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Welcome to the Murph training program. The goal of this training is to support your journey to completing Murph at the end of May. Whether this is your first time tackling Murph or if it is an annual benchmark, this program will help you prepare for this challenging and meaningful Hero workout.
The challenge does not necessarily lie in the movements that make up the workout, but rather the sheer volume of repetitions and running distance. Most athletes don’t take the time to build up to this kind of volume before attempting Murph, and this training plan has taken that into consideration. Week 1 starts with lower volume, and then that volume increases with each week’s programming. The sixth week is a deload week and in the seventh week, we attack Murph.
Many people do Murph between Memorial Day (May 27, 2024) and the end of June. To be prepared on Memorial Day, start the 6-week training program on April 15, 2024.
Rx’d \n4 rounds for time: \n400-meter run \n40 air squats
Intermediate \n4 rounds for time: \n400-meter run \n20 air squats
Beginner \n4 rounds for time \n200-meter run \n20 air squats
Skill Work \nRest, stretch recover
Stretching \n1 set: \n1:00 couch stretch / side \n1:00 hamstring stretch / side
Complete the workout in 9:00-14:00.
Finish the runs in 2:15 or less.
Complete the air squats in :60 or less.
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume to hit the stimulus of the workout.
Consider this workout a “test” for Murph. Today’s Rx’d workout contains 160 air squats and 1,600 meters of running. Although this is roughly half the squats and running you will see in the Rx’d version of Murph, it can begin to help you understand the challenge Murph presents, as well as your current capacity with these movements.
Advanced athletes who have completed the prescribed version of Murph previously can consider performing today’s workout with a vest.
Run substitutions | 400/500-m row, 800/1,000-m C2 bike, 900/1,250-m Echo or Assault bike
Finish each run and farmers carry in 2:00 or less.
Complete each set of push-ups in 1:30 or less.
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume or loading to hit the stimulus of the workout.
Run substitutions: 400/500-meter row, 800/1,000-meter C2 bike, 900/1,250-meter Echo or Assault bike
DAY 5:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d \n4 rounds for max reps: \n1 minute of dumbbell cleans (35/50 lb) \n1 minute of double-unders \n1 minute of sit-ups \n1 minute of rest
Intermediate \n4 rounds for max reps: \n1 minute of dumbbell cleans (20/35 lb) \n1 minute of double-unders \n1 minute of sit-ups \n1 minute of rest
Beginner \n4 rounds for max reps: \n1 minute of dumbbell hang cleans (15/25 lb) \n1 minute of single-unders \n1 minute of plank hold \n1 minute of rest
Skill Work \nAccumulate: \n20-30 strict pull-ups, banded pull-ups, or ring rows.
Rx’d \n5 rounds for time \n15 box jump-overs (20/24 in) \n15 push-ups \n15 pull-ups
Intermediate \n5 rounds for time \n15 box jump-overs (20/24 in) \n8 push-ups \n8 pull-ups
Beginner \n5 rounds for time \n10 box step-up overs (12/20 in) \n10 push-ups (from knees) \n10 ring rows or dumbbell bent-over rows
Skill Work \nRest, stretch, recover.
Stretching \n2 sets: \n1:00 T-spine foam roll \n:30 band pull-aparts
Today’s workout is a great litmus test for Murph. \n
Complete the workout in 10:00-15:00. \n
A single round should take no more than 3:00 to complete. \n
Advanced athletes could complete this workout closer to 7:00-8:00. \n
Scale the reps and difficulty of each exercise to maintain sets of 5-10 reps on both the push-ups and pull-ups. \n
Consider this workout a “test” for Murph. Today’s Rx’d workout contains 75 push-ups and 75 pull-ups. This is 25 pull-ups and 125 push-ups short of the Rx’d version of Murph. When it comes to game day, the push-ups are often the movement that drags people down. Keep a log of how you attack these two movements because it will come in handy in the coming weeks. Use the result of this workout to help you when you are determining your options for Murph.
