to comments.

Comments on 190813


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Doug Brubacher
May 13th, 2021 at 2:52 am
Commented on: 190813

CFWUx1 10s 10dus

25:14 5 biggest lunges I could do

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Beatriz Oliveira
September 2nd, 2020 at 4:37 pm
Commented on: 190813


Em média 06 passos

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September 2nd, 2020 at 3:45 pm
Commented on: 190813


7 rounds

6 lunge / 30” L-sit (com adaptação para pernas dobradas) / 120 Saltos simples

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Larissa Santos
September 2nd, 2020 at 3:39 pm
Commented on: 190813


7 rounds

6 lunge / 30” L-sit (com adaptação para pernas dobradas) / 120 Saltos simples

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Izabella Toniato
September 2nd, 2020 at 3:37 pm
Commented on: 190813


7 rounds

salto normal

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Gabriel Covre
September 2nd, 2020 at 10:30 am
Commented on: 190813


7 rounds com salto normal

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João Paulo Borges Thomaz
September 2nd, 2020 at 10:28 am
Commented on: 190813


7 rounds

6 lunge / 30" L-sit / 120 SU

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Jeffrey Mizrahi
July 12th, 2020 at 10:23 pm
Commented on: 190813

18:27 rx’ed. Tried to keep L Sits to as few rounds as possible: 1/1/1/1/2/2/3

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Shawn Hakimi
July 4th, 2020 at 12:49 pm
Commented on: 190813

15:54 scaled

5 lunges, 25 seconds one foot L-sit from the floor, 50 double-unders per round

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Jonathan Svan
December 5th, 2019 at 1:25 pm
Commented on: Theoretical Hierarchy Of Development

I think “character” applies to all steps in the pyramid. However I agree that sleep should be the foundation step-stone. While sleep is not always in your control, nutrition certainly is.

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Kury Akin
November 3rd, 2019 at 1:49 pm
Commented on: 190813

12:50. 4 steps 20 L/S sits on rings, 40 DU

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Clint Michael
September 8th, 2019 at 1:02 am
Commented on: 190813



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Mike de Graauw
September 4th, 2019 at 5:20 pm
Commented on: 190813




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Jeff Chalfant
September 3rd, 2019 at 8:53 pm
Commented on: 190813

21:03 L sit from ground. 5 lunge steps each round. First 3 l sits unbroken. Then 21/4, 10/7/5/3, 9/7/6/4, 5/5/5/5/5 (last round partitioned the l sits and double unders 5/10 to preserve intensity.


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Jeff Chalfant
September 3rd, 2019 at 9:10 pm

Rested 90 seconds or more before round 2/3/4 l sits , then decided to rest minimally after that.

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Cy Azizi
September 1st, 2019 at 7:11 pm
Commented on: 190813

23:34 subbed 3 doubleunders per step

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Jesse Montagnino
August 22nd, 2019 at 2:46 am
Commented on: 190813


6 steps per rd

Rds 1-3 rx

4-7 1 leg up/ 180


D 2630

1 leg and 70 singles

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Morgan Greene
August 20th, 2019 at 7:14 pm
Commented on: 190813

5 lunges, 25s LSit, 50 DU per round: 13:44

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Albert Kombe
August 20th, 2019 at 2:29 am
Commented on: 190813

15:29 Sc

7 rounds of:

20ft Lunge (AFSAP).

*After each round, perform 5s L-sit from floor with feet on ground & 10 DUs for each step taken.

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Courtney Guthrie
August 18th, 2019 at 10:56 pm
Commented on: 190813


6 lunges

DUs got hard at the end there

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Shane Azizi
August 16th, 2019 at 11:13 pm
Commented on: 190813

18:47 Rx

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Viktor Wachtler
August 16th, 2019 at 5:11 pm
Commented on: 190813

6-6-6-5-5-5-5 steps (I realized that I can be really flexible :-) )

Bent knee sits unbroken on push-up stands

DUs broken, max set was 30, min was 2..., so they suuucked a lot (and consumed my time).


43(today)/ 1.78m/76kg

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Michael Marleau
August 16th, 2019 at 10:48 am
Commented on: 190813

7 rounds for time of:

Lunge 20 feet in as few steps as possible (AFSAP).

