Q&A With CrossFit Dog Fight

ByCrossFitSeptember 14, 2022

Matt Newmann (CF-L3) opened CrossFit Dog Fight in October of 2013 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Leading with positivity and always learning, Newmann and his staff create a welcoming space with the goal of bringing joy to the gym’s members every day. Keep reading to learn how Newmann stays motivated as an affiliate owner, and what his goals and challenges are as he continues to grow his business.

What is the best decision you’ve made as an affiliate owner?

Designating jobs I don’t enjoy to other employees so I can focus on the jobs I do enjoy.

If you had an extra $1,000 each month in your budget, what would you use it for?

My own career development. I would utilize the extra $1,000 to enhance my knowledge and expertise through CEUs or CrossFit seminars. I’d also like to host a member appreciation event.

Tell us about one of your proudest moments as an affiliate owner.

Honestly, I can’t narrow it down to one moment. It’s seeing the joy this place brings someone every day. The athletes love seeing their gym friends. If someone is having a really bad day, this place always makes them happier.

Do you have any tips for other affiliate owners?

Stay positive and seek advice in any form. The affiliate connections through CrossFit, CrossFit-related entities, and most importantly, other affiliate owners, can offer great experience and answers to your questions.

Describe an important point in the growth of your affiliate. When did you feel like you had a good grasp of the business and were on a steady path of growth?

I still feel like I am learning every day. I don’t think you should ever feel like you have a grasp of business. I have learned more over the past seven years than I would have ever thought possible.

Tell us about an important learning experience. What’s been your biggest mistake?

I’ve learned not to rely on athletes to be a part of your affiliate forever. You have to work on your relationships and membership retention daily.

Can you offer any advice for new affiliate owners who are just getting started?

Stay diligent in your objectives and goals with your affiliate. Don’t let anyone change your passion.

What has surprised you most about owning an affiliate?

Owning an affiliate is hard work. You have to really give it your soul.

I have a wife and three kids. The time away from my family at night and in the morning is the ultimate sacrifice I’ve made. However, it’s a blessing to be able to share CrossFit with my family to give them a healthier lifestyle.

Waking up at 3:30 a.m. to eat breakfast before the 5 a.m. class after you closed the gym at 9 p.m. the night before — it’s worth it to see the smile and enjoyment on your athletes’ faces.

What excites you about CrossFit’s future?

The new direction and leadership is amazing — having more available access to resources like the Affiliate Roundtables, the Affiliate Playbook, CEUs, online courses, etc. We now have hope in helping one another become better affiliates and a community across continents.

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