

Workout of the Day

Every 5 minutes for 4 rounds complete:
30 GHD sit-ups
20 strict handstand push-ups
10 power snatches

♀ 105 lb ♂ 155 lb

Post results to comments.

Full Session:
If you want to perform the additional elements Ben programs for CrossFit Krypton, begin today’s session with snatch work. Perform:

Every minute for 10 minutes:
1 snatch

*Build up in weight as you are able for the day. Start your first minute at or around 60% of your best snatch and increase weight when you feel you are able.

Post loads and results to comments.

The goal is to finish each round in under 4 minutes. If you cannot complete the work under 4 minutes, complete 4 rounds for time, resting 1:30 between rounds. Do the HSPU strict if you are able, or do as many strict as possible each round before kipping. Modify to 20 push-ups if you cannot complete the HSPU. The power snatches should be moderately paced singles, with 10 reps completed under 90 seconds. Practice being efficient under fatigue.

Intermediate option:
Every 5 minutes for 4 rounds complete:
30 GHD sit-ups
5 strict handstand push-ups + 10 kipping handstand push-ups
10 power snatches

♀ 85 lb ♂ 125 lb

Beginner option:
Every 5 minutes for 4 rounds complete:**
30 sit-ups
15 assisted push-ups
10 power snatches

♀ 22 lb ♂ 35 lb

Comments on 231018


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Jeffrey Howard
January 8th, 2024 at 12:58 pm
Commented on: 231018


CrossFit AFK/Brave Heart CrossFit

19:18 - Sc

1) 5:01

2) 4:55

3) 4:44

4) 4:38


R1: Intermediate option, 125lb snatch 30 GHDs and 5 strict HSPU + 10 Kipping. 10th snatch was a buzzer beater rep.

R2: Did 20 pike HSPU on floor. Still took too long.

R3 and R4: Did 20 GHDs instead of 30.

Constantly adjusted. Round 3 and 4 were probably how I should have started the workout all along. Pike push-ups with feet on the floor were plenty.

GWU (5-minutes)

PVC warm-up

12 Cat cow, alt. With a hold

12 Bird dogs, alt. With a hold

SWU (15-minutes)

2 reps each of:


Pike push-up

Box pike push-up

Handstand push-up

3 reps each of:

Snatch pull

Hang power snatch

Power snatch

Build-up (20-minutes)

10-minute EMOM

Odds: 3 Negative HSPU

Evens: 3 Sit-ups

10-minute EMOM

1 snatch

WOD (20-minutes)

CD (3-minutes)

30 band pull aparts

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jean vergnaud
December 12th, 2023 at 10:36 am
Commented on: 231018

Didn’t have GHD so improvised with a box and barbell to hold my feet

50kg snatch

kipping HSPU

my shoulders were burnt from last week





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Rohan Bhatia
November 10th, 2023 at 2:00 pm
Commented on: 231018

Snatch EMOM

20.5-25.5-25.5-30.5-30.5-30.5-30.5 kg

Did not complete as suddenly wrist starting paining even though I was on light weight according to me.

Due to wrist changed the WOD

Every 4 min for 4 rounds:

15 ghd sit ups from perpendicular bench

5 wall facing handstand pushup with ab mat

10 db press @15 kg





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Ki deok Park
November 6th, 2023 at 10:50 am
Commented on: 231018
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YooSik Kim
November 1st, 2023 at 1:50 pm
Commented on: 231018


3:30 3:27 4:09 4:50

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Vito Zolota
October 27th, 2023 at 8:29 am
Commented on: 231018


HSPU and snatch are too dificult even intermediate level.

Scaled: 30 GHD SU; 15 HSPU w/8" pad;

6:00 (@125)

8:40 (@125х5+@89х5)

6:14 (@100)

7:08 (@100)

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Antoine Vial
October 23rd, 2023 at 9:19 pm
Commented on: 231018

2 rounds en 20 min

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Christopher Maggitti
October 23rd, 2023 at 7:30 pm
Commented on: 231018

Finished only part of round four in the time allotted; handstand push-ups are still slow. Did the rest of the work out and completed it in a little under 25 minutes.

