In October 2013, I published a peer-reviewed editorial in the BMJ entitled “Saturated fat is not the major issue.” The editorial made the front page of three British newspapers and was featured on CNN International and Fox News, among other outlets (1). After analyzing the research for two years and developing my own clinical experience managing thousands of patients with diet-related chronic disease, I concluded incorrect dietary advice was a root cause of the obesity epidemic. To summarize:
- There was no good-quality and convincing evidence that saturated fat causes heart disease; dairy products high in saturated fat may actually be protective (2).
- Diets low in refined carbohydrates appear to be most effective for weight loss and managing markers of the metabolic syndrome.
- Sugar reduction should now be a public health priority to curb obesity and Type 2 diabetes (3).
- A flawed model of lowering total cholesterol to curb heart disease had resulted in millions being over-medicated with statin drugs that would confer no net benefit. Meanwhile, unacceptable side effects affected about one in five patients taking the medication (4).
Subsequent research has supported the first three conclusions, and progress has been made. For instance, the U.K. government introduced a sugary drinks tax in 2016 following a meeting of myself and a small group of scientists with the Secretary of State for Health (5). However, as far as cholesterol and statins are concerned, we are still trapped in a flawed public policy model that aims to tackle the Western world’s biggest killer by using diet and drugs to get cholesterol as low as possible — all this despite the three-decade campaign failing to reduce population cardiovascular mortality with this approach.
A few months after the BMJ publication, British Heart Foundation Professor of Medicine Sir Rory Collins of Oxford University, arguably the most influential statin researcher, called for immediate retraction of my editorial (6). An analysis from John Abramson and colleagues from Harvard appeared in the same issue, wherein Abramson et al. had reanalyzed published data and concluded those at low risk of heart disease received no mortality benefit from taking statins. Although Collins did not challenge this claim, he felt that one in five suffering side effects (which Abramson and I both claimed) was a gross exaggeration. In fact, Collins told The Guardian his own research revealed serious side effects from statins affected only one in 10,000 and there was a small risk of getting diabetes. Collins’ view was that because of media scaremongering, patients at high risk would stop taking the pill, leading to many deaths.
Significantly, The Guardian failed to acknowledge in its reporting of the story that Collins’ department has received well in excess of £100 million from companies that manufacture statin drugs (7).
The editor of the BMJ sent my and Abramson’s articles for an independent review, and a unanimous panel of six concluded there were no grounds for retraction.
Collins, unhappy with this verdict, then reported the editor of the BMJ, Dr. Fiona Godlee, to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for editorial misconduct, which many inside the BMJ believed was an attempt to get her sacked. Again he was unsuccessful.
Over the next few years, I contributed to a number of well-publicized medical journal articles reinforcing the point that statin benefits are marginal at best and the original trials could not be relied upon to determine the true incidence of side effects.
The true rate of side effects is unknown. In my own clinical experience treating thousands of patients, up to half of them will report a debilitating (although usually reversible) side effect from the medication at some point. This is supported by real-world data that indicates more than half of those patients prescribed statins will stop taking them within a few years, citing side effects as the main reason (8).
To try and settle the debate, Collins reanalyzed his own confidential data in a 2016 Lancet publication, this time concluding the benefits of statins significantly outweigh any potential harms (9).
Weeks later, a quite extraordinary investigation by the Sunday Times newspaper revealed Collins was co-inventor of a genetic test that indicated susceptibility to muscle pain from taking statins (10). This test, branded as “Statin Smart,” was marketed and sold directly to the consumer in the United States under a claim that “29% of all users will experience muscle pain, weakness or cramps.” Although Collins said this figure was misleading, Boston Heart Diagnostics stood by its claims, making the point that clinical trials such as the ones Collins had conducted were unreliable because patients experiencing side effects were often excluded in the final published results. Collins filed the patent for the test in 2009, and a subsequent Freedom of Information request from the Sunday Times revealed Oxford University received in excess of £300,000 for its sale.
