Comments on Planche Progressions
Some of you may have noticed the recent emphasis on handstands and S-L-O-W-L-Y lowering from handstands.
THIS IS your planche progression.
Practice lowering slowly from the handstand with bent hips, knees, and arms. Practice until you can lower very, very, slowly. Slow enough and you will have developed the strength AND balance to press to a handstand and NOT before. (The interplay of balance and strength is a marvel accentuated by the CF perspective of strength being not just contractile potential but the productive application of force.)
After you can press to a handstand with bent knees, arms, and hips, practice lowering slowly from the handstand with straight arms and straight legs. Slowly enough and you will be able to press to a handstand with straight arms and legs. (The interplay this time of balance, strength, AND flexibility is another marvel.) This is the “stiff-stiff” press to handstand.
Next comes straight body (hips), bent arm, and straight leg press to handstand. It doesn’t have the flexibility demands of the “stiff-stiff” press but requires greater strength and is similar in difficulty. Again, practice for increasingly slow lowering until you can press up. This is the “hollow-back” press to handstand.
And finally the straight arm, straight body, straight leg or “planche press” to handstand. Same progression - slower and slower until you can press.
You will not be able to do a planche before you can press to a handstand. You won’t press to a handstand until you can lower very slowly to the ground from the handstand. You won’t get a planche before you can do a “stiff-stiff” press to a handstand. You won’t get a planche before you can do a “hollow-back” press to a handstand. You won’t be able to hold a planche until you can lower slowly from a handstand with straight arms, body, and legs.
Train eccentric or “negatives” for slower and slower movement until the static or “isometric” movement becomes possible and then with longer and longer static holds the “positive” or concentric movement becomes possible.
The gymnastics strength progression is eccentric then static then concentric. This is the efficient and effective manner to develop front lever, iron-cross, planche, etc.
I’ll offer somewhat facetiously that the best reason to do handstands is to lower from them.
Thanks coach! This video was needed. The transfert from all the gymnastics we have been doing to everything is immense, and measurable. I think boxes and coaches will soon start realizing this too!
Also,a similar video for the progression for a press to handstand would be useful, I think. There might be one already out and I missed it, if that is the case I apologize. Thanks for pushing us towards virtuosity and excellence!
Hey Juan, maybe you mean the vid from 20190608:
(Safe link, crossfit channel)
That does it Thomas thank you!
Thanks Coach.
About a decades worth of work ahead
DAMN!!!! #lifegoals
Planche Progressions