After each round, perform 5 seconds of L-sit and 10 double-unders for each step taken

5 steps, 25s, 50 DUs/round (a couple rounds had mix of singles/doubles)


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Kyungtaek Kang
August 16th, 2019 at 5:28 am
Commented on: 190813

안양공식인증지부 크로스핏힘

13:38 (1R 5, 2R 5, 3~7R 4)

강경택 45세/180cm/90kg

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Brian Rosenbaum
August 16th, 2019 at 12:15 am
Commented on: 190813


7 rounds


L-sit as long as possible, then tuck hold for remainder


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Brian Rosenbaum
August 16th, 2019 at 12:18 am

Lsit/tuck was done on dip bar

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Troy Bruun
August 15th, 2019 at 11:12 pm
Commented on: 190813


4 steps

L-sit Knee Tuck

Single Unders (x2)

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Jeffrey Howard
August 15th, 2019 at 8:47 pm
Commented on: 190813

12:36, 5 Steps

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Joseph Amaya
August 15th, 2019 at 2:31 pm
Commented on: 190813

6 rounds for time of:

Lunge 20 feet in as few steps as possible (AFSAP).

After each round, perform 5 seconds of L-sit and 10 double-unders for each step taken

time: 15:50

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Alex Pham
August 15th, 2019 at 11:12 am
Commented on: 190813


Scaled l-sits

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Dan Kremer
August 15th, 2019 at 4:56 am
Commented on: 190813


5 rounds

DU Attempts

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R Albers
August 14th, 2019 at 10:22 pm
Commented on: 190813

Sqt 3x5 (110,125,140)

WOD 23:20

(6 lunges, 30sec L-sit, 120 singles)7set

10 min DU practice

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Chris Coultes
August 14th, 2019 at 9:30 pm
Commented on: 190813



5 lunges (20ft)

25 sec. leg raises (couldn't get my feet up for L-sit)

50 single-unders


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Tom Perry
August 14th, 2019 at 8:45 pm
Commented on: 190813

58 / 170

L-sits on paralettes

13:59 (4 steps for each lunge)

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Anna Jones
August 14th, 2019 at 2:50 pm
Commented on: 190813

F/46 140/5’6”


6 steps

L sit for 5-10 sec then tucked for remainder time

120 single unders

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Sam Meixell
August 14th, 2019 at 11:16 am
Commented on: 190813

17:13 (Modified L-sits and single unders)

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Michael Libbie
August 14th, 2019 at 10:30 am
Commented on: Theoretical Hierarchy Of Development

Regarding metabolic conditioning, is that things like rowing, biking, running (monostructural) etc. or would a workout include weightlifting and gymnastics (Fran)?

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Allen Haines
July 31st, 2024 at 9:56 pm

Monostructural is the most common way to increase metabolic conditioning. Things like VO2 max and your body’s ability to deliver oxygenated blood are the ‘measurables’

Metabolic conditioning isn’t necessarily built with workouts like Fran, but it is exposed.

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Allen Haines
July 31st, 2024 at 9:56 pm

Monostructural is the most common way to increase metabolic conditioning. Things like VO2 max and your body’s ability to deliver oxygenated blood are the ‘measurables’

Metabolic conditioning isn’t necessarily built with workouts like Fran, but it is exposed.

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Kevin Chan
August 14th, 2019 at 5:05 am
Commented on: Statins — What Are the Benefits?

Hi guys, I have a good friend with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (https://www.todayonline.com/daily-focus/health/some-high-cholesterol-could-all-be-genes) and has been put on statins and can't quite afford the more expensive PCSK9 inhibitors... what advice on alternatives can I give him given that his doctor is very adamant that he must be on statins all his life?

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Camille St. Onge
August 14th, 2019 at 3:34 am
Commented on: 190813

8 steps, 45 second L-sit, 560 dubs. Worked out outside, held L-sits on concrete wall in a 90 degree corner. L-sits got ugly.

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Randy Sigman
August 14th, 2019 at 3:25 am
Commented on: 190813


Knee raises, du attempts

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Phill Kiddoo
August 14th, 2019 at 1:55 am
Commented on: 190813

10 min AMRAP

5 bar muscle-ups

10 deadlifts @ 315#

15 push-ups

3 + 12

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Jim Evans
August 14th, 2019 at 1:39 am
Commented on: 190813

Rx (been a long time since I've said that!)

5 steps, 20:55, accumulated 25 seconds in hanging L.

