7 minutes of scales practice
7 minutes of L-sit practice
7 minutes of handstand practice (inversion)
7 minutes of plank practice
7 minutes of stretching
Commented on: How One Canadian Doctor Kept Thalidomide's Harm From America
Happy to know Dr Kelsey and others are there to safeguard us.
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Kury Akin
July 21st, 2019 at 3:07 pm
Commented on: 190526
35 emom slips. Every minute was: scales 50secs, Lsits 20s (reverted to S occasionally), HS 40s, plank 40s, stretch 40s.
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Manchild Manchild
June 28th, 2019 at 6:19 pm
Commented on: 190526
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Shawn Hakimi
June 3rd, 2019 at 1:32 pm
Commented on: 190526
Completed, tried to do 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest, except for l sits where I made attempts to hold for 5-6 seconds every 30 seconds.
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Jackson Maschoff
May 31st, 2019 at 8:55 pm
Commented on: Fried Eggs, Spinach & Avocado
Yum :)
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Molly Chassen
May 29th, 2019 at 3:36 pm
Commented on: How One Canadian Doctor Kept Thalidomide's Harm From America
Thanks for sharing this...so inspirational.
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Chris Meldrum
May 28th, 2019 at 6:22 pm
Commented on: 190526
Completed after heavy back squats. Feel beat down from Murph yesterday and the sunburn from too much time at the pool. Was all I could do to get the squats done. The SLIPS feels like CrossFit yoga to me — but each piece was challenging. I was pouring with sweat by the end. Still suck at L-sits.
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Lucas Allan
May 28th, 2019 at 1:16 pm
Commented on: 190526
slips complete
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Kyle Buchanan
May 28th, 2019 at 9:41 am
Commented on: 190526
3x 3 front into back scales/side
6 x 0:10 lsit on dbs for quality - stretch hamstrings and hips between sets for 90 seconds a time.
6 x wall facing handstand hold on dumbbells - didn't time just went until i couldn't stay tight anymore.
3 x 1:00 top of press up hold in 20lb vest
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Js Smith
May 27th, 2019 at 2:40 am
Commented on: 190526
Done w/ subs to avoid back, knee and wrist issues; l-list off floor and one heel on floor. HS subbed as off counter on elbows. Planks off elbows.
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Richard Foster
May 27th, 2019 at 12:50 am
Commented on: 190526
Scales - first time completing without unbalancing
Hanging Lsit - 20secs/min w/ first time strght legs/pointed toes for all sets
Inversion - Handstand against wall - first time completing all targeted reps - 5 rnds of 45 secs in 7 mins
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Scott Wiedmeyer
May 26th, 2019 at 11:18 pm
Commented on: 190526
32 / M / 5'9" / 137lbs
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Shawn Hakimi
May 26th, 2019 at 9:50 pm
Commented on: How One Canadian Doctor Kept Thalidomide's Harm From America
Excellent story about tackling big Pharma.
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Troy Work
May 26th, 2019 at 6:27 pm
Commented on: How One Canadian Doctor Kept Thalidomide's Harm From America
Great, inspiring read. Thanks, Dr Kelsey
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May 26th, 2019 at 6:08 pm
Commented on: 190526
For the Jug workout should I go hook grip or thumbless?
Want to get best possible time...
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Shane Azizi
May 26th, 2019 at 5:02 pm
Commented on: 190526
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Troy Work
May 26th, 2019 at 4:32 pm
Commented on: 190526
Love these days
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Nicole Deaver
May 26th, 2019 at 4:29 pm
Commented on: 190526
✅ and improving.
