\nOnline Courses: Contact us at seminars@crossfit.com \nCrossFit Games Support: Reach out to support@crossfitgames.com \nFor T-Shirt Purchase: Check your inbox for instructions from customer@trackorder.site
\n","orderHistoryHeadlineText":"Order History","orderHistoryLabelText":"Order History","viewOrderDetailsText":"View order details"},"resourcesKickerText":"Resources","rulebookLabelText":"Rulebook","rulebookLinkUrl":"https://games.crossfit.com/rules","preferenceCenter":{"checkAllText":"Check All","emailCommunicationBodyText":"Select which lists you would like to receive communication from","emailCommunicationHeadlineText":"Email Communication","newsletters":[{"bodyText":"Every day since 2001, CrossFit has published a Workout of the Day for new CrossFit athletes, seasoned veterans, and anyone in between. Subscribe to Workout of the Day emails, and you'll receive CrossFit programming in a three-days-on, one-day-off, two-days-on, one-day-off cadence.","brazeGroupId":"d68551b9-ac7e-437e-bfd2-d225702413cc","headlineText":"Workout of the Day"},{"bodyText":"Get inspired with the latest and/or trending articles, stories, videos, and podcasts focused on the CrossFit community and methodology.","brazeGroupId":"1bfd806e-efe3-404d-9980-c8f38c39490b","headlineText":"What's Trending"},{"bodyText":"Be the first to know when official updates and announcements are released from CrossFit HQ.","brazeGroupId":"cb28cb07-ca09-4739-b73b-7413f95a4892","headlineText":"Updates and Announcements from CrossFit HQ"},{"bodyText":"This subscription is for those interested in announcements, updates, and stories about the CrossFit Games season and its competitors. ","brazeGroupId":"e56abfcc-c940-482d-879c-eed93958cbbe","headlineText":"CrossFit Games"},{"bodyText":"This monthly newsletter includes important CrossFit Games competition season updates, resources, and tips. It is intended for competitive athletes but is open to anyone interested in learning more about the CrossFit Games season.","brazeGroupId":"fce49890-9b3c-4e1f-9e06-1bd06cd696a3","headlineText":"The Hopper"},{"bodyText":"The Professional Coach provides a wealth of articles, media, and webinar opportunities that cover all aspects of coaching, including best practices, real-world coaching application, scaling, methodology, nutrition, CEU opportunities, and more. With contributions from experts inside and outside the CrossFit space, this twice-monthly newsletter is the ultimate tool for any coach looking to improve their skills and knowledge. This newsletter is exclusively available to those who hold a Level 1 Certificate or higher. ","brazeGroupId":"653207fb-9734-44c9-a988-23eb18142529","headlineText":"The Professional Coach"},{"bodyText":"The Affiliate Update is a newsletter for CrossFit affiliate owners and includes upcoming event details, business and marketing resources, and general updates from CrossFit HQ. The Affiliate Update is only available to licensees of record (LOR).","brazeGroupId":"1d3e4c63-f03f-4b61-8453-1fbb186ae27e","headlineText":"CrossFit Affiliate Update"},{"bodyText":"An email series for learning what it takes to open and run a successful CrossFit gym","brazeGroupId":"6ab8a53a-167c-4c74-b5ea-3a06cb857068","headlineText":"Interested in Affiliation"},{"bodyText":"CAP is a weekly email available exclusively to affiliate owners that provides comprehensive class plans, resources, and educational tips to help coaches deliver an exceptional experience to their members.","brazeGroupId":"ba7e977e-ec76-41e3-8465-158d38167ed6","headlineText":"CrossFit Affiliate Programming (CAP)"},{"bodyText":"CrossFit Health serves as a vital bridge connecting the realms of fitness and healthcare. Committed to delivering valuable insights, CrossFit Health harnesses the expertise of renowned professionals from the health, wellness, and CrossFit communities. Our mission is to educate individuals on the transformative potential of CrossFit as a powerful lifestyle intervention, ultimately optimizing health outcomes.","brazeGroupId":"a9c5a8a4-df0a-4b0c-acb6-e9b4631fc00c","headlineText":"CrossFit Health"},{"bodyText":"Be the first to know when new products are added to the Official CrossFit Store and receive special offers and discounts conveniently delivered directly to your inbox.","brazeGroupId":"905db0be-a3c8-4f5b-8903-536a04cb0a40","headlineText":"The CrossFit Store"},{"bodyText":"This subscription is for companies interested in on-site event activations and vendor booths at the CrossFit Games and other events hosted by CrossFit.","brazeGroupId":"92fa7fe8-262a-4d6a-9b0d-9fcc8cc17e7d","headlineText":"Interested in On-Site Event Activations / Vendor Booths"},{"bodyText":"Get alerted for upcoming courses. CrossFit courses and certifications are open to individuals and trainers seeking to improve their health and fitness through effective training and nutritional strategies.","brazeGroupId":"dd1ee7a4-2ef5-477b-affb-77347ce81684","headlineText":"Interested in Finding a Course Near You"}],"preferenceCenterHeadlineText":"Newsletter