DAY 2:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d \nAs many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: \n10 dumbbell front squats (20/35 lb) \n20 alternating dumbbell power snatches \n* Use two dumbbells for the front squats and one dumbbell for the snatches.
Intermediate \nAs many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: \n10 dumbbell front squats (15/25 lb) \n20 alternating dumbbell power snatches \n* Use two dumbbells for the front squats and one dumbbell for the snatches.
Beginner \nAs many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of: \n5 single-dumbbell goblet squats (10/15 lb) \n20 alternating dumbbell power snatches \n* Use one dumbbell for both the goblet squats and snatches.
Skill Work \n4 sets: \n500-meter row or 1,000-meter bike \n– Rest 2:00 between efforts
Stretching \n2 sets: \n:30 foam roll IT band/leg \n:30 lacrosse ball roll/foot
Scale to allow yourself at least :15 to perform deadlifts. \n
Dumbbell loading should be light to moderate. \n
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume or loading to hit the stimulus of the workout. \n
Use two dumbbells if available.
DAY 5:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d \nFor time: \n50-40-30 \nDumbbell push presses (20/35 lb) \n10-8-6 \nBurpee pull-ups \n* Use a pull-up bar at least 6 inches above your reach.
Intermediate \nFor time: \n40-30-20 \nDumbbell push presses (15/25 lb) \n10-8-6 \nBurpee pull-ups \n* Use a pull-up bar that is at your fingertips with your arms overhead.
Beginner \nFor time: \n25-20-15 \nDumbbell push presses (10/15 lb) \n10-8-6 \nBurpee pull-ups \n* Use a pull-up bar low enough for you to perform a jumping pull-up.
Score is total reps. Perform at least 5 shuttle runs in each 1:00 interval throughout the workout. \n
Complete at least 15 push-ups in each 1:00 interval throughout the workout. Scale the difficulty of the push-up from the start of the workout to maintain this stimulus. Keep in mind that movements appear easier at the beginning of the workout. \n
Beginners should hold the plank position for as much of the 1:00 interval as possible, resting as needed. \n
Consider this workout a test for Murph. Today’s Rx’d workout contains 5 1:00 intervals of push-ups. Knowing how many push-ups you can perform in 1:00 is a point of data hugely helpful when it comes to Murph. Use what you learn today to help you execute in the coming weeks. \n
Advanced athletes who have completed the prescribed version of Murph previously can consider performing today’s workout with a vest. \n
DAY 3:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d \nFor time: \n800-meter run \n36 dumbbell front-rack lunges (35/50 lb) \n600-meter run \n24 dumbbell front-rack lunges \n400-meter run \n12 dumbbell front-rack lunges \n200-meter run
Intermediate \nFor time: \n800-meter run \n36 dumbbell front-rack lunges (20/35 lb) \n600-meter run \n24 dumbbell front-rack lunges \n400-meter run \n12 dumbbell front-rack lunges \n200-meter run
Beginner \nFor time: \n400-meter run \n36 walking lunges \n200-meter run \n24 walking lunges \n200-meter run \n12 walking lunges \n100-meter run
Skill Work \n10 sets: \n5 kipping pull-ups, jumping pull-ups, or ring rows \n:30 rest between sets.
Today’s workout is a great litmus test for Murph. \n
Scale the difficulty of the movements to allow yourself to complete at least 10 rounds of the workout. More advanced athletes may be able to perform a single round in 1:00 or less. \n
Consider this workout a test for Murph. If you complete 10 rounds of today’s workout, you will have completed 50 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, and 150 air squats. This is half of the repetitions in Murph. However, if you perform 20 rounds of today’s workout, you will have completed all of the repetitions in Murph in 20:00 (which is amazing). Use the result of this workout to help you when you are determining your options for Murph. \n
Advanced athletes who have completed the prescribed version of Murph previously can consider performing today’s workout with a vest. \n
DAY 2:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d \n4 rounds for time: \nRun 800 meters \n– Rest 3:00 between rounds.
