The Support Your Local Box Fundraiser is a CrossFit event for the benefit of CrossFit affiliates affected by COVID-19 around the globe. The temporary closures and distance between us cannot keep this community apart. Affiliates around the world have demonstrated this through their actions over the past few weeks. Now, the entire CrossFit community has an opportunity to come together in support of our affiliates.
Event Format
Over a three-week period, CrossFit will release three classic and accessible workouts that can be performed by participants of any ability level. Everyone who participates will have their name displayed on the community leaderboard and will be able to create smaller leaderboards among friends, family, and other members of their affiliate using leaderboard hashtags.
Registration will take place on beginning on or before Wednesday, April 1, and will remain open for the duration of the competition. The first workout will be released on Friday, April 3.
How to Get Involved
Anyone can participate in the Support Your Local Box Fundraiser. Payment is not required. We understand that many face financial difficulties at this time and want everyone to have the opportunity to participate without barriers. Your participation is, in itself, a strong form of support and encouragement to the affiliate community.
When you register, you will have the option to select a contribution amount ranging from $20 to $1,000 or participate at no cost. Participants can also select the affiliate they would like to receive their contribution. When the competition closes, the proceeds will be distributed to affiliates in accordance with their roster of supporters. CrossFit, Inc. will distribute all registration funds to the designated affiliates.
How to Contribute
Every CrossFit affiliate, trainer, and participant has been impacted by COVID-19, but we recognize some gyms will have greater needs than others in the coming weeks and months. All participants can use social media to direct and encourage contributions to their own affiliate or another affiliate in the community that needs our help. This is also an opportunity to rally family and friends to participate in this accessible event.
Support Your Affiliate: If your affiliate is in great need, select your affiliate in the registration process to have your registration pass directly to your box.
Support a Box in Need: If your affiliate is in a relatively strong position, this is an opportunity to support those less fortunate by partnering with a box or boxes in the hardest hit areas and channeling aid to them.
Find a Box: If you’re new to CrossFit, would like to participate and contribute, but don’t know which box to support, you can use the map to find a box near you or in your hometown.
For all of us, this is also a chance to share the benefits of CrossFit with friends and family. Not only do we have an opportunity to raise funds for affiliates and trainers in need, but we can use this charitable event to bring CrossFit into the garages and living rooms of our loved ones. We encourage everyone to share the free and accessible scaled versions of the event workouts with those in their lives for whom this could be an entry point into improving their own fitness and health as part of the global CrossFit community.
Note: Registration fees and additional contributions to the Support Your Local Box event are not tax deductible.
Comments on Support Your Local Box Fundraiser
I ordered a shirt did anybody get theirs?
No. I’ve been getting the run around with fully amped. Seems like a joke. I email once every two weeks and get the same response that there was an issue and the shirts will be shipped this week. Got that three times already.
Is there someone that I could speak to on the phone about why we are unable to log into our PayPal account through the link that was sent to us via email to to receive our fundraiser money? Thank you for your help.
5 rounds
Where can I find workout 2?
Db 55 lbs 6 round +10squat
Can we donate to more than one box ? If so , how can we do that ?
Is there any way to adjust the amount donated to local box? I thought $20 was max registration? Thank you!
I've been having issues with this all morning
RX+ 55# DB
6 Rounds +10 Reps
Does 100% of the donation go tho the Box I choose or does CF HQ take an admin fee?
Where am I suppose to tag #ryourogue Facebook? Instagram? Twitter? any help would be appreciated
Scaled for Masters 50yrs
15min elliptical
15lb ea rep/rt and lt snatches
Box push ups
6 complete rounds plus:
10 low Squats
10 Right snatches
2 Push Ups
0 Left Snatch
How do I add more to the amount I offered to contribute?
Yes, I'd like to know too.
6 plus 14 rx
Hi! When will the first workout be released? Thanks!
How do I change the box my donation is going to?