Preferences","preferenceCenterLabelText":"Newsletter Preferences","uncheckAllText":"Uncheck All"}}},"pages":{"breadcrumbs":{"links":[{"text":"Essentials","url":"/essentials"},{"text":"The Basics of CrossFit","url":"#"}]},"contentPublishDate":"20231115","contentType":"article","commentTopics":[{"title":"The Basics of CrossFit","topicId":"article.20231113123153078"}],"title":"The Basics of CrossFit","topicId":"article.20231113123153078","socialMetaData":{"title":"The Basics of CrossFit","image":"https://www.crossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/13135538/%C2%A9-The-Michael-Patrick-Studio-CrossFit-Expedition-Oct-2022-9021-lowres.jpg","description":"The best way to understand CrossFit and its value as a fitness program is to experience it yourself by walking into a CrossFit gym and trying it. But we understand you may want to know what you’re getting yourself into before you take that step, so here’s a primer on the basics of CrossFit.\r\n"},"categoryLinks":[{"text":"Essentials","url":"/essentials"},{"text":"Movements","url":"/essentials/movements"},{"text":"Nutrition","url":"/essentials/nutrition"}],"path":"/essentials/exercise-and-nutrition-the-basics-of-crossfit","components":[{"name":"ArticleHeader","props":{"topicId":"article.20231113123153078","date":"20231115","categoryLinks":[{"text":"Essentials","url":"/essentials"},{"text":"Movements","url":"/essentials/movements"},{"text":"Nutrition","url":"/essentials/nutrition"}],"articleDate":"20231115","authorName":"Stephane Rochet, CF-L3","bylineText":"By","headlineText":"The Basics of CrossFit"}},{"name":"TextBlock","props":{"children":"
“My dad used to say, ‘If you hang out in a barber shop, you’ll always have your hair cut. If you hang out in a tattoo parlor, you’ll have tattoos.’ … That’s just something he used to say, and then all of a sudden, I found CrossFit.” —Herb Mitchell, longtime member of CrossFit Makai
If you spend time around fit, healthy people, chances are, you’re going to become fitter and healthier yourself. Starting CrossFit is a direct path to that fitter, healthier version of yourself.
The best way to understand CrossFit and its value as a fitness program is to experience it yourself by walking into a CrossFit gym and trying it. But we understand you may want to know what you’re getting yourself into before you take that step, so here’s a primer on the basics of CrossFit.
What Is CrossFit?
Let’s start with what CrossFit isn’t: CrossFit is not about sacrificing technique for a faster time. It’s not about taking the easy route and avoiding movements that are hard or humbling to learn. And it’s not about fancy diets or special supplements.
CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program designed to elicit the broadest physical capacity possible. We want our participants to be able to handle any challenge or adventure life throws at them, and 20+ years of results from our members prove CrossFit works for everyone and that the benefits continue to accumulate long term.
CrossFit Expedition | Photo by The Michael Patrick Studio
Every recommendation we make in CrossFit — both in relation to exercise and to nutrition — is about getting you results. Simply put, everything we do is geared toward making you the fittest, healthiest person you can be so you can thrive instead of just get by.
These are the ingredients for achieving the high level of fitness CrossFit offers:
A comprehensive list of extremely effective functional movements.
An infinite variety of workout combinations that will always keep your workouts interesting and keep you progressing toward new skills.
Functional movements are movements involving multiple joints — as opposed to exercises that isolate one part of the body. The functional movements we use in CrossFit are important because they improve our ability to complete everyday activities while improving our overall fitness. For example, a deadlift trains us to pick something heavy up off the ground and a squat improves our ability to stand from a seated position.
Because these movements replicate the natural movements of life, functional movements are the safest movements we can perform in the gym. At the same time, they are unrivaled in their ability to strengthen muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments while also improving hormone and nervous-system function.
This is why CrossFit uses functional movements such as biking, running, rowing, push-ups, dips, pull-ups, squats, deadlifts, presses, cleans, snatches, and jumping almost exclusively in our workouts.
One unique element of CrossFit programming is the constant variance of the movements and combinations of movements used from one workout to the next.
Because our goal is to train for anything life might throw at us, we avoid routine. Running on a treadmill every day will not prepare us to carry our kids out of a burning building, and doing nothing but biceps curls and leg presses will not help us get up off the ground after a fall when we’re old.
