CrossFit Health Webinar: Training and Nutrition for the female athlete with Dr. Jaime Seeman

ByCrossFit HealthAugust 23, 2022
Found in:220824,Health

On Tuesday, August 30, at 4 p.m. PT/7p.m. ET, Dr. Jaime Seeman will take a deep dive into training and nutrition for the female CrossFit athlete. This webinar will mostly focus on improving health and fitness in the general female CrossFitter, but will also touch on how to train and eat for optimal performance and competition.

Dr. Seeman is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist with a background in nutrition, exercise, and health science. She is a current fellow in integrative medicine and a board-certified ketogenic nutrition specialist. Dr. Seeman has a passion for fitness, preventative medicine, and ketogenic therapy, which has been transmitted from her own life into her medical practice.

Space is limited. If you would like to join this webinar, please register here.

Comments on CrossFit Health Webinar: Training and Nutrition for the female athlete with Dr. Jaime Seeman


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jeremy t
October 4th, 2022 at 10:35 am
Commented on: CrossFit Health Webinar: Training and Nutrition for the female athlete with Dr. Jaime Seeman


I have a question: I suffer from insomnia and I wonder if too much exercise at the end of the day could potentially be the source of my sleep difficulties.

I have looked at many resources on the web such as but have not found an answer to my question.

Maybe someone can help me?

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Michele Arena
August 24th, 2022 at 1:48 pm
Commented on: CrossFit Health Webinar: Training and Nutrition for the female athlete with Dr. Jaime Seeman

I respect everyone's passion around this topic and I follow the top clinicians in the industry that support this lifestyle. I have to say that for me personally, when I consume carbs, they drag me down seriously. I've been keto with intermittent fasting for 4 years and CrossFit/Bodybuilding for 3. I'm in the best shape of my life at 64. I'm 5'3" and 140lbs, which I adjust up and down based on my caloric deficit.

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Tiffanee Kohl
October 19th, 2022 at 7:22 pm

Agree. I'm a Nurse Practitioner and have been keto for 6 years and CrossFit without any problems. There is solid science and research behind the state of nutritional ketosis and metabolic flexibility in general and I trust the physicians/researchers forging the way on this topic!

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Karen Blankenship
August 24th, 2022 at 11:01 am
Commented on: CrossFit Health Webinar: Training and Nutrition for the female athlete with Dr. Jaime Seeman

I did low carb for two years and it wrecked my metabolism. As a certified nutrition coach, please stop promoting keto for athletes, especially female athletes. While keto can be beneficial short term for certain conditions, it should not be followed long term.

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Melissa Ondesko
August 24th, 2022 at 1:30 am
Commented on: CrossFit Health Webinar: Training and Nutrition for the female athlete with Dr. Jaime Seeman

Keto???? In Crossfit? Or even in life? No. I dare anyone who does CF to do keto. SMH. Sincerely, a Registered Dietitian.

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Susan King-Wilson
August 24th, 2022 at 12:40 am
Commented on: CrossFit Health Webinar: Training and Nutrition for the female athlete with Dr. Jaime Seeman

Will there be any discussion of Iron loss in female non-menstruating, way post-menopausal (74) fit athlete with no underlying illness? And for younger women too.

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