A weirdly different wod that undoubtedly will make me appreciate some soreness in the coming days. 57m, 205#

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Blas Raventos
August 14th, 2019 at 1:16 am
Commented on: 190813


As Rx'd


Did 5 steps, 25" L sits in paralettes and dip bars. First 3 rounds unbroken, then 2 sets next two rounds, then 3 sets last two. Unbroken DUs all sets but one.

Extra work after

3 rounds not for time

500m row

7 inchworms

21 GHD sit ups

then Couch stretch, Pike stretch, Box stretch and pancake split stretch with a band.

Nice workout, my ham was tight from the sprints maybe even because of that grueling 6k with a pack too.

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Spenser Smith
August 14th, 2019 at 1:08 am
Commented on: 190813

22:02! Barely able to get the distance in exactly 5 lunges

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Brian Anderson
August 13th, 2019 at 11:57 pm
Commented on: 190813

12:17 - 5 steps per Rd

Scaled to Ring Knee Tuck Holds



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Nathan Michael King
August 13th, 2019 at 11:35 pm
Commented on: 190813

16:04 Rx

5 Steps on the 1st round

4 Steps on the rest

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Tripp Starling
August 13th, 2019 at 11:32 pm
Commented on: 190813

5 steps for lunge so :25 L sit and 50 double unders per round. Did L sits hanging from pull up bar.


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Tripp Starling
August 13th, 2019 at 11:33 pm


12 lunges

:30 tuck hold

25 ropes

7 rounds 13:42

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David Swicegood
August 13th, 2019 at 11:26 pm
Commented on: 190813


Subbed double unders for 200m row

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Jacob McGee
August 13th, 2019 at 9:45 pm
Commented on: 190813

12:32. 5 steps per 20 ft, L sit on floor. Double unders

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Vincent Dahlqvist
August 13th, 2019 at 8:49 pm
Commented on: 190813

11:45, 4 steps per round and scaled to paralettes l-sits and single unders

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Coastie Nick
August 13th, 2019 at 8:17 pm
Commented on: 190813


L-sit hanging from rings

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Eric O'Connor
August 13th, 2019 at 7:43 pm
Commented on: 190813

This is a very deceiving looking workout. At first glance it's looks almost easy, but after further analysis of the overall volume and movement combinations, I think it will pack a potent dose while also being a nice day to practice some skills.

Lunges- I consider the overall demand of the lunges to be relatively low, being that it’s only a total of 140ft spread out over the course of 7x20ft segments. Most of my athletes will be able to complete this movement as prescribed. I will reduce the distance on an individual basis for those that are not ready for the overall volume of this movement.

Double-unders: At first glance, I didn’t think that the demand on the double-under would be very high. After a little more analyzing, I think that the volume will accumulate to a relatively high number. I think most will need to complete 50-70 reps each round with some going as high as 80. For athletes that struggle with the movement, today is a great day to practice double-unders, instead of modifying to single-unders. I will have athletes practice for 1:00-1:30 each round or do a combination of 5-10 single-unders + 1 double-under attempt, accumulating to the total reps for each round. For example: If someone is supposed to complete 70 reps, I may have them scale to 7 efforts of 9 single-unders + 1 double-under or double-under attempt, for that round.

L-sits: I expect most athletes will need to accumulate around 0:30 per round, which will add up to be a pretty significant chunk of time. I would like to see athletes complete each round in 2-3 attempts. I will modify the movement to single-leg or double-leg tuck variation as needed. I will also limit each round to 3 attempts.

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Geoffroy Castelnau
August 13th, 2019 at 7:34 pm
Commented on: 190813


7 rounds of : 6m lunges (6 steps) / 30sec tuck hold on bench / 120 single unders

M / 40y / 176cm / 72kg

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Scott MacArthur
August 13th, 2019 at 7:17 pm
Commented on: 190813

13:55, 3x6, 4x5 steps. Did singles for times sake at home.

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Shawn Hakimi
August 13th, 2019 at 6:34 pm
Commented on: 190813

Does anyone have any knowledge on the purpose/training effect of large lunge steps in a walking lunge for distance?

