Burpees, Sprint, Burpees - Workout Demo

ByCrossFit September 11, 2022

Mike G and Mason McGuff take on today’s WOD while Griffen Bradds, RN, explains the physiology of what’s happening during the workout:

Five 2-minute rounds of:

10 burpees
200-m sprint
Max-rep burpees

Rest 3 minutes between rounds.

Post number of burpees completed after the sprint each round to comments.
Compare to 180819.

Reduce the reps so the first set of burpees and the run take no more than 90 seconds. Each round should be an all-out sprint. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed.

Beginner Option:
Four 2-minute rounds of:
5 burpees
200-m sprint
Max-rep burpees

Rest 3 minutes between rounds.