To develop the broad level of fitness we need for life, we have to be good at everything. This is why we run, bike, and row short, middle, and long distances and lift light, moderate, and heavy weights, mixing all these activities together in as many creative combinations as we can.
In the words of CrossFit Founder Greg Glassman, the results of training with such variance are “the stuff of surviving fights and fires.”
Photo by Ruby Wolff
Make no mistake, CrossFit is a high-intensity strength and conditioning program.
Intensity is a critical component of CrossFit because it is the key to achieving the fitness results we desire. If you want to run a faster mile, lose excess body fat, or improve your next blood panel, higher intensity in your workouts will get you there more efficiently and effectively than anything else.
That said, it is important to be crystal clear that we are talking about working out at one’s own relative intensity. The speed, load, rep range, and distance required to achieve high intensity for one person will be different for another, even in the same workout. Where a collegiate athlete might deadlift 200 lb and jump to a 30-inch box, a grandmother who’s never worked out before might deadlift a lightweight dowell and step up to a plate on the ground.
That doesn’t mean we make the workout easier. No matter a person’s fitness level, we want the challenges of the workout to slightly exceed what’s comfortable so as to tax their abilities — because that is how we improve.
Treading intelligently into this uncomfortable zone is essential for exceptional results, while going too hard can quickly lead to burnout or injury. That’s where the expertise and customized guidance of a CrossFit coach comes in.
Unlike many other programs that define themselves as high intensity, CrossFit is not focused solely on going faster, farther, or heavier at all costs. Instead, we emphasize the importance of being able to consistently perform exercises safely with proper technique before increasing intensity.
Balancing skill mastery and technique with intensity — in other words, performing at the appropriate relative intensity — is necessary for athletic development and long-term results. At a CrossFit gym, it is the coach who teaches their athletes how to safely move at the ideal level of intensity to get results. This is why CrossFit has developed a culture that embraces relentless coaching during workouts and has created a rigorous educational curriculum for coaches to continue to hone their skills.
Photo by RXd Photography
CrossFit nutrition relies on two very basic principles. First, eat whole, unprocessed foods, such as meats, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fruit. Next, eat enough food to support your activity level but not so much as to lead to excess body fat. Using these principles, we can develop the habits and nutrition plan that support our health and fitness goals.
Here are a few steps you can take to develop a healthy nutrition plan that is sustainable:
Set yourself up for success by doing your grocery shopping and meal prep on the weekend.
Make sure you’re getting adequate protein with every meal and snack, and add fruits, vegetables, and other high-quality staples to round out each meal.
Read ingredient labels to make sure you know what you’re consuming (and watch out for any of these 56 different names for sugar).
It’s also important to remember that our diets evolve as our goals and lives change, and we should never get frustrated when things don’t go exactly according to plan. Long-term consistency is more important than any short-term deviation. No matter what, we are all only ever one meal away from getting back on track.
It is really that simple — not easy, but simple.
Making the Choice to Get Results
CrossFit has created the most safe and effective path for achieving exceptional levels of fitness. All the workouts, nutritional advice, and coaching resources are readily available for anyone to implement.
However, the key component of success is you: your willingness to show up every day and work hard — and to come back tomorrow and try again if you get off track.
Make the choice each day to be consistent with both exercise and diet. Do that and you will get results.
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“My dad used to say, ‘If you hang out in a barber shop, you’ll always have your hair cut. If you hang out in a tattoo parlor, you’ll have tattoos.’ … That’s just something he used to say, and then all of a sudden, I found CrossFit.” —Herb Mitchell, longtime member of CrossFit Makai
If you spend time around fit, healthy people, chances are, you’re going to become fitter and healthier yourself. Starting CrossFit is a direct path to that fitter, healthier version of yourself.
The best way to understand CrossFit and its value as a fitness program is to experience it yourself by walking into a CrossFit gym and trying it. But we understand you may want to know what you’re getting yourself into before you take that step, so here’s a primer on the basics of CrossFit.
What Is CrossFit?
Let’s start with what CrossFit isn’t: CrossFit is not about sacrificing technique for a faster time. It’s not about taking the easy route and avoiding movements that are hard or humbling to learn. And it’s not about fancy diets or special supplements.
CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program designed to elicit the broadest physical capacity possible. We want our participants to be able to handle any challenge or adventure life throws at them, and 20+ years of results from our members prove CrossFit works for everyone and that the benefits continue to accumulate long term.