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Nicole Deaver
August 13th, 2019 at 6:18 pm
Commented on: 190813


7 Rds

20ft walking lunges (6 steps)

30 sec L-sit(between stools)

120 Single Unders

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Dmitry Zolotyh
August 13th, 2019 at 5:57 pm
Commented on: 190813

7 rounds for time:

6 m lunges (5 steps)

0:25 tuck sit (parrallets)

50 duble unders


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Matthew Aukstikalnes
August 13th, 2019 at 5:48 pm
Commented on: 190813

17:11 - scaled. 6 lunge steps per round. Max L-Sit, then tuck hold remainder of 30 seconds (L-sits at least 15 seconds per round). DU as written, 60 per round.

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John Rodrigues
August 13th, 2019 at 5:25 pm
Commented on: 190813

Hi dear all Team

7 round for time

lunges 12 Steps

:30 L-sit ground floor progression

60 secs Single Under with attempts of Double unders

Total Time 16:23

You all have a wonderful day!


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Jacob Cram
August 13th, 2019 at 5:16 pm
Commented on: 190813

17:00 rx (5 steps)

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Steve Day
August 13th, 2019 at 4:41 pm
Commented on: 190813


7 rounds:

Lunge 20' (5 steps)

25 sec L-sit

50 double unders

First time doing a double under WOD Rx. Did each 50 in 3-5 sets and took me about 1:50 per 50.

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Lucas Snyder
August 13th, 2019 at 4:26 pm
Commented on: 190813

5 lunges

25 sec L sit on floor

100 jump ropes (no double under)


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Andrea Maceri
August 13th, 2019 at 3:42 pm
Commented on: 190813

34 min, scaled du to 1/2 , l sit scaled to feet on ground l sit, ..... du not happening today

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Michael Arko
August 13th, 2019 at 3:41 pm
Commented on: 190813


5 lunges covered 20’ each round. I was screaming through this WOD for 4 rounds. But then I totally fell apart on the DUs in rounds 5-6-7. DU volume done me in!

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Nicholas Scott
August 13th, 2019 at 3:07 pm
Commented on: 190813

30 min-added in round of dumbbell thrusters and did 100 single unders each round

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Karl Eagleman
August 13th, 2019 at 1:58 pm
Commented on: 190813

During those lunges, "kiss don't head butt": https://www.instagram.com/p/BpwflY2Byjv/

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Hendrik Bünzen
August 13th, 2019 at 1:41 pm
Commented on: 190813

17:17 rx’d

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Michael Newton
August 13th, 2019 at 1:40 pm
Commented on: 190813


7 Rounds

5 Steps per round

20s L-sit on paralletes (4:1 scale, unbroken through round 4, then 10/10, 10/10, 10/6/4. These got real hard. Legs were close to 90, but not quite. Considered doing as Rx, but this kept my intensity high)

50 DUs (tripped once)

Solid day

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Jim Rix
August 13th, 2019 at 1:28 pm
Commented on: 190813

5 lunges/20 feet

Scaled/subbed to

5 lunges

3 rounds of max time L-sits (about 10/6/6 sec)

100 single unders


This would have been a lot harder if I could have done du's, but not sure what I was to get out of this workout.

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Jim Evans
August 14th, 2019 at 1:51 am

I think you answered your own question: work on precision. From your posts, you're certainly capable. Maybe next time, work on DU's for a set time regardless of the reps. Won't be a pretty number, but you'll still improve on the skill and get a great workout.

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Evan Walton
August 13th, 2019 at 1:04 pm
Commented on: 190813

5 steps

25 seconds hold

100 single unders each round

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George Campbell
August 13th, 2019 at 12:27 pm
Commented on: 190813


Scaled to parallette knee raise hold

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Mark Phillips
August 13th, 2019 at 11:42 am
Commented on: 190813

Did 6 lunges

30 second modified I sit

60 single unders

7 rounds

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Claire Fiddian-Green
August 13th, 2019 at 10:54 am
Commented on: 190813

1 mile run first, then:

7 rounds of 6 lunges (20 feet), 30 second unbroken knee tuck hold on parallettes, maximum double unders in 2 minutes (10 doubles each round plus 30-50 singles and lots of rope trips). 23:59.

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Stacey Thompkins
August 13th, 2019 at 9:54 am
Commented on: 190813



20' of lunges (6 steps)

:30 L-sit/tuck hold

60 DU's


*held L-sit for as long as possible each round then tuck hold remainder of time

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Sebastien Fitzpatrick
August 13th, 2019 at 9:45 am
Commented on: 190813

22:57 Rx

Took 5 steps to complete each set of lunges.