5 hang cleans (75#)
10 box jumps (22")
Barbell shrugs(45#)- to failure- 60 reps- sweaty grip
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Juan Acevedo
May 26th, 2019 at 4:21 pm
Commented on: 190526
Intended Stimulus
Play Time! Today is about having fun, moving, and getting your body to a I-feel-effing-awesome place. Yesterday we went heavy and tomorrow we have Murph. So today should be pretty relaxed! Focus should be on finding solid mechanics. Seven minutes is enough time to work a little on the movements, but also to find where you are with each one. You want to see how your best scale looks like, how long can you hold a solid gymnastics plank, or how is your handstand practice progressing. This exploration will give you solid, which in turn will make your SLIPS practice better and more effective in the coming weeks. I am no giving any scaling options today, nor any structure. Just explore your own capacity, relax and have fun!
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Jim Rix
May 26th, 2019 at 4:17 pm
Commented on: 190526
Rx today.
For those pissed at another non-barnburner WOD, remember that balance and flexibility are two of the core components of fitness, but not elements we think of often when young. But as a 56-year-old, I've noticed my balance is waning some, so I appreciate the scales, and the balance/body awareness of handstand practice is also very useful. I visit my 87-year-old dad every week in his senior living place; I watch the many residents who can't even take the stairs, and my dad as he can't do stairs w/o the balance assist of the handrail...all reinforces in my mind the importance of all aspects of fitness.
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Nicole Deaver
May 26th, 2019 at 4:30 pm
I agree Jim. My balance & flexibility have never been that great so I’m glad for the prescribed practice.
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Chris Meldrum
May 28th, 2019 at 6:24 pm
Good thoughts, Jim
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Albert Kombe
May 26th, 2019 at 1:40 pm
Commented on: 190526
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Mike Andridge
May 26th, 2019 at 12:36 pm
Commented on: 190526
Murph rx w/20#vest
1 mile run
10 rnds
Strict pull ups/push ups/squats
1 mile run
1:09 and 23 sec
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Jim Rix
May 26th, 2019 at 4:21 pm
Kudos for doing it with a vest. I'll remember Murph tomorrow, sans vest, hoping I can do the workout justice and really push myself, esp. on the runs.
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Nicole Deaver
May 26th, 2019 at 4:36 pm
Nice work! I plan on doing it tomorrow & having my boys try it with me. I think the way you broke it into 10 Rds will be good for them, maybe me too.
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Stacey Thompkins
May 26th, 2019 at 5:38 pm
Nice work Mike!!!
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Stacey Thompkins
May 26th, 2019 at 10:01 am
Commented on: 190526
Here's a little crumbler from @streetparking
For time:
100 DU's
50 single arm DB OH lunges (25R/25L)
50 Toes to bar
50 single arm DB OH lunges (25R/25L)
100 DU's
RX Men 40#
RX Women 25#
Rx'd 14:49
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Mike Andridge
May 26th, 2019 at 12:38 pm
I like this one. I'll have to give it a go this week.
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Wendy Swift
May 26th, 2019 at 9:37 am
Commented on: At-Home Workout
I'm posting for my mum. 77yrs, completed 3 rounds of 5 reps. Rested about 2 mins between rounds. Used 7 litres in each can and did knee push ups. Completed in around 10 mins. Good job mum!
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Sebastien Fitzpatrick
May 26th, 2019 at 10:23 am
This is fantastic!!
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Pat Sherwood
June 6th, 2019 at 2:42 am
This makes me so happy! Well done!
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Basile Beaty
June 11th, 2019 at 3:18 am
That is awesome.
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Eric O'Connor
May 26th, 2019 at 4:30 am
Commented on: 190526
This workout is a cool skill session as written. In a group class, I may provide a little more structure to help guide my athletes and keep them focused. For example:
EMOM 7:00- 10-15 sec/leg scale practice
EMOM 7:00- 10-20 sec L-sit
EMOM 7:00- 10-30 sec handstand variation
EMOM 7:00- 30-40 sec plank hold variation
2 sets of 45 sec/arm of a banded shoulder stretch and 2 sets of 45 sec/leg of a couch stretch or pigeon stretch
The session above will probably get pretty tough and I may need to increase some rest periods to ensure that quality of movement is still prioritized.
