Greg Glassman's relentless pursuit of the truth deserves the utmost respect. Dr. Jeff Glassman raised him well.
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John Smith
January 31st, 2019 at 4:12 pm
Commented on: CrossFit Battles: A Timeline
Coach, looking forward to the year you and Sevan come up with a Superbowl ad that totally crushes Coke and Pepsi
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Brad Spears
January 5th, 2019 at 11:37 pm
Commented on: 190104
I appreciate the need to grow, adapt, and evolve, but changing for the sake of changing isn't always better. I'm not a fan of the new site and wish you would go back to the last one.
First, the WOD isn't working correctly. It doesn't post on the main page until about 5pm for me in Hawaii for some reason. And I can't provide comments until the end of the day. I can see the workout, but the WOD that displays still the previous days WOD.
Secondly, the page should center around the WOD. The WOD is the heartbeat of Crossfit and everything about the page should be peripheral to the WOD. All the extra fluff about crossfit at home, for the elderly, reading material, etc, should be secondary, not primary.
Finally, please don't overdo the political/business battles of Crossfit. Your athletes are your biggest advocates, but I assure you I don't go to your main site to read about all the stuff you are posting there now.
The "main site WOD" is the core of crossfit. In boxes around the world places tailor their own WODs to their clients, but EVERYONE knows what you mean if you say you are doing the "main site WOD" today. Don't get away from that. That is your heartbeat and the new site treats it like an appendage.
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Bryan Stoneking
January 5th, 2019 at 10:18 pm
Commented on: CrossFit Battles: A Timeline
I'm proud to be a small part of the CrossFit affiliate family. This stuff is awesome, and thank God for Coach Glassman and everyone at HQ for the job they're doing on behalf of the human race.
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Romain Grelier
January 5th, 2019 at 10:16 am
Commented on: 190104
I do 20 min assault bike 12,5 km
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Fran Mason
January 5th, 2019 at 1:58 am
Commented on: 190104
I like the new site design. It's straightforward like the original one was but with everything bigger and easier to look at. That's good because my eyes are a lot older now. Thanks.
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Kathy Chandler
January 5th, 2019 at 12:20 am
Commented on: 190104
I so miss the daily video discussing the day’s workout and te best way to approach the elements.
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Greg Glassman
January 5th, 2019 at 12:33 am
I don't.
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Kevin Boudreau
January 5th, 2019 at 2:11 am
Respectfully, why not? Is your intent to move HQ away from the daily programming and coaching to the bigger picture societal health problems?
As a military leader, my members will follow orders because they are required to. However, when I can explain where we are going as an organization, how we are going to get there, and what change is needed, I create buy-in that expediates us to our goal.
Those of us who follow mainsite programming certainly don’t represent your whole community, and I personally don’t think you owe us anything (videos included), on the contrary we have been mooching free programming from you for years. But if you can provide some sort of candid explanation (not because you owe it to us, this is your site to do with as you see fit) and vision to the daily Crossfitter here on mainsite, I think you’ll find staunch supporters who help move your community in the direction you want.
On a side note, thank you for all that you’ve done, created, and all battles you’ve fought, known and unknown to us.
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Jeff Chalfant
January 4th, 2019 at 10:40 pm
Commented on: 190104
Did filthy fifty from three weeks ago. 32:12
Not a pr! At 2pm before caffeine. Light breakfast carbs and fat at 8:30 am. Finished the back extensions at 20:00, and took 11 minutes to do 50 wall balls/50 burpees!
I love CrossFit. I have owned an affiliate for 10 years. Started WODding in 2005. While I loved the “in your face” approach way back then; I loved the past year of beginner and intermediate scaled wods even more. Rory’s motivating WOD explanations, and enough strength progression in the WODs to get me stronger after so many years has been refreshing. Love to see so many old school posters on here too!
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Matthew Aukstikalnes
January 4th, 2019 at 8:22 pm
Commented on: 190104
I'm all for "teach a man to fish", but don't you think that you have taken a lot of the fish out of the sea with this update?
