workout of the day

Sunday 050925


For time:
Broad jump 50 yards counting the number of jumps
Lunge that many times alternating legs, maximizing stride
Deadlift bodyweight that many reps
Box jump 20” that many reps
Squat that many reps

Post time and number of jumps to comments.

Tight Shoulders [video]

Workout Image for 20050925

The overhead squat is the ultimate core exercise, the heart of the snatch, and peerless in developing effective athletic movement.

This functional gem trains for efficient transfer of energy from large to small body parts – the essence of sport movement. For this reason it is an indispensable tool for developing speed and power.

The overhead squat also demands and develops functional flexibility, and similarly develops the squat by amplifying and cruelly punishing faults in squat posture, movement, and stability.

The overhead squat is to midline control, stability, and balance what the clean and snatch are to power – unsurpassed.

  • From The Overhead Squat
    CrossFit Journal Issue 36