For time:
1,600-meter run
100 GHD hip extensions
Accumulate 2 minutes in a freestanding handstand hold
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Today’s workout will look different for different ability levels. While an advanced athlete may be able to “sprint” through, for other athletes, this may be more of a skill day — an opportunity to practice new skills or push the margins of experience out a bit further. Choose an option for the run that allows you to finish in 10 minutes or less. If you do not spend a lot of time on the GHD, scale the number of reps and range of motion. If you do not have access to a GHD, consider performing good mornings either unloaded or at most with an empty barbell. When it comes to the freestanding handstand hold, choose an option that allows you to hold for at least 15 seconds. That said, if you want to try the freestanding handstand, but you can only hold for a few seconds at a time, simply scale the time you accumulate. Have fun with this one and step outside your comfort zone.
Intermediate option:
For time:
1,600-meter run
70 GHD hip extensions
Accumulate 2 minutes in a handstand hold against the wall
Beginner option:
For time:
800-meter run
50 good mornings, unloaded
Accumulate 1 minute in a plank hold
Coaching cues:
As you find a balance point when you are upside-down, draw an imaginary line between your thumbs. This is a great place to keep your gaze.
Warm-Up With Chris Hinshaw
GHD Hip Extensions
The Handstand
Handstand Hold Progression
Handstand Hold Scaling
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