After the Mail On Sunday newspaper launched an error-riddled, distorted, defamatory front-page article accusing me, along with Dr. Malcolm Kendrick and obesity researcher Dr. Zoe Harcombe, of spreading “deadly propaganda” on statins, I decided we needed a full public parliamentary inquiry. In order to clear up statin misinformation, we needed to further expose the national scandal developing from the mass prescription of the drugs and push for access to the raw data for independent analysis.
I coordinated a letter with a number of eminent doctors. The BMJ’s Godlee, UCSF Medical Center Cardiologist Rita Redberg, and the Queen of England’s former personal physician and former president of the Royal College of Physicians, Sir Richard Thompson, were all signatories. The letter stated our belief that there was an “urgent need” for a full independent parliamentary investigation into statins (12). We defined “independent” in this context as a review of the complete trial data by experts who have no ties to industry and have not previously undertaken or meta-analyzed clinical trials of statins. To convey the urgency of the investigation, we noted:
- Statins are a class of drug prescribed to millions in the U.K. and tens of millions across the world.
- Based on the publications available, the benefits of statins have been subjected to significant positive spin, especially among people at low risk of cardiovascular disease. Meanwhile, the drugs’ potential adverse effects have been downplayed.
We concluded that all signatories “are strongly of the view that such confusion, doubt and lack of transparency about the effects of a class of drug that is so widely prescribed is truly shocking and must be a matter of major public concern.”
The letter was supported by the chair of the U.K. Parliament’s Science and Technology Committee, Sir Norman Lamb MP, who wrote to the chief medical officer of the country that there was “compelling evidence” such an inquiry was needed (13).
A gross injustice continues to be committed against tens of millions of patients around the world who are not given the truth about a pill they are prescribed. We cannot be naïve to the fact that fear of cholesterol is a multibillion-dollar industry and total statin revenues are estimated to reach $ 1 trillion by next year.
Evidence-based medicine dictates that in order to produce the best outcomes for the patient, we use a combination of individual clinical expertise and the best available evidence while considering patient values and preferences (14).
This requires having a conversation with patients that includes transparent communication of risks and benefits in absolute terms. I now ensure my heart attack patients know that if they do not suffer side effects, there is a one in 83 chance taking a statin will prolong their life and a one in 39 chance it will prevent a non-fatal heart attack. But such discussion is not part of routine practice where doctors are instructed to follow guidelines in order to hit “targets” to get cholesterol as low as possible without any transparent rigorous evidence.
For years I prescribed statins, telling patients statins are wonder drugs, that they need to take them religiously every day, and that side effects were rare. I now realize nothing could be further from the truth. If the published data is to be completely trusted, many would find statins’ effects very underwhelming. For example, if you do not have heart disease and have not suffered a heart attack, there is no mortality benefit and approximately a one in 100 chance statins will prevent a minor heart attack or non-disabling stroke (15).
So why is such straightforward information not easily and readily available to both doctors and patients in the consultation room? It is most likely because the majority of patients would choose not to take the pill given that information, and that is not good news for the drug companies. But who can blame the pharmaceutical industry? It has a fiduciary obligation to provide profit to shareholders, not to give patients the best treatment. The real scandal is that many of those with a responsibility to patients — doctors, medical journals, and academic institutions — collude with industry for financial gain.
Dr. Aseem Malhotra is an honorary consultant cardiologist at Lister Hospital in Stevenage, U.K., and visiting Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine at the Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health in Salvador, Brazil. He is a founding member of Action on Sugar and has led work highlighting the harm caused by excess sugar consumption in the U.K., particularly its role in Type 2 diabetes and obesity. He has also been prominent in challenging mainstream advice on the role of saturated fat and cholesterol in the development of cardiovascular disease. In 2015, he coordinated the Choosing Wisely campaign by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) as lead author in a BMJ paper highlighting the risks of overuse of medical treatments. In the same year, he became the youngest member to be appointed to the board of trustees of U.K. health think tank the King’s Fund, which advises the government on health policy. Malhotra is a frequent expert commentator in print and broadcast media and has written for a number of publications including the BMJ, The Guardian, Observer, BBC online, Huffington Post, The Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph, and The Washington Post.
