CrossFit Health Conference Feature: Behavior Change as a Key to Health and Happiness

ByCrossFit HealthJanuary 3, 2022

The CrossFit community has changed countless lives, as evidenced by the hundreds of thousands who compete in the CrossFit Open each year and the millions who show up at their affiliates each week in the pursuit of health, happiness, and performance. Every member of the CrossFit community knows each of these transformations is the product of sustained behavior change — new ways of eating, moving, and thinking about ourselves and our communities.

Session 3 of the 2022 CrossFit Health Virtual Conference will feature five speakers who will explore these behavior changes in detail, identifying both the profound impact fitness and health can have and the tools we have at our disposal to help every athlete and patient reach their goals. Providers, coaches, patients, and athletes will find in this session both theoretical and practical guidance to promote proactive behavioral change.

First, Michael Giardina, CrossFit’s Senior Manager of Health Education and a pillar of the CrossFit training community of 15 years, will illustrate how changes to the training environment, large and small, can help each athlete show up and give their very best. Kristi Storoschuk will then broaden our focus, showing how the changes in health and wellness we see within the box change athletes’ lives for the better and how we can shift our habits in the pursuit of performance. Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng will share his incredible experiences over the past two years as a Canadian ICU doctor and the role his local fitness community has played in reducing the risk of sickness and disease. Dr. Jacki Hillios will then show how movement, fitness, and a strong sense of community has helped tens of thousands overcome addiction and radically transform their lives across the United States. Dr. Tommy Wood will review the specific capacities of aerobic fitness and strength — and their combination — to improve health and longevity and to reduce the risk of specific maladies such as neurodegeneration. Dr. Wood will provide practitioners with a more informed understanding of how to apply exercise most effectively to improve specific and general health outcomes in patients and athletes.

You’ll come away from this session with a greater understanding of the roots of behavior change and renewed motivation to effect it. We’re pleased to share these speakers with the CrossFit community.

In advance of the conference, on Jan. 5, at 5:30 p.m. PT, Giardina will host a live interview on the CrossFit Health Instagram page with Dr. Kyeremanteng to discuss behavior change.

The 2022 CrossFit Health Virtual Conference will bring together world-class experts in science, fitness, and healthcare for a series of lectures and panel discussions on ways to improve our health and quality of life. The virtual conference will take place on Friday, Jan. 21, and Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022.

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