Workout of the Day for 211222:
Half Collin
3 rounds for time of:
400-meter sandbag carry
12 push presses
12 box jumps
12 sumo deadlift high pulls
♀ 35-lb bag, 75-lb press, 20-in box, 65-lb SDHP
♂ 50-lb bag, 115-lb press, 24-in box, 95-lb SDHP
Post time to comments.
Compare to 101121 (similar).
Reduce the load in order to work through the sets with minimal rest and complete the work in 15 minutes or less.
Intermediate Option:
3 rounds for time of:
400-meter sandbag carry
12 push presses
12 box jumps
12 sumo deadlift high pulls
♀ 20-lb bag, 75-lb press, 20-in box, 65-lb SDHP
♂ 35-lb bag, 115-lb press, 24-in box, 95-lb SDHP
Beginner Option:
3 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
12 push presses
12 box jumps
12 sumo deadlift high pulls
♀ 35-lb press, 12-in box, 22-lb SDHP
♂ 45-lb press, 20-in box, 35-lb SDHP
Workout Tips for 211222