- “Saturated fat is not the major issue”
- “Association of dairy intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality in 21 countries from five continents (PURE): a prospective cohort study”
- “Dietary carbohydrate restriction as the first approach in diabetes management: Critical review and evidence base”
- “Risks of statin therapy in older adults”
- “UK to charge soda tax on sugary drinks”
- “Note on the reasons why the BMJ papers by Abramson et al and by Malhotra, along with their subsequent correspondence, should be retracted”
- “Doctors’ fears over statins may cost lives, says top medical researcher, Professor who sparked statins row says government should intervene”
- “Nearly half of older patients stop taking statins within a year, study finds”
- “Interpretation of the evidence for the efficacy and safety of statin therapy”
- “Statins expert in row over level of risk to patients”
- “The deadly propaganda of statin deniers”
- “Review of statins needed, Statins review ‘urgently needed’ to find out if millions are benefiting from cholesterol drug”
- Ibid.
- “Clinical expertise in the era of evidence-based medicine and patient choice”
- “Beyond confusion and controversy, can we evaluate the real efficacy and safety of cholesterol-lowering with statins?”
Comments on The Great Statin Scam – Time to Clean up the Mess
Dr. Aseem Malhotra is my hero. I have listened to him in interviews and he is well spoken and genuine. He cares about his patients enough to delve into the science. That is why he has come full circle from enthusiastically prescribing statins whilest tauting their health benefits to letting the most at-risk patient know that taking a stain will only prolong the life of 1 in every 83 patients. This is hardly a benefit worth discussing. The fact that he was reprimanded in the company of Zoe Harcombe and Malcolm Kendrick only elevates his position further.
Schopenhauer said: "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." Nowhere has this been more clearly evidenced than with the lipid hypothesis of CVD and the promulgation of statins for darn near everybody in the face of very little hard evidence that they do any good for most people (outside a small benefit to men under age 65 who have had a documented cardiac event). And in the face of a lot of evidence that they have the potential to do harm to a significant number of people.
When Mike and I wrote Protein Power in 1996 (and the LifePlan in 2000) and made the case that fat was not the enemy, the world was at the first of Schopenhauer's stages. The idea was ridiculed. But it was clear to us that our patients on lower carb nutrition (even though they were eating substantial amounts of cholesterol and animal fat) were healing their ravaged metabolic machinery, lowering their TGs, raising their HDLs, usually lowering TC and LDL (though not always the latter), losing weight, resolving GERD and sleep apnea, and generally getting well. So we persisted in doing what our own lyin' eyes told us was working for our patients despite the countervailing medical wisdom.
In more recent years and up to the present, those of us who held firm to the belief that CVD wasn't about the fat, the sat fat, the dietary cholesterol, or in fact wasn't even probably related to the cholesterol level at all, have been suffering through the second phase. And the ever stronger push to recommend statins for an ever widening demographic of patients took hold. People espousing anything other than the lipid hypothesis party line and the obligation to prescribe statins (for ever lower cholesterol and LDL numbers) were roundly vilified and decried. I can say with pride that I have never written a prescription for any statin of any sort ever.
And, as the quick and vicious attack on Dr. Malhotra's BMJ editorial attests, we're not out of the second phase woods yet.
Thankfully, though, there are hopeful glimmers (and lots of favorable research) that suggest the door to the third phase may be cracking open. It can't come too soon!