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Antonio Alves
October 22nd, 2023 at 8:48 pm
Commented on: 231018



Every 5 minutes for 4 rounds :

30 GHD sit-ups from bench

20 DB push press @ 2x 12,5 kg

10 DB power snatches @ 15 kg



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Chris Meldrum
October 20th, 2023 at 9:30 pm
Commented on: 231018

Scaled to 115.  Times - 3:33 / 3:36 / 3:36 / 4:01. 

This was good – maybe a bit harder than expected.  Unbroken GHDs.  Broke HSPU 10-5-5 for first two rounds and then 12-8 for last two rounds.  Didn’t save me any time though!  Or snatches got harder, which is the more likely explanation.  Did quick singles on snatches, mostly no resting.  Tried to focus on perfect form each rep, but I’m sure it slipped near the end.


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Lynette Vrba
October 19th, 2023 at 9:07 pm
Commented on: 231018

Every 5 minutes for 4 rounds complete:

30 GHD sit-ups

10 incline push-ups to bench 

10 power snatches- 45 lb 

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Coastie Nick
October 19th, 2023 at 8:46 pm
Commented on: 231018






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Christian Simpson
October 19th, 2023 at 2:55 pm
Commented on: 231018

✅ untimed, SC 30⚓ SU/15 str HSPU to 4"mat/10 135# pcln

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Pedro Reis
October 19th, 2023 at 6:13 am
Commented on: 231018


30 sit ups

20 hands release push ups

10 partial pike push ups

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Jim Rekas
October 19th, 2023 at 2:44 am
Commented on: 231018

30 sit ups(modified), 15 assisted push-ups, and 10 power snatches(20lbs)-4 sets completed in 20 minutes

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Jason Thompson
October 19th, 2023 at 2:14 am
Commented on: 231018


Every 5 min for 4 rounds:

1 min (low plank, side plank, sit-ups, reverse crunch

20 feet elevated bosu push-ups

10 power snatches 65 lbs

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Scott Campbell
October 19th, 2023 at 12:20 am
Commented on: 231018

M54/217 lbs 

Every 5 minutes for 4 rounds complete:

30 GHD sit-ups

20 (not nearly strong enough for 20 body weight HSP’s) 20x70 lbs shoulder presses 

10x95 lb power snatch 

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October 18th, 2023 at 10:48 pm
Commented on: 231018

I'm a beginner so I did regular situps and pushups, and 75lbs... 1:25 each one ( give or take )

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James W Bobo II
October 18th, 2023 at 9:56 pm
Commented on: 231018


Had to mix it up today. Kept snatch at 50 kg for 5 reps vs 10, and did 5 strict to 10 kipping HSPUs. Did 30 GHDs rd 1, 20 GHDs + 10 normal rd 2, 15 GHDs + 15 normal rd 3 and 11 GHDs + 19 normal rd 4.

Either a) there’s something wrong with my body or b) this programming is wrecking my body.

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Sam K
October 18th, 2023 at 9:54 pm
Commented on: 231018

Best attempt at Rx

Started at 155lbs but had to drop to 135 halfway into the first set, with the clock still running. Maintained mostly strict HSPUs throughout but could not stay in 5min box for last 2(no rest between)







25GHDs, 10 strict HSPUs to abmat, power snatches @115lbs





Ready for a rest day!

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Lincoln Kerger
October 19th, 2023 at 2:39 am

Pretty awesome you attempted Rx!

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Shane Azizi
October 18th, 2023 at 9:46 pm
Commented on: 231018


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Leyton Summerlin
October 18th, 2023 at 9:42 pm
Commented on: 231018




5 Hang PC @ 95#

Time: 16:08

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Brett Hoffman
October 18th, 2023 at 9:25 pm
Commented on: 231018



4 rds:

30 GHD sit-ups

10 strict HSPU

10 snatch @135#

3:48 every round

3:52 last round

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Lincoln Kerger
October 19th, 2023 at 1:45 am

Nice work!

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Lexie Signor
October 18th, 2023 at 8:59 pm
Commented on: 231018

Beginner Scaled

15 GHD Sit ups

10 Assisted Push Ups

5 Snatches @35lb

1:46, 1:38, 1:46, 1:45

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Cameron Price
October 18th, 2023 at 8:32 pm
Commented on: 231018





I suck and this workout sucked.

