I too am a bigger gal and my gym will only use me as a sub. It’s sad, because I think I could be really valuable. Are the any of the movements you can’t do?
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Mellissa Horner
April 6th, 2021 at 12:04 am
Commented on: Athletes Come in Every Size
I've been following this closely and I very much hope that all of the recent good work HQ has been doing with making CrossFit even more welcoming (i.e. all the adaptive categories, the foundations division, and the diversity inclusion folks) will slowly lead to our community becoming more informed on the kinds of people who walk through our affiliates' doors. I also hope it takes down some of the barriers to other folks who maybe didn't feel welcome before, because those are often the ones that need us most. If this pandemic has taught us anything, weight loss and competition in the sport of CrossFit are not by far the sole goals our community strives for, and it's not nearly the only reason we show up. Full disclosure: I've never been questioned about whether I belonged, based on how I look, but I know a lot of people would be suprised to hear that the largest reason for me starting and continuing to train in CrossFit (into my 8th year) is for the benefit of my mental health. I am not in my CrossFit affiliate (or training at home during lockdown) to lose weight, or because I have competitive ambitions (good God no). I'm there because it literally saved my life, gave me control when all of it had been taken from me elsewhere, and because it keeps my diet, sleep, and coping habits in check, because it's hard to show up for the kinds of workouts we do and not take decent care of those other things. As a side note, coaching is an entire skill unto it itself. Just because you're very good at CrossFIt, or you do excellent justice to a pair of those teeny tiny little Games' booty shorts... itdoesn't mean you make a good coach. The world is full of people highly skilled in their own fields, it doesn't mean you'll make an excellent coach, instructor, mentor or teacher.
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Hilary Achauer
April 6th, 2021 at 3:01 pm
What a wonderful comment and perspective, Melissa! This is why I wanted to write this article. I agree with you -- one of the main reasons I'm in my 11th year of doing CrossFit is for the mental health benefits. It's amazingly effective in that regard. Thank you for reading and good work showing up consistently all these years!
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Laura Meece
April 5th, 2021 at 2:40 pm
Commented on: Athletes Come in Every Size
I loved this article! My son and daughter-in-law are both considered “overweight “ by sight. They are both excellent L2 coaches! And strong! I am 62 years old and have my L3. I’m short, not that strong, but have qualified for the masters online qualifier twice. If you just look at us, you might think we are the misfits. But when you come to our gym you will be fitter, healthier and an integral part of our community family.
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Vanessa Laniawe
April 4th, 2021 at 7:30 pm
Commented on: Athletes Come in Every Size
I can relate 110%!!! I'm a CF-L2 coach and have always struggled with my weight. It seems the more I focus on it and my health condition, the worse I get. I normally have to "prove" I'm an awesome coach bc of how I look, but am willing to keep fighting the good fight and overcoming stigmas and stereotypes!
Thank you for this article, and thank you to Peebles and Ahava for being brave and showing up!!
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Shawn Clements
April 4th, 2021 at 7:58 pm
Keep fighting the good fight!!! ❤️
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Skyler Peebles
April 5th, 2021 at 12:20 pm
Keep fighting! We are in this together 🖤
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Kelly O'Reilly
April 3rd, 2021 at 1:49 pm
Commented on: Athletes Come in Every Size
As a fellow CF-L1 who falls in the bigger body category, this makes me so happy. I also felt out of place at my L1 seminar, but the staff was great and gave me the skills I need to help people achieve their goals. I’ve been coaching over 5 years and it has been amazing. Would love to see this carried over into the apparel offered by CrossFit. Last few years at The Games there was no workout gear above a size L. Let’s see those changes keep rolling out!
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Shawn Clements
April 4th, 2021 at 10:29 am
Yes!!! Coaching is such a gift! I feel you on that! I wear a men’s large but even at some events the men’s larges are wonky. When I volunteered so many times at regional events they always gave me women’s xl and they are so tight!!! Always have been.
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Tammy Mello
April 5th, 2021 at 4:27 am
Yes, the apparel fits most cf bodies but not is big ones!! At my L1 training I ordered an XL and ummmmmm even that is tight!!!
love cf though
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Skyler Peebles
April 5th, 2021 at 12:21 pm
Yes! Getting a L1 shirt was hard. Its like well let me get a mens shirt maybe. But what if? You know? We will get there. One step at a time. Seminar staff was GREAT.
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Victoria Foley
April 3rd, 2021 at 12:45 pm
Commented on: Athletes Come in Every Size
Really glad to see this article - fitness at its best is a welcoming community anyone can join!
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Walter Naumann
April 3rd, 2021 at 11:54 am
Commented on: Athletes Come in Every Size
I loved everything about this post! Congratulations Skyler Peebles and Shawn Ahava. My father is overweight and I’m definitely going to show him this post to give him some encouragement. Great job!
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Shawn Clements
April 4th, 2021 at 10:30 am
Thank you! I hope he enjoys it and sees CrossFit is welcoming!
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Skyler Peebles
April 5th, 2021 at 12:22 pm
Yay! Awesome. Hope he enjoys it. He is free to reach out to me if I can help ♥️
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Robert Oakes
April 3rd, 2021 at 11:24 am
Commented on: Athletes Come in Every Size
Loved the article and agree it should be about the goals you want and being healthy not how you look. And this applies to age as well as many older folks could benefit from the functional movements and the social aspect.
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Shawn Clements
April 4th, 2021 at 10:30 am
Yes! I wish less older people were scared by CrossFit. It is truly functional fitness and for all ages!
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Skyler Peebles
April 5th, 2021 at 12:24 pm
Yes! I love coaching people with different backgrounds, abilities, disabilities, shapes, sizes and ages. It makes it soo fun! We constantly learn every day from athletes because we all are SOO different.
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Francesca Pitzalis
April 3rd, 2021 at 6:13 am
Commented on: Athletes Come in Every Size
Great! You gave me the energy to go on. Never give up
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