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Brendan Mullan
August 13th, 2019 at 9:32 am
Commented on: 190813

7 RFT scaled

6 lunges

15 knee ups on bar

120 single unders

19.02 min...😁👍

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Robert Fleming
August 13th, 2019 at 9:16 am
Commented on: 190813


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Juan Acevedo
August 13th, 2019 at 2:45 am
Commented on: 190813



Mobility is so misunderstood. There are two main beliefs. On the one side it is often confused with flexibility. On the other, it is believed to be fixed, as if you cannot train or improve it. Neither is true. Flexibility is the ability to achieve a given range of motion. Mobility is the ability to have control (power and strength) over that range motion. Flexibility, strength and power can be trained and developed, hence Mobility can too. Doing a very long and controlled lunge will work your mobility for that movement pattern. So in the scheme that we have today, this is what we are doing: we are bribing you with less L-Sit time and fewer dubs in order to make you work on your hip and leg mobility. Now today's workout should be a faster one, closer to a fire-breathing piece than to a skill session. You can know in advance how many steps it is going to take you to do those 20 feet. With that in mind choose a time for the L-Sit/Tuck that you can complete unbroken. Do the same for number of dubs. If you are developing your dubs, give yourself 15 minutes of practice before the workout. This is a fun one to kill and own. Fucking destroy it!


A lot of people have trouble with the mobility required for a lunge. Most people have trouble bringing the knee all the way to the ground. We are not modifying the distance in the lunges so that they get to work on this. However, the priority should be a solid lunge, with full vertical range of motion, instead of a long one with incomplete range of motion. Allow yourself or your athletes to use PVC for balance if needed to.


7 rounds for time of:

Lunge 20 feet in as few steps as possible (AFSAP).

After each round, perform 5 seconds of L-sit and 10 double-unders for each step taken.

Scale for L-Sit: hold the L-sit for the longest time possible, when it becomes impossible to hold the legs straight, stay in support but go to tuck. Example: if your hold is 30 seconds, hold the L-sit for your max, let's say it is 15 seconds, stay in support and finish your set with a tuck hold. Keep it unbroken.


7 rounds for time of:

Lunge 20 feet in as few steps as possible (AFSAP).

After each round, perform 4 seconds of L-sit/tuck hold and 10 double-unders/20 single-unders for each step taken – e.g., if it takes 6 lunge steps, L-sit for 24 seconds and complete 40 double-unders/80 single-unders before starting the next round.

Scale: L-sit/tuck can be accumulated, and a reduction of time.


7 rounds for time of:

Lunge 20 feet in as few steps as possible (AFSAP).

After each round, perform 3 seconds of L-sit/tuck hold and 10 double-unders for each step taken – e.g., if it takes 6 lunge steps, L-sit for 18 seconds and complete 30 double-unders/60 single-unders before starting the next round.

Scale: L-sit/tuck can be accumulated, and a reduction of time.

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Chris Sinagoga
August 13th, 2019 at 2:12 am
Commented on: 190813

Champions Club Scaling Notes:


I have not tested this one out yet, so understand I might not have the best opinion on this one. But it's another one of those weird lunge stations with really big steps. Still haven't figured that one out yet. I am wondering if this is a way to exaggerate flexibility - if so, make sure your back foot is turned in so we are in internal rotation for the hip. This looks easy on paper, which usually means something different. I'll get at this one soon.

I SHOULD TRY THIS AS RX'D IF: hard to give an honest opinion here without trying it out. My bad guys!


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

20 lunges

30-sec. L-sit

40 double unders



Upper-body injury - good for the group version, just keep L-sits with butt on the ground and feet in the air

Middle-body injury - squat for lunge, plank for l-sit, bike for du

Lower-body injury - 10 push-ups, 10 knees to elbows. keep it at those two, or add bike/row if possible


Jump rope - always and prep for this workout

Handstand - spend some time upside down

Squat - lunge/L-sit hip prep

Pull-up - spend some time hanging

[insert thing you suck at]

GENERAL FEAR LEVEL: I'm gonna throw this at 5 just because it looks easy on paper.

