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Comments on Course Photos | Jan. 13 - 19, 2020
Tremendous experience for our teachers led by a thoughtful team! The doors (metaphorically and physically) open today for our students and the buzz is beyond!
Great group in Baltimore this past weekend! Thank you James, Mel, Cassidy, and Mike for such a great experience!
Final de semana maravilhoso, o curso é impecável !!!! Gratidão a toda equipe pelo ótimo trabalho, aos colegas que compartilharam desta experiencia comigo! Cada dia mais apaixonada por esse esporte, por essa comunidade CrossFit!!!! LEVEL 1 SP HANGAR 193
18.01.2020. Soundwave Busan
(Cross-Fit Level 1)
Hi. I am jushin.
Do you remember?
My favorite sport is to rest for 10 minutes.
Thank you for accepting the joke.
I played cross-fit for about a year.
I learned how bad I was in my posture through this time.
I also learned the theory of exercise.
Thank you for teaching me so much.
I think I can make more progress.
I don't know if we can meet again.
I wish I could see you in better shape.
Always have a good day.
Yes I remember you.
And 100% we will meet soon.
p.s. you posture is not that bad :)
Dave, Kat and Nolan did an amazing job at the level 2 course in mobilis, amasterdam amstel.
Three really fun seminar coaches that know a lot of stuff and give amazing good feedback.
They taught me a lot of new things but also helped me with the things I struggled a lot with.
I'm excited to use all I learned the weekend at the box I work at!
Thanks guys, keep up the good work!
Chuck said we should comment! But for real. The L2 in Raleigh was coached by a great trio of truly inspiring people. I can only hope to see what they see and have the confidence to be so relentless. Thanks for a great weekend. Now to slowly implement my new skills... slowly.
Experiência incrível nesse final de semana uma troca de muito valor entre os participantes. Obrigado Ricardinho Prudente e Victor Morris pelo conhecimento compartilhado. Conhecimento só é válido quando compartilhado! Level 2 RJ BR
Course Photos | Jan. 13 - 19, 2020