I understand where the founder wants to go, and I understand that those of us that consume your content for free do not (and should not) have a say in that direction. It makes sense to omit the lesson plans or scaling options or videos, but would it kill the programmer to include maybe a sentence or two as to the intent of the WOD? It might be helpful to more people than you think, including affiliate members, owners, and programmers.
I agree. This new site shows the fall of CrossFit not it's strength. Very generic and old school like you created it from a blog template.
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Marta Leja
January 4th, 2019 at 6:47 pm
Commented on: 190104
Is it me or has the site now transformed from what the fundamentals of CrossFit are to Greg's fight against big corporations and industries? I'm sorry, but this leaves me really upset with the organization. Don't use the community you built to preach your own views. Even if I do agree, I pay hundreds of dollars a month to attend WOD's and be a part of this community for various reasons so I expect your core to be about that. Not about spreading your political views to all of us. Yes, health and nutrition are core of a good lifestyle, but that shouldn't be the focus of 90% of the site for your users. Get back to the basics of why people became a part of this. Stop using your fame to spread your agenda and continue to give the XF haters more to hate.
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Lynne Pitts
January 4th, 2019 at 7:57 pm
As they say, "haters gonna hate." The beauty of haters is that they don't need or want a reason, they just want to hate. Trying not to offend haters will get us nowhere, and it won't make them stop.
If you find health, aging well, being able to function into old age, and the possibility of affordable, efficacious medical care to be too "political" then I'm afraid you will not be happy here.
It's great that you are an affiliate member, and can get your WODs, scaling, and great coaching live, instead of from a website!
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Pat Sherwood
January 4th, 2019 at 5:56 pm
Commented on: CrossFit Battles: A Timeline
CrossFit is passionate about many things, but high on that list is telling the truth even when it is difficult, unpopular, and/or upsetting. We want to tell the truth about what gets you fit, what maintains your health (fitness over the span of your life), how you should eat, science, studies, etc, etc. Not all organizations share our love of the truth, as evidenced by this battles timeline. We will continue to fight as needed because few things are more worthy than the truth.
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Ryan Kucish
January 4th, 2019 at 5:48 pm
Commented on: 190104
I like the new set-up if that means anything. A lot of people seem to be upset but they will get use to it.
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Shawn Hakimi
January 4th, 2019 at 5:23 pm
Commented on: 190104
Digging the new site. I'm wondering if we will see scaling again? I checked the crossfit training instagram page and it's not there either. Anybody know?
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Paul Kane
January 4th, 2019 at 5:12 pm
Commented on: CrossFit Battles: A Timeline
CrossFit may be the only organisation to spend their own money challenging an unethical practise by a multinational business. This issue needs more media coverage so people can see for themselves how Coca-Cola has been buying their health for so long.
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Rachel Vitale
January 4th, 2019 at 4:29 pm
Commented on: 190104
I have to agree with all the other comments... the new layout is not as intuitive/user-friendly interface. Also, not as "warm and welcoming" feeling (hard to express feeling in comments.) I know it takes some getting used to, and we'll all just deal with it, but thought I'd chime in, in the hopes of a reversal LOL... Additionally, I know "no one" uses internet explorer anymore, but the new site is not formatted correctly for IE (albeit, I have not tried to see if I have the most up-to-date version.) I had to switch over to Chrome for the site to look "right" on my computer. *sigh*
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Skip Hanson
January 4th, 2019 at 4:44 pm
Thanks Rachel. Looking into the IE issues.
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Dan Griffith
January 4th, 2019 at 3:30 pm
Commented on: 190104
Got to agree with the site. It was a little busy before, but this is stark in the extreme. Hopefully just a work in progress. Going to do some upper body strength work today - push presses, maybe some incline and work on my snatch form.
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Rj Niewoehner
January 4th, 2019 at 3:30 pm
Commented on: 190104
As has previously been stated, particularly on Jan 2 in the comments section, many of us regular and consistent users are not pleased with the new website layout. Perhaps this is a temporary change, but it is not a pleasant change.