Intermediate \nSame as Rx’d
Beginner \n4 rounds for time: \nRun 400 meters \n– Rest 3:00 between rounds.
Skill Work \n3 sets: \n1:00 plank hold \n30 Russian twists
Stretching \n1 set: \n400-meter recovery walk \n1:00 couch stretch/leg
Finish each run in 3:00-4:00. \n
Score is the total time to complete all 4 rounds. \n
Adjust the distance of the run to hit the stimulus of the workout.
Run substitutions: 800/1,000-meter row, 1,600/2,000-meter C2 bike, 1,750/2,500-meter Echo or Assault bike. \n
DAY 3:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d \n7 rounds for time: \n7 dumbbell power cleans (35/50 lb) \n7 dumbbell push presses \n7 box jump-overs (20/24 in) \n* Step down from the box.
Intermediate \n7 rounds for time: \n7 dumbbell power cleans (20/35 lb) \n7 dumbbell push presses \n7 box jump-overs (20/24 in) \n* Step down from the box.
Beginner \n7 rounds for time: \n7 dumbbell power cleans (10/15 lb) \n7 dumbbell push presses \n7 box step-overs (12/20 in)
Skill Work \nRest, stretch, recover.
Stretching \n1 set: \n1:00 pigeon pose/side \n1:00 foam roll upper back
Complete the workout in 6:00-12:00. \n
Complete each movement unbroken and rest between them as needed. \n
Finish the first 3 rounds in 4:00 (1:20/round) or less. \n
Finish the box jump-overs in :30-1:00. \n
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume or loading to hit the stimulus of the workout. \n
Use two dumbbells if available.
DAY 5:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d \nAMRAP 10: \n3-6-9-12 … etc. \nToes-to-bars \n1-2-3-4 … etc. \nWall walks
Intermediate \nAMRAP 10: \n3-6-9-12 … etc. \nKnees-to-armpits \n1-2-3-4 … etc. \nWall walks (halfway up the wall)
Beginner \nAMRAP 10: \n3-6-9-12 … etc. \nHanging knee raises \n1-2-3-4 … etc. \nInchworms
Skill Work \nRest, stretch, recover.
Stretching \n2 sets: \n1:00 child’s pose \n10 scap pull-ups \n* Hold the top of each scap pull-up for :01.
All athletes should aim to get into the round of 18. \n
Advanced athletes get into the round of 24. \n
Complete toes-to-bars in sets of 3+. \n
Perform 4+ wall walks/minute. \n
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume to hit the stimulus of the workout.
Today’s workout is a great litmus test for Murph. \n
Complete this workout in 10:00 or less. \n
Adjust the distance of the run to hit the stimulus of the workout. \n
Consider this workout a test for Murph. If you complete your mile run in 10:00, plan to spend at least 20:00 of your time running (knowing the second run is always worse). Use the result of this workout to help you when you are determining your options for Murph. \n
Advanced athletes who have completed the prescribed version of Murph previously can consider performing today’s workout with a vest.
Run substitutions: 1,600/2,000-meter row, 3,200/4,000-meter C2 bike, 3,500/5,000-meter Echo or Assault bike \n
DAY 5:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d \nAMRAP 20: \n200-meter run \n5 dumbbell power cleans (35/50 lb) \n25 push-ups \n5 dumbbell power cleans \n50 air squats \n5 dumbbell power cleans \n75 double-unders
Intermediate \nAMRAP 20: \n200-meter run \n5 dumbbell power cleans (20/35 lb) \n15 push-ups \n5 dumbbell power cleans \n25 air squats \n5 dumbbell power cleans \n35 double-unders
Beginner \nAMRAP 20: \n200-meter run \n5 dumbbell power cleans (10/15 lb) \n15 push-ups (from knees or with hands elevated) \n5 dumbbell power cleans \n25 air squats \n5 dumbbell power cleans \n50 single-unders
Skill Work \nRest, stretch, recover.