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Michael Libbie
August 14th, 2019 at 11:03 am

I’ve wondered the same thing about lunge workouts on the main site. Multiple times a 400m lunge in as few steps as possible has been programmed in the past, and my takeaway from completing them was this: when I lunge long enough to get my shin vertical (knee at 90 degrees) on the lead leg, I get a potent hamstring and glute stimulus. If my steps are shorter, I don’t, plus I tend to feel some irritation in the distal patellar tendon.

Maybe longer steps speaks to the intended stimulus and proper biomechanics? I don’t know.

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Karl Eagleman
August 13th, 2019 at 2:03 am
Commented on: Theoretical Hierarchy Of Development

Regarding this pyramid, I’m interested to hear any feedback on the “Revised Theoretical Hierarchy of the Development of the Athlete” we discussed here (link is safe for work): https://www.instagram.com/p/B0w-1xkAM6s/?igshid=97vlpcbrimz3

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Juan Acevedo
August 13th, 2019 at 2:47 am

I love the additions Karl!

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Kornwit Damrongwisetpanit
August 13th, 2019 at 10:35 am

I was coming here to states that sleep should be a foundation part of an athlete development but the pyramid in your link already shows that. Also, I agreed that character or mindset is important.

What about mobility? or is that already part of gymnastics and weightlifting?

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Russ Greene
August 13th, 2019 at 12:46 pm

We certainly could add to the pyramid. Everything costs money, so maybe finance should be at the bottom. And even having this discussion presupposes that life, and the topic, are valuable, and that our thoughts pertain in some way to reality. So maybe the foundation should be philosophy. Athletic development is probably impossible absent a minimal degree of political stability of freedom. Try working out during a civil war or in solitary confinement. So peace and freedom should be at the bottom!

How much would the above suggestions help coaches and athletes? Make money, develop a personal philosophy, and acquire freedom prior to engaging in athletic development - check!

The question is not which pyramid best covers reality, but which is the most useful. If we put character at the bottom, does that imply that coaches need to address character first prior to nutrition or exercise? But is it not the case that achieving commitment to nutrition and exercise first can promote the development of good character? So maybe character should be at the top? Adding significant but poorly defined, understood and measured variables to an already full pyramid may impair rather than help.

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Karl Eagleman
August 13th, 2019 at 1:56 pm

I sincerely appreciate the feedback Juan, Kornwit, and especially Russ. Regarding adding layers to the bottom of the pyramid, I completely understand your perspective, Russ.

You ask the question, if we put character at the bottom, does that imply that coaches need to address this aspect first? Maybe they do. Perhaps it's something that should be addressed in an on-ramp and integrated within the culture of the gym. Maybe it's already established in part by the individual taking the first step to get off their butt and make the effort. Regardless, I feel that character is the basis for any future efforts to subsequent or advanced layers of the pyramid.

However, to your final point, although it may be significant, how is character defined or even measured? For the most part, we can measure each layer, aside from this one.

Adding to the pyramid may impair rather than help, but it's definitely healthy to discuss.

Again, I sincerely appreciate the thoughtful feedback!

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Bryan Rosen
August 13th, 2019 at 1:37 am
Commented on: 190813

Warm-up for 190813:


1 round of each running drill for 50-ft:

High knees


Side shuffle


Walking lunges

1 round of each movement for 25-ft:


Bear crawl

Crab walk

Walking forward leg swings



20 single-unders

3 sets of: 3 singles + 1 double-under + 3 singles

3 sets of: 3 singles + 3 double-unders + 3 singles


EMOM 6: 15 double-unders (or attempts)


2 sets of: 10-20 seconds tuck hold on boxes or parallettes

2 sets of: 5 seconds single-leg extension, per leg

1 set of: 5 seconds L-sit (or attempt)

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Bennett Novak
August 13th, 2019 at 1:04 am
Commented on: 190813

My max L-sit is about 15s. As prescribed, 5s/lunge would be too much. I was thinking of 2s/lunge. Is there a more appropriate scale?

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Juan Acevedo
August 13th, 2019 at 2:46 am

Check my option 1 or 2. And let me know if you need any help deciding.

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Steven Thunander
August 13th, 2019 at 12:25 am
Commented on: 190813

Globo Scale-as rxed. L sit holds can be done on rings, on a chair, on paralletes, on 2 boxes or benches, on the floor, or hanging from a pullup bar or Rings. Sub for double unders are 2/1 singles or 1/1 tuck jumps. If you don't know what 20 feet is in your Globo do 6-8 lunge steps to max span, mark that off, then do this workout.

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