WOD Demo: Squat Clean, Bike

ByCrossFit December 14, 2022

Koda CrossFit throws down on today’s workout:

For 30 minutes complete:
3 squat cleans on the odd minutes
12/15-calorie bike on the even minutes

♀ 155 lb ♂ 225 lb

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Today’s workout is a physical and mental test. The weight on the cleans should be challenging for a set of 3. Quick singles are acceptable. Reduce the bike calories if you are unable to complete the first interval in 40 seconds or less.

Intermediate Option:
For 30 minutes complete:
3 squat cleans on the odd minutes
10/13-calorie bike on the even minutes

♀ 125 lb ♂ 185 lb

Beginner Option:
For 20 minutes complete:
3 squat cleans on the odd minutes
7/12-calorie bike on the even minutes

♀ 55 lb ♂ 75 lb