Workout of the Day for 220514:
5 rounds for time of:
20 wall-ball shots
10 med-ball weighted pull-ups
♀ 14-lb ball to 11-ft target, same ball for pull-ups
♂ 20-lb ball to 12-ft target, same ball for pull-ups
Post time to comments.
Today’s wall-ball shots are thrown to a higher target than usual. If the front squat portion of your wall balls starts to deteriorate, reduce the weight of the medicine ball.
Intermediate Option:
5 rounds for time of:
20 wall-ball shots
10 med-ball weighted pull-ups
♀ 10-lb ball to 11-ft target, same ball for pull-ups
♂ 16-lb ball to 12-ft target, same ball for pull-ups
Beginner Option:
3 rounds for time of:
15 wall-ball shots
7 assisted pull-ups
♀ 6-lb ball to 9-ft target
♂ 10-lb ball to 10-ft target
Workout Tips for 220514