How do the affiliate receive the donations? Does it go directly to them or is it just knocked off affiliate fees? I guess for some boxes this is super important to know as some might not survive to make use of the funds if it doesnt get sent to them asap...and us members want to know that the boxes will receive the donations asap and in the most direct form.
The email that is sent after signing up says your donated amount goes directly to the box you choose once the 3 weeks is over
Doesnt say anything about that in my confirmation email at all....
This is sooooo cool! Quick Q from our beautiful members (in Aus) will 100% of the donations go back to the affiliate nominated or are there any processing/admin fees on CF's end? Tx!
Strange, no reply yet
Will the affiliate know that we supported them? WIll they get a list of who donated and how much? This is a great idea.
Good question Mark. We have been lucky to have a lot of members continue to pay so have asked them to register for free. It would be nice to know if people had donated so we could thank them individually.
I can only see who signed up, not the donation amount.
Shut up and just lets go lol
Any equipment required for these workouts?
Awesome if it would be easier to support other affiliates as well via the sign-up, not only your current Box ! :D
Mali, thanks for being so generous. The best workaround is to sign up a buddy and direct their fees to another affiliate. So if you would like to support others or multiples, consider adding a buddy to the party. I hope that helps.
As the COVID-19 quarentene arrived we had to shut down affiliate on as mandated by the goverment. We immediately changed all payments from members, so even those that may not be affected financially and would choose to continue to pay, did not have to pay normally as its a not ours member's fault, so our income was shut down abruptly and immediately! I
We are CROSSFIT MONTSENY (@crossfitmontseny). These is such a great idea and we sincerely need this.
Crossfit is such a community and we really ask everyone to help each other against this economic crisis comming to all of us.
Hi Alberto, I am a member of local box and I don't think anyone cancelled/suspended the memberships as our box offered following options a) Loan/Borrow 2 Gym equipment(s) to workout at home b) Offered Zoom Virtual classes few times a day. This is motivational for the members and also boxes continue to keep the memberships.
Being Pro-active is very important and members need box's/Coach's support as much as box need member(s) during these difficult times. Bless you all Xfit community.
What percentage of the donations actually goes to the box? If you reply to the comment, can you point me in the direction of where you found the information?
The email we received stated 100% of the proceeds goes to the affiliate chosen.
Do we need to do anything as Boxes to register? I have registered personally but wondered if I have to "register" our Box? Thanks
in let's go
Great idea, now waive some of the affiliate fees for all affected boxes! Go on, it'll make you feel good x
What about Reebok stopping the affiliate fees ???
exactely this is the point. we affiliates out here do a great job out here over years. now, it‘s time to pay back.
That would be mighty helpful. Or maybe match the sum, the (always supporting) members raise. Because we as a community are known to be loyal and support our gyms no matter what. That's just my 2 cents, now let's crush some workouts
Not even at an affiliate now and did this. This is a rad idea.
My husband and I had to shut down our affiliate on 3/16 as mandated by the state of NY. Our affiliate is located within a globo-gym, and our management immediately stopped all payments from members, so even those that may not be affected financially and would choose to continue to pay, did not have to pay any longer, so our income was shut down abruptly and immediately! It’s scary, but thank God I have such tremendous FAITH. This is fabulous, and I pray that our awesome members (ours are the BEST, haha!) of our affiliate, and yours, consider doing this! Not to mention that it will not just be motivating, but fun for all! Thanks CrossFit! Sending much love and blessings to the entire CrossFit Community. God bless you all, and remember, there’s a rainbow at the end of all this, yay! And pray!
Just registered! #canandaiguacrossfit
CrossFit community: Why not support your box directly by keeping your membership? If cannot pay in full, talk to your head coach and try to agree on something that will work both ways.
Crossfit: Why not waive the membership fee or give a discount to box owners?
100% agree, this should NOT be about CFHQ making money
i would like a comment here of the HQ guys. why not thinking about 2-3/12s pay back of affiliate fee - depending on how many month an affiliate had to be close? for us in greece it‘s already sure for six weeks but most probably at the end it will be 2 month or more. and the people here can not afford to keep their memberships up and running. now is the time to strengthen the affiliate community and give them a good reason to stay affiliated....