Thanks for your response! I don’t believe my reply to the article be vicious in any way. I have 30 years in the clinical lab and have witnessed first hand that statins indeed significantly reduce Trig, LDL and total chol while improving HDL. So my question to the anti statin providers is what us plaque made of and how does it form on arterial walls. Personally, I have genetic high cholesterol. With statins I went from a total chol of 385 down to 186, having improved lipid panel results across the board. I have achieved similar results when trading for full 26 mile marathons, however the mileage was hard on my knees. My conclusion is statins aren’t for everyone, but there IS a significant population that greatly benefit from them. 😃👍
Frankly, I'm surprised that anyone paying attention to the world is surprised by this. :)
Stations reduce LDL and Triglycerides as well as reducing arterial inflammation. Statins also increase HDL. The major source of arterial sclerosis is plaque buildup. Plaques is formed from calcium, some types of fat, and yes, cholesterol. Medical providers do need to prescribe based on family genetics/history and patient labs. Providers, in my opinion, should not prescribe by casting a wide net or based on diet habits. In many cases, LDL can be reduced through endurance exercise such as cycling or running several miles 3-5 times a week. To say that statins are “bad” or not useful based on the data provided in this article is skewed at best and appears to be driven by a big pharma is bad narrative. Most CrossFit athletes are trusting in the validity and objectivity of your scientific reporting, which in this case is only half of the story.
You seem to believe that "less is better" when it comes to LDL. Can't blame you, so do think european cardiologists ESC EAS. They also think that omega-6 PUFAs are good for you (since they lower cholesterol short term). Dave at Cholesterolcode has a trick before taking the lipid panel test; he gorges on saturated fat for three days. Seems like the liver looks back for 3 days and diminishes VLDL dispatch of triglycerides accordingly. Doctor is happy, because the NUMBER he likes to treat is good. Get familiarized to Framingham, seems like LDL has a u-shaped curve in harms way, as do so many indicators in biochemistry (blood glucose e.g.).
Wanna improve Triglycerides? They seem to be a proxy for carb intake. HDL? A proxy for saturated fat intake. Inflammation = healing, chronic healingis bad, though, try finding info on insulin effects on it (chronic levels also). Why take medicin in order to improve these values?
Malhotra and another signing doctor Kendrick, are disturbed while there is none evidence to prove this causality of cholesterol - > CVD. When treating this condition (high number/statin deficiency) massively nationwide, wouldn't you expect harder evidence? The absolute benefit for patients can be calculated within 2% (absolute) units, spinned into 30-40% (relative) units. Can't blame big pharma, this is a business dream come true; medicate 50% for the rest of life, based on "treating a number", with no meaningful benefit. The borderline value has been creeping down, opening up for 10's of millions more (healthy?) to be medicalised. Set up targets in "usual care", and disciplined doctors follow them.
This Collins guy, sitting on secret data on old statin trials, has double standards. He is noiciest advocate for "more statins to everyone, lower the borderline values" and "no side effects 2/10000" with the Trump pathos of "no collusion". His patented product is sold with 29% muscle pain probability claim -this is but only one of the side effects! Follow the money for a while: his institute receives money from the Big Pharma (for keeping the data and analyzing it) and the Patent royalties.
Within this mess, Malhotra et all is calling for INDEPENDENT investigation for this wide statinating practice. No Collins no Pharma, fresh scientists are needed. Looking forward to the results, like to see if my "bias" is being reinforced. Doubt that I need to adjust it.
This article just shows how confusing it is for any lay person to make an informed decision about any medication let alone statins!
Does cholesterol really matter in predicting cardiovascular disease? If an individual has Familial hypercholesterolemia should they be worried or is it just their natural state, especially if their HDL levels are high? If my doctor recommends statins is he/she using the best research? Most of them use commercial databases to provide information, which is probably funded by medical companies. CoQ10 has been shown to be most beneficial when used in conjunction with statins but the evidence is still limited. Fish oil and high fibre diets have shown some good results, but now this evidence is also being questioned.
Seems like you're better doing nothing than anything - apart from eating a no/low processed food diet and getting regular exercise.
I couldn’t agree more with this article. If you’re on a statin because you’ve had a heart attack or stroke the doctors should tell you to take the active form of CoQ10.
The Great Statin Scam – Time to Clean up the Mess