

Workout of the Day


Rest Day

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Paul Eich
January 12th, 2020 at 9:54 pm
Commented on: CrossFit Wins $4 Million Sanction in Lawsuit Stemming From Now-Retracted Paper

Bravo CrossFit! And thank you, Greg. Paul

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Daniel Jensen
January 12th, 2020 at 9:25 pm
Commented on: CrossFit Wins $4 Million Sanction in Lawsuit Stemming From Now-Retracted Paper

Thank you Greg. You’re an ispiration and a great support to us. Happy to be one of your affiliates. — South Island CrossFit, Whidbey Island

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Mary Dan Eades
January 12th, 2020 at 7:14 pm
Commented on: CrossFit Wins $4 Million Sanction in Lawsuit Stemming From Now-Retracted Paper

Kudos to every single entity involved in shining light into the murk. Only in the transparency of daylight can scientific inquiry thrive and advance. And there's been nothing like transparency that's been ruling the day.

Viva la luz!

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Brett Ewer
January 11th, 2020 at 8:29 pm
Commented on: CrossFit Wins $4 Million Sanction in Lawsuit Stemming From Now-Retracted Paper

I look forward to the day when this whole saga is a case study for Ethics in Science courses. The level of willful and malicious disregard for the truth is almost beyond belief.

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Jonathan Kramer
January 11th, 2020 at 7:58 pm
Commented on: CrossFit Wins $4 Million Sanction in Lawsuit Stemming From Now-Retracted Paper

Looking forward to the Full Museum tour!

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Dale Saran
January 11th, 2020 at 8:15 pm

Jonny K!

I wonder how the tour guides will describe this...

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Greg Glassman
January 11th, 2020 at 4:32 pm
Commented on: CrossFit Wins $4 Million Sanction in Lawsuit Stemming From Now-Retracted Paper

The trove of evidence and rulings in CF vs NSCA in U.S. Court, and CF vs NSCA in Ohio Court, and NSCA vs CF in California Court presents a museum grade specimen of scientific misconduct. All the failings of peer review are here in glorious detail, how it is that scientific consensus is crafted from fraud and what a political beast the keepers of the consensus become is made abundantly clear. The worst of it is found in the NSCA's internal correspondence and in the rulings of multiple judges in three jurisdictions.

Our specimen has fabrication and falsification of data, suborned by the NSCA's Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research's editor-in-chief in the peer review process and repeated scientific misconduct in misrepresenting to the public and press what was happening in the courts and in the retraction. (Yup, lying about scientific misconduct to the press is additional scientific misconduct according to US Federal Guidelines. Misrepresenting the nature of the reason for retracting the study is additional scientific misconduct and earned that ruling from the courts as well.)

As it became apparent that the NSCA was about to be exposed the whole organization responded organism-like with coordinated perjuries and data and device slight-of-hand that would make a magician proud. But, alas, it all got exposed by forensic investigators hired on court order. Oh shit!!

Suppose, you're not bothered by fake science in the health space for soda-money or prestige (tenure's a helluva drug!!) and that felonies like perjury and destruction of evidence also don't exactly shake your trust in your brand of science, anyone bothered by an email chain wishing terrorists would hit our events? (Yup, that's there too!) (And a Lanny Davis angle representing a mysterious unnamed party!)

I told you this was a museum quality specimen. We've thought of John Grisham several times along the way.

The NSCA took a study that demonstrated a remarkably positive training effect doing CrossFit and added injuries that never occurred. This puts the NSCA in wholesale abdication of any presumed charter of advancing human performance in the service of health. CrossFit is more than willing to make good on that charter, we're 20-years-in successful in that very regard, and willingly assume the mantle of trusted authority on fitness and lifestyle outcomes including and especially health. (If nobody mentions the ACSM, I won't turn my attention in that direction for now. We will leave the second of the self-proclaimed "twin pillars of academic sports" out of this. EAHE and EIM and Soda-Pop are for another thread, another day.)

I more than appreciate the support of my affiliates in our efforts to expose all of this. We've let the court know that the currency of victory is light - that exposure is why we are here. You affiliates made this public service possible. The good that comes out of exposing the NSCA is testimony to the good coming out of 15,000 CF gyms around the world.

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Grace Patenaude
January 11th, 2020 at 5:16 pm

Thank you Coach!

I’d like to further comment using your own quote, “Do the right thing, for the right people, for the right reasons”.

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Dale Saran
January 11th, 2020 at 7:33 pm

Coach, when the complaint was first published, there were articles in the press that may have used the term 'conspiracy theory' to describe what we alleged as a pattern of misbehavior and legally actionable misconduct by NSCA. Whaddya know? I never imagined it would end up here. Truly. Including the Lanny Davis part.

I guess I can't blame those who said we were paranoid and delusional too much because I can hardly believe it myself, but the journey has revealed what you said all along: the Emperor of Fitness (and 'Health', and a good chunk of Medicine, too, as it turns out) have been cavorting along merrily in the nude from their inception. CrossFit has been taking people (some in a bad way) in the door and cranking out healthy people who know the necessary instructions for how to operate their bodies, both in movement and nutrition. And it turns out CFers are also happier than most and that's in no small part because of the health and wellness they've earned 'the old fashioned way.'

I'm looking forward to reading the "rest...of the story" when damages phase comes along. Congratulations - to you and the CF Community. It's been a long-time in coming to get this kind of public vindication.

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Nathan Jenkins
January 11th, 2020 at 7:52 pm

I think there is another benefit to all of this, which is the creation of new opportunities for academic science to make real conceptual advances. The abdication of NSCA’s (presumed) charter over the exercise science space means that “consensus science” is no longer the law of the land. Real science can now take its place. Maybe exercise science laboratories will design more rigorous experiments, addressing better-formulated research questions. Maybe students in exercise physiology classrooms will actually learn something about fitness and health. I’m beyond embarrassed and ashamed of my field over the NSCA saga, but I am optimistic for the future. And, Greg, I do sincerely believe that your efforts in all of this will have a perhaps unforeseen and unintended side effect of facilitating progress in the academic arena.

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Patti Bridges
January 13th, 2020 at 9:09 pm

Stellar outcome! Congrats! pls send Trump your attorneys!

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