Hello Guys!
Hope you are all safe,
We are from Pul Crossfit in Lima Peru, our box is closed since march 16th, and we don't know until when we can open it! I would like to know if the Support your local box event information will be released also in spanish, so we can share it with our comunity.
Thank you very much!!
Cecilia Delly
When will sign up began? I am on the registration site now, but no where to sign up!
It said above registration starts April 1st. (Today is March 31st).
cabin fever - begins to lose track of time ;)
Is anyone else having difficulty signing up?
The site seems to be not yet ready.. i just tried.
Sign ups start today April 1st. Good luck
Thank you for this idea !
ps : my personnal data have changed. Hang on a minute.
Will these workouts be no equipment friendly?
Will there be judging standards and will we need to submit videos as not able to judge?
Can you select more than one box to donate to?
it's not a games qualifier FCOL...
Read the rules.
Keep on supporting Your box #crossfitbinck36 #thehague #thenederlands
This is awesome. We are a new box in Cambridgeshire, Uk. We have only been open just over 4 months so couldnt have happened at a worse time for us. Luckily we have the most amazing members and support but this is just the next level. Thank you so much for organising such an amazing event for the CrossFit community! 💛
Good luck guys! Stay strong and weather the storm! Give us a shout if you want to pool ideas and keep an eye out on uK crossfit! Big love from Crossfit LE3 (Leicester way) 🙏🏾🔥👊🏾
Amazing idea!! Keeping the community connected. Huge shout out to CrossFit Currumbin on the Gold Coast, Queensland! They were so quick to start up online programming for all their members and have leased equipment aswell. The platform is so interactive and it hasn't just caught the eye of previous members, but new ones also! The community spirit these guys have is amazing, and their support through this tough time is incredible! I look forward to taking part in this event! WOOOHOO
Great idea guys!!
Totally IN! CrossFit Invoke, Raleigh NC ROCKS! Daily Zoom workouts at multiple times, no equipment WODS posted daily, gym equipment ALL out on loan to members, will be signing up TOMORROW! But wait......accessible workouts?!?! Does this mean 7 minutes of max burpees??!??? LOL. Let's go, #CFcommunity!
When can we expect CrossFitHQ to step in and start supporting all the affiliates who are the true life blood of the CrossFit community. Seems like HQ is just asking the community to support the community. Many Affiliates have closed their doors freezing memberships and are still on the hook for rent untilities insurance and have coaches that need to be supported in this tough time. Where are all the millions of dollars of affiliate fees open fees certification fees going if you are not supporting the affiliates in this time of need.
HQ It’s Time to step up and financially support the life blood that keeps this community pumping.
Zachary, I can promise you they are helping us out.
How so Chris Sinagoga?
Zach, you were unable to pay your fees nine months before the COVID-19 pandemic. You're not patient Zero are you?
Wondering what's up with a guy incapable of making ends meet in the best of times now blaming me and the virus, I went to your website:
Zach, your business failed at conception. What has transpired between now and then just took too long. It shouldn't have taken this to end that.
This thing is a nasty event for my affiliates. It is affecting every single one of them. The strong ones, regardless of age, but with solid relationships with their clients derived from the professional delivery of an unprecedented stimulus and loving community will survive both the virus and multi-generational impact.
The mothership including staff that supports the affiliates has always run lean and has now scaled substantially in direct proportion to the impact on affiliates. Our singular concern is the health of the affiliate community. The value and efficiency to organizing the entire affiliate enterprise and CF Inc around providing as much as possible for as little as possible has made this community of ours virulent, robust, strong, and global. The health and wealth created by our enterprise is significant enough to have me invited back to Harvard Business School each year for the past five years to talk about a business that designed and operates on a "least rents model" to maximize the opportunity and therefor "the spread of health, like a contagion".
There is no chain on earth that does more or takes less than CF Inc with regard to its constituents - my affiliates.
