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Comments on Course Photos | June 1-7, 2020
Another phenomenal weekend (second time through L2) spent engaged in the fundamentals of professional coaching...despite all the tribulations we are currently facing individually and as a nation, these two held to state and business mandated social distancing rules, all while providing an atmosphere of inclusivity and professionalism to ensure we had the best learning environment possible! Many lessons learned and added to my coaching toolkit this weekend! Thanks Nicole, Eric, Verdant Fitness, and my other classmates for ensuring an awsome weekend for all!
Thanks for the kind words Karen! It was great meeting you!
Great looking group of people, those kids webinars are packed! That is great to see.
Thanks to Pablo, Kelley and Kolin for a great weekend at the L2 seminar at Comanche CrossFit! Excellent information and run very smoothly!
Course Photos | June 1-7, 2020