Stretching \n2 sets: \n:30 foam roll IT band/leg \n:30 lacrosse ball roll/foot
Complete 3-6+ rounds of today’s workout. \n
The loading of the dumbbells should allow you to perform unbroken reps. \n
Finish push-ups, air squats, and double-unders in 1:30 or less. \n
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume or loading to hit the stimulus of the workout. \n
Use two dumbbells if available.
Run substitutions: 200/250-meter row, 400/500-meter C2 bike, 500/700-meter Assault or Echo bike
DAY 6:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d \n3 rounds for time: \n30 alternating dumbbell snatches (35/50 lb) \n20 shuttle runs \n– 1 shuttle run = 25 feet out and 25 feet back
Intermediate \n3 rounds for time: \n30 alternating dumbbell snatches (20/35 lb) \n20 shuttle runs \n– 1 shuttle run = 25 feet out and 25 feet back
Beginner \n3 rounds for time: \n20 alternating dumbbell snatches (10/15 lb) \n10 shuttle runs \n– 1 shuttle run = 25 feet out and 25 feet back
Skill Work \nAccumulate: \n20-30 strict pull-ups, banded pull-ups, or ring rows
Rx’d \nFor time: \nRun 1 mile \n100 pull-ups \n200 push-ups \n300 air squats \nRun 1 mile \n* Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. \n* If you’ve got a 14/20-lb vest or body armor, wear it.
Intermediate \nFor time: \n1-mile run \n50 pull-ups \n100 push-ups \n150 air squats \n1-mile run \n* Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Head out for the second run no later than 25:00.
Beginner \nFor time: \n800-meter run \n-Then- \n10 rounds: \n5 ring rows \n10 push-ups (from knees or with hands elevated on a box) \n15 air squats \n-Then- \n800-meter run \n– Head out for the second run no later than 20:00.
Maintain a consistent movement and pace throughout the entire workout. \n
Keep the runs to less than 10:00 each. \n
Partition the gymnastics movements into smaller and manageable sets that allow for unbroken reps. \n
Consider a vest only if you have performed Murph in the past or have been training regularly in a vest. Vested athletes must still complete the workout within the intended stimulus. \n
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume or loading to hit the stimulus of the workout. \n
Run substitutions: 1,600/2,000-meter row, 3,200/4,000-meter C2 bike, 3,500/5,000-meter Echo or Assault bike \n
\n","hideText":"Hide","status":"active","type":"alert_banner","userCanHide":"no"},"header":{"desktopLinks":[{"below":[{"id":93961,"parent":"93960","target":"_self","text":"What is CrossFit?","url":"/what-is-crossfit"},{"id":93962,"parent":"93960","target":"_self","text":"Find a Gym","url":"/map"}],"id":93960,"parent":"0","target":"_self","text":"Getting Started","url":"/what-is-crossfit"},{"below":[{"id":93964,"parent":"93963","target":"_self","text":"About","url":"/education/about"},{"id":93966,"parent":"93963","target":"_self","text":"Level 1 Certificate Course","url":"/certificate-courses/level-1"},{"id":93965,"parent":"93963","target":"_self","text":"Explore All Courses","url":"/education/explore-courses"},{"id":109033,"parent":"93963","target":"_self","text":"Private Courses","url":"/private-course/"},{"id":109034,"parent":"93963","target":"_self","text":"Military Resources","url":"/army-ignited"},{"id":93967,"parent":"93963","target":"_self","text":"Coaching 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Welcome to the Murph training program. The goal of this training is to support your journey to completing Murph at the end of May. Whether this is your first time tackling Murph or if it is an annual benchmark, this program will help you prepare for this challenging and meaningful Hero workout.
The challenge does not necessarily lie in the movements that make up the workout, but rather the sheer volume of repetitions and running distance. Most athletes don’t take the time to build up to this kind of volume before attempting Murph, and this training plan has taken that into consideration. Week 1 starts with lower volume, and then that volume increases with each week’s programming. The sixth week is a deload week and in the seventh week, we attack Murph.