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Brian Drewry
October 18th, 2023 at 7:46 pm
Commented on: 231018

Warm Up

10 mins

:30 Samson stretch




10 barbell muscle snatch

10 barbell strict press



1 [power] snatch


METCON (Scaled)

E5MOM for 4 rounds:

RD1 & RD2

12 GHD SUs


8 PSs @ 115#

RD3 & RD4



3 PSs @ 115#

M // 50-54 // US

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Michael Arko
October 18th, 2023 at 7:11 pm
Commented on: 231018

Skipped the snatch EMOM.

Scaled main to

30 GHD sit-ups

20 pike push-ups

10 dumbbell snatches, alternating L/R, 45-lbs

3:06 - 2:56 - 3:00 - 2:55

I think I scaled too low: I got 2 mins rest/rd.

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Aaron Brumit
October 18th, 2023 at 6:10 pm
Commented on: 231018

Scaled GHDs to abmat butterfly sit-ups, hspu to 10 kipping + 10 pushups, and 85 lbs PS.

rounds were 4:33, 4:35, 5:19, 6:27. Rested 1.5 min between each.

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Derek Eason
October 18th, 2023 at 6:05 pm
Commented on: 231018

Full Session







*Barely held on! Let’s just say that 4 rounds was enough!

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Lincoln Kerger
October 19th, 2023 at 2:40 am

Awesome work doing this Rx and finishing sub-5:00 each round!

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Liz Rekas
October 18th, 2023 at 5:59 pm
Commented on: 231018

heavily scaled with multiple sick baby interruptions

0:30 banded high bear hold

20 bench push-up

10 power snatch @20# db

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Steve Day
October 18th, 2023 at 5:08 pm
Commented on: 231018

scaled to:


10 strict HSPU

20 dumbbell power snatch (alternating arms w/50lb db)

5 more strict HSPU

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Krystal Fortner
October 18th, 2023 at 4:49 pm
Commented on: 231018

Butterfly sit ups

pike push ups with feet on bench

45# power snatch

Did EMOM for the snatch but totally forgot they were supposed to be snatch. I did power snatch. Whoops a daisy… started at 45 went up to 60. Form felt solid. Snatch has been a weakness I’ve been working on.

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Jim Rix
October 18th, 2023 at 4:07 pm
Commented on: 231018

Started w/ 5 rep sets of PS at 45-55-65-75#.

Then scaled to 4 rounds of

30-30-25-20 GHD sit-ups

10 piked push-ups (24”)/10 push-ups

10 power snatches, 65#

1:20, 1:15, 1:15, 1:18 remaining in each 5 min time block. Had intended to use 75# PS, but the back recommended against it.

Was dragging a bit today…then remembered this was day 4 in a row, starting with Filthy 50s on Sunday, so a bit understandable.


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Noelia Parodi
October 18th, 2023 at 3:35 pm
Commented on: 231018


Then, 4 rounds:

30 GHD sit up

10 Strict HSPU

10 PS @ 30kg

one minute rest between rounds (I’ve got slower each round😕)

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Lincoln Kerger
October 18th, 2023 at 2:26 pm
Commented on: 231018

Scaled a lot today

Did a bunch of power snatch reps at 65 and 95# for 10 minutes.

Every 5 minutes for 4 rounds

30 GHD sit-ups (barbell+bench rig - still got below parallel)

10 Piked push-ups (feet on 24" box) + 10 push-ups

10 PS at 95#

3:55, 3:28, 3:23, 3:29

I think I lost count of GHDs in round 1 and ended up doing an extra 5 or so. All GHDs, piked PU, and PU unbroken. About 2/3 of the PS were touch and go. Wanted to do 105# but available plates weren't going to let that happen.

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Jim Rix
October 18th, 2023 at 4:11 pm

Thanks for the idea on the HSPU sub.

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Lincoln Kerger
October 19th, 2023 at 2:40 am

You bet Jim!

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Jonathan Elmore
October 18th, 2023 at 2:03 pm
Commented on: 231018


Intermediate scale

Seconds remaining 32-32-42-45

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Jim Rix
October 18th, 2023 at 4:10 pm

Improving your time as the workout progressed…nice job.

