Fitness is Essential

ByBrett Ewer February 22, 2023

Starting in March 2020 and extending through 2022, roughly 1 in 4 gyms and fitness facilities in the United States closed permanently. Initially ordered closed by governors across the country in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many gyms — including many affiliates — were unable to stay in business after being closed for months. After being allowed to open, they could only operate under burdensome restrictions. Meanwhile, tens of millions of people across the country were at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 because of chronic disease.

We know that constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity and proper nutrition push us on the continuum from sickness to wellness to fitness. Not everyone knows that, including our policymakers, lawmakers, and elected officials. We need to make the case that fitness is essential for quantity and quality of life.

That’s why CrossFit, as a member of the Community Gyms Coalition, is taking part in the CGC’s new campaign, “Fitness is Essential.”

“Fitness is Essential” launched this week to reinforce with the broader public and policymakers that fitness yields countless benefits for mental and physical health.

Just as important, it will reinforce that fitness is basic and fundamental: it is as important as eating well, sleeping right, and breathing.

We know this, but many don’t.

Now is the opportunity to make the case that fitness is essential. Millions of Americans struggle with mental illness and substance abuse, and we have seen that exercise, especially CrossFit, mitigates both. The tsunami of chronic disease which loomed above us before COVID-19 still remains. More than 4 in 10 American adults have obesity. Roughly 1 in 10 American adults has Type 2 diabetes. People with these conditions are more vulnerable to infectious diseases like COVID-19 and many others.

The “Fitness is Essential campaign will share this perspective with policymakers in Washington, DC, and across the country. They need to know that we care, that we’re watching, and that we expect Americans’ fitness to be a priority. They need to know that fitness is essential.

To do that, we need your help.

You help your athletes become healthier, stronger, and fitter. Your hands-on, real-world experience in improving people’s lives needs to be heard in the halls of government.

Your voice matters. Use it.

If you would like to speak with your member of Congress, Senator, or other elected officials about why you think Fitness is Essential, please contact Brett Ewer, CrossFit’s Head of Government Relations, at

About the Author

With experience on the campaign trail, Capitol Hill and K Street, Brett serves as CrossFit’s Head of Government Relations. In his practice, he embraces the intersection of traditional advocacy, business strategy, crisis communications, policy and public relations. In 2022 he was listed among the Washingtonian’s “Washington DC’s 500 Most Influential People” for his work to secure federal aid for fitness facilities affected by pandemic restrictions.