CrossFit Expedition | Photo by The Michael Patrick Studio
Every recommendation we make in CrossFit — both in relation to exercise and to nutrition — is about getting you results. Simply put, everything we do is geared toward making you the fittest, healthiest person you can be so you can thrive instead of just get by.
These are the ingredients for achieving the high level of fitness CrossFit offers:
A comprehensive list of extremely effective functional movements.
An infinite variety of workout combinations that will always keep your workouts interesting and keep you progressing toward new skills.
Functional movements are movements involving multiple joints — as opposed to exercises that isolate one part of the body. The functional movements we use in CrossFit are important because they improve our ability to complete everyday activities while improving our overall fitness. For example, a deadlift trains us to pick something heavy up off the ground and a squat improves our ability to stand from a seated position.
Because these movements replicate the natural movements of life, functional movements are the safest movements we can perform in the gym. At the same time, they are unrivaled in their ability to strengthen muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments while also improving hormone and nervous-system function.
This is why CrossFit uses functional movements such as biking, running, rowing, push-ups, dips, pull-ups, squats, deadlifts, presses, cleans, snatches, and jumping almost exclusively in our workouts.
One unique element of CrossFit programming is the constant variance of the movements and combinations of movements used from one workout to the next.
Because our goal is to train for anything life might throw at us, we avoid routine. Running on a treadmill every day will not prepare us to carry our kids out of a burning building, and doing nothing but biceps curls and leg presses will not help us get up off the ground after a fall when we’re old.
To develop the broad level of fitness we need for life, we have to be good at everything. This is why we run, bike, and row short, middle, and long distances and lift light, moderate, and heavy weights, mixing all these activities together in as many creative combinations as we can.
In the words of CrossFit Founder Greg Glassman, the results of training with such variance are “the stuff of surviving fights and fires.”
Photo by Ruby Wolff
Make no mistake, CrossFit is a high-intensity strength and conditioning program.
Intensity is a critical component of CrossFit because it is the key to achieving the fitness results we desire. If you want to run a faster mile, lose excess body fat, or improve your next blood panel, higher intensity in your workouts will get you there more efficiently and effectively than anything else.
That said, it is important to be crystal clear that we are talking about working out at one’s own relative intensity. The speed, load, rep range, and distance required to achieve high intensity for one person will be different for another, even in the same workout. Where a collegiate athlete might deadlift 200 lb and jump to a 30-inch box, a grandmother who’s never worked out before might deadlift a lightweight dowell and step up to a plate on the ground.
That doesn’t mean we make the workout easier. No matter a person’s fitness level, we want the challenges of the workout to slightly exceed what’s comfortable so as to tax their abilities — because that is how we improve.
Treading intelligently into this uncomfortable zone is essential for exceptional results, while going too hard can quickly lead to burnout or injury. That’s where the expertise and customized guidance of a CrossFit coach comes in.
Unlike many other programs that define themselves as high intensity, CrossFit is not focused solely on going faster, farther, or heavier at all costs. Instead, we emphasize the importance of being able to consistently perform exercises safely with proper technique before increasing intensity.
Balancing skill mastery and technique with intensity — in other words, performing at the appropriate relative intensity — is necessary for athletic development and long-term results. At a CrossFit gym, it is the coach who teaches their athletes how to safely move at the ideal level of intensity to get results. This is why CrossFit has developed a culture that embraces relentless coaching during workouts and has created a rigorous educational curriculum for coaches to continue to hone their skills.
Photo by RXd Photography
CrossFit nutrition relies on two very basic principles. First, eat whole, unprocessed foods, such as meats, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fruit. Next, eat enough food to support your activity level but not so much as to lead to excess body fat. Using these principles, we can develop the habits and nutrition plan that support our health and fitness goals.
Here are a few steps you can take to develop a healthy nutrition plan that is sustainable:
Set yourself up for success by doing your grocery shopping and meal prep on the weekend.
Make sure you’re getting adequate protein with every meal and snack, and add fruits, vegetables, and other high-quality staples to round out each meal.
Read ingredient labels to make sure you know what you’re consuming (and watch out for any of these 56 different names for sugar).
It’s also important to remember that our diets evolve as our goals and lives change, and we should never get frustrated when things don’t go exactly according to plan. Long-term consistency is more important than any short-term deviation. No matter what, we are all only ever one meal away from getting back on track.
It is really that simple — not easy, but simple.
Making the Choice to Get Results
CrossFit has created the most safe and effective path for achieving exceptional levels of fitness. All the workouts, nutritional advice, and coaching resources are readily available for anyone to implement.
However, the key component of success is you: your willingness to show up every day and work hard — and to come back tomorrow and try again if you get off track.
Make the choice each day to be consistent with both exercise and diet. Do that and you will get results.
The Basics of CrossFit