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Charles Meyers
October 18th, 2023 at 1:46 pm
Commented on: 231018

Beginner option:

Every 5 minutes for 4 rounds complete:**

30 sit-ups

15 assisted push-ups

10 power snatches

35 lb

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Charles Meyers
October 18th, 2023 at 1:47 pm

Every minute for 10 minutes:



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Brandon Maguire
October 18th, 2023 at 12:27 pm
Commented on: 231018

Scale city:

GHD: 20/20/16/16

SHSPUs: 15 ea round

Power Snatches at 115lbs





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Sefton Hirsch
October 18th, 2023 at 12:21 pm
Commented on: 231018

M/44/6'2"/ 200#

10min EMOM Snatch practice


30 sit ups

20 push ups

10 Snatch @ 95lbs

Solid workout!

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Timo Hens
October 18th, 2023 at 11:26 am
Commented on: 231018

I did. it.

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Mike Andridge
October 18th, 2023 at 10:44 am
Commented on: 231018

10 min emom pwr snatch



Scaled wod to

4 rnds

30 abmat sit ups

10 strict hspu to abmat

5 pwr snatch @ 65#

rest 1 min

3:12/3:31/3:01/3:59--hspu got me on this round....


Had intentions of doing Chad prep after this.....HA!!

Will do Chad prep--HPC/Lunges Thursday....

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Jim Rix
October 18th, 2023 at 4:09 pm

Glad your listening to your body!

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John Clarke
October 18th, 2023 at 10:15 am
Commented on: 231018

Every 4 minutes, 4 rounds:

30 hollow rock

20 DB strict press, 20lbs

10 power clean, 75 lbs

✅Wound up being ~1:55 of work per round

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Raffaele Guarro
October 18th, 2023 at 9:50 am
Commented on: 231018

Every 5 minutes for 4 rounds complete:

30  sit-ups

20 strict handstand push-ups

10 power snatches 66 lb

All exercises close around 3:30”

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Michele Spinella
October 18th, 2023 at 6:58 am
Commented on: 231018

Good day all,

30 GHD 4 rounds

20 Strict pike push ups 4 rounds

6 Snatch 2 rounds and 5 snatch 2 rounds


Michele Spinella

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Michael Sunguza
October 18th, 2023 at 6:09 am
Commented on: 231018

20 GHD x3

10 Push up x4

5 snatch x4

Not great, but it’s exciting that there is sooo much progress to be had.

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Jim Rix
October 18th, 2023 at 4:07 pm

Good perspective.

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Steven Thunander
October 18th, 2023 at 4:09 am
Commented on: 231018

Globo wod: If you don't have a GHD machine today use a Roman chair or incline situp board. You can also sit on a bench perpendicular to it with your feet under heavy dumbbells and do situps touching the ground behind you. Failing that do weighted abmat situps. Note of caution, if you don't do GHD situps often scale the reps or sub, you don't want Uncle Rhabdo to creep up on you. For the strict HSPU today if your globo doesn't allow HSPU sub heavy dumbbell standing strict presses at 60-75 percent of your bodyweight total combined weight of the dumbbells. For the power snatches if you are using iron plates today use a weight that you can bring down under control. Dumbbells sub dumbbell power snatches 55/80lbs dumbbell. For the strength component the iron plate rule applies here, dumbbell sub do 4 dumbbell squat snatches, alternating, increasing in weight after each set, working up to a heavy 4. Dumbbell squat snatches are more difficult than barbell squat snatches so warm up well and watch your form.

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Chris Sinagoga
October 18th, 2023 at 1:25 am
Commented on: 231018

Champions Club Scaling Notes


Nothing to rant about


Gymnastics and weightlifting. Another CrossFit-specific test (seriously, sometimes I think we take for granted how no other fitness professionals or athletes of any sports could do snatches, handstand push-ups, and GHD sit-ups in a single workout, let alone be so used to it that they do it fast enough to make it a conditioning workout; I'll bet plenty of track athletes would be good at Helen, plenty of football athletes would be good at Linda, gymnasts would be good at Cindy, but only a CrossFit veteran would be good at this workout and ones similar). Pulling from the hips, jumping, pushing, changing orientation.







Kinda like I said above, is my form good enough to do all three movements for speed?

Am I strong enough to do all 3 movements for speed?

Do I want to pace the rounds or do I want to go all-out the first round and see what happens after?

How strict is "strict" handstand push-ups?


7 rounds of:

1:00 L-sit practice

1:00 handstand practice (or push-up practice)

1:00 snatch practice

*or, maybe just pick two of the three. That would probably be better, now that I think of it


The Champions Club crew probably reads these notes, so I'm gonna start skipping this part most of the time to keep them in the dark for the workout


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