Many people do Murph between Memorial Day (May 27, 2024) and the end of June. To be prepared on Memorial Day, start the 6-week training program on April 15, 2024.
4 rounds for time:
400-meter run
40 air squats
4 rounds for time:
400-meter run
20 air squats
4 rounds for time
200-meter run
20 air squats
Skill Work
Rest, stretch recover
1 set:
1:00 couch stretch / side
1:00 hamstring stretch / side
Complete the workout in 9:00-14:00.
Finish the runs in 2:15 or less.
Complete the air squats in :60 or less.
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume to hit the stimulus of the workout.
Consider this workout a “test” for Murph. Today’s Rx’d workout contains 160 air squats and 1,600 meters of running. Although this is roughly half the squats and running you will see in the Rx’d version of Murph, it can begin to help you understand the challenge Murph presents, as well as your current capacity with these movements.
Advanced athletes who have completed the prescribed version of Murph previously can consider performing today’s workout with a vest.
Run substitutions | 400/500-m row, 800/1,000-m C2 bike, 900/1,250-m Echo or Assault bike
The dumbbell loading should be relatively light and allow you to complete at least 10 unbroken reps every time you pick up the weights.
Complete your burpees in less than 2:00.
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume or loading to hit the stimulus of the workout.
Use two dumbbells if available.
Week 2
DAY 1:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d 5 rounds for time
15 box jump-overs (20/24 in)
15 push-ups
15 pull-ups
Intermediate 5 rounds for time
15 box jump-overs (20/24 in)
8 push-ups
8 pull-ups
Beginner 5 rounds for time
10 box step-up overs (12/20 in)
10 push-ups (from knees)
10 ring rows or dumbbell bent-over rows
Skill Work
Rest, stretch, recover.
Stretching 2 sets:
1:00 T-spine foam roll
:30 band pull-aparts
Today’s workout is a great litmus test for Murph.
Complete the workout in 10:00-15:00.
A single round should take no more than 3:00 to complete.
Advanced athletes could complete this workout closer to 7:00-8:00.
Scale the reps and difficulty of each exercise to maintain sets of 5-10 reps on both the push-ups and pull-ups.
Consider this workout a “test” for Murph. Today’s Rx’d workout contains 75 push-ups and 75 pull-ups. This is 25 pull-ups and 125 push-ups short of the Rx’d version of Murph. When it comes to game day, the push-ups are often the movement that drags people down. Keep a log of how you attack these two movements because it will come in handy in the coming weeks. Use the result of this workout to help you when you are determining your options for Murph.
DAY 2:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 dumbbell front squats (20/35 lb)
20 alternating dumbbell power snatches
* Use two dumbbells for the front squats and one dumbbell for the snatches.
Intermediate As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 dumbbell front squats (15/25 lb)
20 alternating dumbbell power snatches
* Use two dumbbells for the front squats and one dumbbell for the snatches.
Beginner As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 single-dumbbell goblet squats (10/15 lb)
20 alternating dumbbell power snatches
* Use one dumbbell for both the goblet squats and snatches.
Skill Work
4 sets:
500-meter row or 1,000-meter bike
– Rest 2:00 between efforts
Stretching 2 sets:
:30 foam roll IT band/leg
:30 lacrosse ball roll/foot
Scale to allow yourself at least :15 to perform deadlifts.
Dumbbell loading should be light to moderate.
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume or loading to hit the stimulus of the workout.
Use two dumbbells if available.
DAY 5:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d For time:
Dumbbell push presses (20/35 lb)
Burpee pull-ups
* Use a pull-up bar at least 6 inches above your reach.
For time:
Dumbbell push presses (15/25 lb)
Burpee pull-ups
* Use a pull-up bar that is at your fingertips with your arms overhead.
