Choose one of the following from the CrossFit Games Quarterfinals.
Quarterfinal Test 3
For time:
120 wall-ball shots
120-cal. row
♀ 14-lb. ball to 9 ft.
♂ 20-lb. ball to 10 ft.
Quarterfinal Test 4
For max load:
4-rep-max front squat
Post time and load to comments.
Newer athletes should reduce the reps and load on Test 3, while intermediate athletes may take it on as prescribed. Most athletes can attempt a 4-rep-max front squat if choosing Test 4.
Beginner Option:
75 wall-ball shots
75-cal. row
♀ 4-lb. ball to 8 ft.
♂ 8-lb. ball to 9 ft.
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