My affiliates know we are deferring payments and adjusting contract dates to reflect our not taking money for periods of mandated closure. Our DC office and network is exploring the CARES Act options for quickest relief possible to affiliates, their trainers, to include rents and utilities. Our Country Liaisons are doing the same in their countries.
You got in by mistake and never figured it out. (For the record, you cannot make globo-gym biz model work in a limited space for $29/mo. Those fees require an enormous amount of space to support the oversubscription model that thrives from 1 out of 10 sticking around after joining. You tried to mix CF with lazy ass fitness and went broke before the bug came.)
The first thing I did when I decided I could no longer participate at CrossFit, because the risk was too great for my mother who I helped 3 days a week, was let my Crossfit affiliate know that even though I was not coming in for workouts to continue to bill me indefinitely. I was fortunate that my income didn’t change as a result of the virus so I was really motivated to keep their income coming. They are my family and you take care of family. The good news is they were able to use zoom and continue on uninterrupted! I love this remote class and there are so many times because of traffic that I couldn’t make it on time and missed my class. They are considering continuing with remote classes after this nightmare is over. I am totally stoked that this will be an option in the future when Life gets in the way of life!!!
Maggie - I feel the same way. It's fascinating to see how differently we all respond, than those at typical gyms. Most big box gyms immediately laid off their entire staffs, and assume members won't really care if the faces are the same or different when they reopen. At CrossFit, it's the relationships that weave the foundation of a box. I adore my coaches and owner. I miss them. The other night on the news there was some "financial expert" urging viewers: cut out all discretionary spending. He put up a list of memberships people should cancel. Right at the top was "gym membership." It made me laugh. That's the last thing people should cancel! We can see so clearly with this virus that being fit protects you from this kind of crisis in unique ways. But, there was something about his suggestion that made a real impression. Most gyms run on the assumption that customers will buy memberships at low prices and never show up. So yes, if that's your gym's approach, you should probably cancel--because you're probably not going regularly anyway. In my experience, having been a member at three different affiliates, that approach is the complete opposite of CrossFit, where you go and they expect you! The relationships are part of the secret sauce. I'm so happy to support the affiliates. It's a chance to give back and say thank you for all they've done for me, my family and my community. I am extremely proud that my box is doing well through all of this, with the majority of members, like you and me, offering to pay through the crisis. Best money I can spend.
We are currently closed and our members are very limited on equipment to use. Will that be considered for the workouts? Not everyone has a barbell or pull-up rig.
CFPC is ujsing zoom via the internet and they have several levels of classes depending on your equipment. I have no equipment and I have been. working out for 2 weeks. It's amazing how inventive you can get. For example I used Bricks for overhead weight. Use a big towel wrapped around a pole to do ring rows. Use gallon water or milk containers filled with water or sand) for farmers carry or use one as you would use a kettlebell. Even this site has workouts with home items that you can used. It is doable.
Hey Michael, lack of gear access is being taken into consideration. You're welcome to use what you've got.
I’m certainly in for supporting Crossfit PHX. What is Crossfit National doing to support the local boxes? Waive the annual fee?
I’d love to see affiliate fees waived (or discounted by two months) for boxes in cities with mandated closures. Our rent well exceeds $10k per month but is still on the hook for rent, we could use the help!
See this post for info about the waiver/reduction of the fee.
Note that this is a general statement because not all countries have closed everything.
Can the donation be split between multiple boxes? I train out of my garage now but would like to support the two boxes where I learned CrossFit.
Drew, one potential solution would be to register a buddy and yourself so you can select donations to seperate boxes.
What percentage of my donation will go to my designated box?
all of it!
On behalf of the Triple Crown CrossFit community in Walton Ky we thank you! Great idea!
Great idea!
This is great. Also, it will help motivate me to get off my ass as my normally great motivation is suffering right now.
All in! #earnit
let’s go CrossFit of Ithaca.
Will this also work for UK CrossFit affiliates?
Will this also work for UK CrossFit affiliates?
Absolutely Jeanette.
Support Your Local Box Fundraiser