For time:
Dumbbell push presses (10/15 lb)
Burpee pull-ups
* Use a pull-up bar low enough for you to perform a jumping pull-up.
Score is total reps. Perform at least 5 shuttle runs in each 1:00 interval throughout the workout.
Complete at least 15 push-ups in each 1:00 interval throughout the workout. Scale the difficulty of the push-up from the start of the workout to maintain this stimulus. Keep in mind that movements appear easier at the beginning of the workout.
Beginners should hold the plank position for as much of the 1:00 interval as possible, resting as needed.
Consider this workout a test for Murph. Today’s Rx’d workout contains 5 1:00 intervals of push-ups. Knowing how many push-ups you can perform in 1:00 is a point of data hugely helpful when it comes to Murph. Use what you learn today to help you execute in the coming weeks.
Advanced athletes who have completed the prescribed version of Murph previously can consider performing today’s workout with a vest.
DAY 3:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d For time:
800-meter run
36 dumbbell front-rack lunges (35/50 lb)
600-meter run
24 dumbbell front-rack lunges
400-meter run
12 dumbbell front-rack lunges
200-meter run
For time:
800-meter run
36 dumbbell front-rack lunges (20/35 lb)
600-meter run
24 dumbbell front-rack lunges
400-meter run
12 dumbbell front-rack lunges
200-meter run
For time:
400-meter run
36 walking lunges
200-meter run
24 walking lunges
200-meter run
12 walking lunges
100-meter run
Skill Work
10 sets:
5 kipping pull-ups, jumping pull-ups, or ring rows
:30 rest between sets.
Scale the difficulty of the movements to allow yourself to complete at least 10 rounds of the workout. More advanced athletes may be able to perform a single round in 1:00 or less.
Consider this workout a test for Murph. If you complete 10 rounds of today’s workout, you will have completed 50 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, and 150 air squats. This is half of the repetitions in Murph. However, if you perform 20 rounds of today’s workout, you will have completed all of the repetitions in Murph in 20:00 (which is amazing). Use the result of this workout to help you when you are determining your options for Murph.
Advanced athletes who have completed the prescribed version of Murph previously can consider performing today’s workout with a vest.
DAY 2:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d 4 rounds for time:
Run 800 meters
– Rest 3:00 between rounds.
Intermediate Same as Rx’d
Beginner 4 rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
– Rest 3:00 between rounds.
Skill Work
3 sets:
1:00 plank hold
30 Russian twists
Stretching 1 set:
400-meter recovery walk
1:00 couch stretch/leg
Finish each run in 3:00-4:00.
Score is the total time to complete all 4 rounds.
Adjust the distance of the run to hit the stimulus of the workout.
Run substitutions: 800/1,000-meter row, 1,600/2,000-meter C2 bike, 1,750/2,500-meter Echo or Assault bike.
DAY 3:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d 7 rounds for time:
7 dumbbell power cleans (35/50 lb)
7 dumbbell push presses
7 box jump-overs (20/24 in)
* Step down from the box.
7 rounds for time:
7 dumbbell power cleans (20/35 lb)
7 dumbbell push presses
7 box jump-overs (20/24 in)
* Step down from the box.
7 rounds for time:
7 dumbbell power cleans (10/15 lb)
7 dumbbell push presses
7 box step-overs (12/20 in)
Skill Work
Rest, stretch, recover.
Stretching 1 set:
1:00 pigeon pose/side
1:00 foam roll upper back
Complete the workout in 6:00-12:00.
Complete each movement unbroken and rest between them as needed.
Finish the first 3 rounds in 4:00 (1:20/round) or less.
Finish the box jump-overs in :30-1:00.
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume or loading to hit the stimulus of the workout.
Use two dumbbells if available.
DAY 5:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d AMRAP 10:
3-6-9-12 … etc.
1-2-3-4 … etc.
Wall walks
3-6-9-12 … etc.
1-2-3-4 … etc.
Wall walks (halfway up the wall)
3-6-9-12 … etc.