Scales: When working on the front and back scales, I will have my athletes continue to build from their prior efforts with these movements. This could simply be done by performing the same variation with higher quality or progressing to a more difficult variation of the movement. For example, not utilizing a support beam for balance or attempting to raise the lifted leg to a higher position. For more details on popular scale variations, feel free to look at my post from 190401.
L-sits: The goal will be to attempt to complete 5-7 sets, of a 10-20 second hold, utilizing one of the following variations: A tuck L-sit, an L-sit with one leg extended, or an L-sit with straight legs. If athletes demonstrate a high level of competency with the movement, attempts can be made with hands on the floor instead of parallettes or boxes. Regardless of the variation being completed, the primary focus will still be on optimal positions being achieved.
Handstands- The goal for today will be to provide a handstand variation that most closely replicates a freestanding hold, based on the skill-level of each athlete. I will have athletes perform 5-7 attempts. The first scaling option will be to have athletes hold a piked handstand with feet on the box or even feet on the ground. Increasing the difficulty would be performing a wall-walk into a handstand hold, facing the wall. If athletes have shown competency facing the wall, I will have them kick up against a wall and hold a sound handstand. To further progress towards a freestanding hold, I can have athletes try to reach their heels away from the wall and/or utilize a spotter in a freestanding environment. If I have an athlete that cannot get inverted, I will likely have them perform a mix of incline position drills and overhead plate holds.
Planks: The main focal point will be on maintaining an active shoulder and a stable midline for a designated time frame. Check out the graphic associated with the workout of the day from 190409 to get a visual of some plank variations to utilize.
Stretching: I will prescribe 1-2 stretches for the shoulders and 1-2 stretches for the hips/glutes.
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John Bray
May 26th, 2019 at 10:57 am
EMOM 7:00- 10-15 sec/leg scale practice
What is “scale”?
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Steven Thunander
May 26th, 2019 at 1:06 am
Commented on: 190526
Globo scale: pretty simple. For L sits, rings, paralletes, a dip bar, a chair, or from the floor, or hanging from a pullup bar or high rings, handstand holds can be subbed with dumbbells held at a locked out position, or scaled per other posts. The rest is self explanatory.
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Chris Sinagoga
May 26th, 2019 at 12:45 am
Commented on: 190526
Champions Club Scaling Notes
Aside from scaling based on ability, I think it’s also important to scale based on the audience you are coaching and your purpose for coaching them. Based on our gym’s audience, we would almost never do this workout as prescribed for a regular session. The reason being is because at the moment, we are in a weird in-between state with pretty advanced athletes and very new athletes (one year or newer). It’s an odd gap, I know. Every single session I do the thought that’s always in the back of my mind is, “I need to move the needle getting Izzy’s technique up to speed with Jay and Shakes.” Every single person in the gym can do these SLIPS in some capacity. Getting good at them will happen organically (over time). Feeling the fall in running, or keeping midline stability in the deadlift might click this session. And being able to do those things, among a ton of other things, go a long way towards me being able to turn my back on Izzy and the rookies doing push-ups and knowing their elbows are in. Lack of ability to do a front scale does not hold them back in a session.
With all that being said, this really is a good workout. I am seeing a ton of improvements by doing the SLIPS more regularly, and this particular combo was pretty difficult.
I SHOULD TRY THIS RX’D IF: static holds is what I need to accomplish for today.
Strength — as is
Stamina — as is
Endurance — see group version below
Flexibility — as is
Coordination — see group version
Accuracy — as is
Agility — pick a sport to practice for 35 minutes
Balance — as is
I’d use this to format a team workout with one partner doing one of these SLIPS while the other is doing another exercise. Try AMRAP in 28 minutes of: run 100m, 3 deadlifts (switch SLIP every 7 minutes). Stretch at the end.
This one kind of allows you to get right into it. I might throw a shoulder and hip mobility in before to prep.
Comments on 190526