Hanging knee raises
1-2-3-4 … etc.
Skill Work
Rest, stretch, recover.
Stretching 2 sets:
1:00 child’s pose
10 scap pull-ups
* Hold the top of each scap pull-up for :01.
All athletes should aim to get into the round of 18.
Advanced athletes get into the round of 24.
Complete toes-to-bars in sets of 3+.
Perform 4+ wall walks/minute.
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume to hit the stimulus of the workout.
Adjust the distance of the run to hit the stimulus of the workout.
Consider this workout a test for Murph. If you complete your mile run in 10:00, plan to spend at least 20:00 of your time running (knowing the second run is always worse). Use the result of this workout to help you when you are determining your options for Murph.
Advanced athletes who have completed the prescribed version of Murph previously can consider performing today’s workout with a vest.
Run substitutions: 1,600/2,000-meter row, 3,200/4,000-meter C2 bike, 3,500/5,000-meter Echo or Assault bike
DAY 5:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d AMRAP 20:
200-meter run
5 dumbbell power cleans (35/50 lb)
25 push-ups
5 dumbbell power cleans
50 air squats
5 dumbbell power cleans
75 double-unders
200-meter run
5 dumbbell power cleans (20/35 lb)
15 push-ups
5 dumbbell power cleans
25 air squats
5 dumbbell power cleans
35 double-unders
200-meter run
5 dumbbell power cleans (10/15 lb)
15 push-ups (from knees or with hands elevated)
5 dumbbell power cleans
25 air squats
5 dumbbell power cleans
50 single-unders
Skill Work
Rest, stretch, recover.
Stretching 2 sets:
:30 foam roll IT band/leg
:30 lacrosse ball roll/foot
Complete 3-6+ rounds of today’s workout.
The loading of the dumbbells should allow you to perform unbroken reps.
Finish push-ups, air squats, and double-unders in 1:30 or less.
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume or loading to hit the stimulus of the workout.
Use two dumbbells if available.
Run substitutions: 200/250-meter row, 400/500-meter C2 bike, 500/700-meter Assault or Echo bike
DAY 6:
Workout Variations:
Rx’d 3 rounds for time:
30 alternating dumbbell snatches (35/50 lb)
20 shuttle runs
– 1 shuttle run = 25 feet out and 25 feet back
3 rounds for time:
30 alternating dumbbell snatches (20/35 lb)
20 shuttle runs
– 1 shuttle run = 25 feet out and 25 feet back
3 rounds for time:
20 alternating dumbbell snatches (10/15 lb)
10 shuttle runs
– 1 shuttle run = 25 feet out and 25 feet back
Skill Work
20-30 strict pull-ups, banded pull-ups, or ring rows
Maintain 10 reps/minute or more on the alternating dumbbell clean and jerks.
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume or loading to hit the stimulus of the workout.
Week 7: Murph
Workout Variations:
Rx’d For time:
Run 1 mile
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squats
Run 1 mile
* Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.
* If you’ve got a 14/20-lb vest or body armor, wear it.
Intermediate For time:
1-mile run
50 pull-ups
100 push-ups
150 air squats
1-mile run
* Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Head out for the second run no later than 25:00.
Beginner For time:
800-meter run
10 rounds:
5 ring rows
10 push-ups (from knees or with hands elevated on a box)
15 air squats
800-meter run
– Head out for the second run no later than 20:00.
Maintain a consistent movement and pace throughout the entire workout.
Keep the runs to less than 10:00 each.
Partition the gymnastics movements into smaller and manageable sets that allow for unbroken reps.
Consider a vest only if you have performed Murph in the past or have been training regularly in a vest. Vested athletes must still complete the workout within the intended stimulus.
Adjust the difficulty of the movement or reduce the volume or loading to hit the stimulus of the workout.
Run substitutions: 1,600/2,000-meter row, 3,200/4,000-meter C2 bike, 3,500/5,000-meter Echo or Assault bike