As mentioned before, the things that are missing (or not easily accessible) that were most desirable before:
- Scaling options (*** this is the most important/impactful/negative change; many of the previously prescribed WODs are simply infeasible for us average athletes, and I'm confident those workouts will come back around again despite the first 4 days of Jan being manageable at the RX'd level)
- Video links to particular movements
- Helpful tips on how to approach each particular WOD
- Links to previous instances on this WOD (ie, "Compare to 170101")
- Having to pull up the comments section is kloojy, it was better when it was simply embedded in the page at the bottom, allowed for more easily scanning to compare performance
With all that said, as previous users have indicated, I'm sure plenty of work has gone in to remaking the site, but many of us are displeased with the new layout. Please post a response or open a forum or something to allow us to interact and provide more specific feedback that can be incorporated into a new version. In the meantime, please bring back the old layout until the community can agree on the best approach.
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Lynne Pitts
January 4th, 2019 at 5:33 pm
Hi RJ,
Thank you for taking the time to provide your thoughts and concerns.
In many ways this 3.0 site is a return to the ethos of the 1.0 site, which was much more of a “teach a man to fish” site than a “here’s your fish sandwich” site.
In the intervening 15 years, we have generated a tremendous team of world-class trainers, dedicated professional affiliates, and a huge library of training videos, materials, and other references.  We now have resources available to the beginner athlete as well as the seasoned CrossFit participant that were unheard of “back in the day.”
Affiliates post scaling both here and on their own sites; local trainers are available, and conversation here on the site is open to ask for or provide ideas.
The site redesign is the result of clear and focused direction from the founder, and is not a community-driven decision.  It’s a decision from the top on how best to serve the direction that CrossFit needs to go, to empower our affiliates, trainers, and health care cohort to implement significant, disruptive change.
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Travis Wester
January 4th, 2019 at 9:33 pm
As much as I appreciate the response, please understand that these changes are only going to speed the descent and contraction of CrossFit as we knew it. Thumbing your nose at what the market is asking for is not a good policy. Everything that RJ mentioned were reasons why I came to this site. Seems odd that you would be so obstinate when you have things like the Titan Games premiering the other night... you have the competitors doing movements that CrossFit helped make famous (box jumps, wall balls, eg), then if a newbie comes to this site there's nothing. You're not "teaching a man to fish" you're pointing at the lake and saying "Well, plenty of other people have fishing line and hooks... figure it out." I get that the "middle finger in your face" attitude has always been a part of the CrossFit HQ ethos, but this is a whole other level of hostility towards your community. I got my first cert back in 2010, I've judged at Regionals, and I've never been more disappointed in you guys. The new look is... fine, I guess, but to strip away all the resources that made Main Site a destination is not only rude but an awful business decision.
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Nikki Warnek
January 4th, 2019 at 3:17 pm
Commented on: CrossFit Battles: A Timeline
This page is... amazing. I've been generally aware of these battles, but seeing them laid out in one place is really enlightening. CrossFit is a true advocate for health and fitness (and may be the only organization that can say that). I'm honored to be affiliated with CrossFit.
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Christopher Siechau
January 4th, 2019 at 1:35 pm
Commented on: 190104
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Nathan Gagnon
January 4th, 2019 at 1:28 pm
Commented on: 190104
Love the music. I used to play classical music during gymnastics class and listen to piano as I close my gym up.
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Haco yanoow
January 4th, 2019 at 9:14 am
Commented on: 190104
Rest day? I rest when I die :) 4km run and Fran ,very nice
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Phillip Trytsman
January 4th, 2019 at 6:08 am
Commented on: 190104
I don't like rest day :(
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Tony Bacarella
January 4th, 2019 at 5:23 am
Commented on: 190104
What happened to the video instruction links!?!
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Matt Prowse
January 4th, 2019 at 2:28 pm
There is a link at the bottom of the page to the videos.
Have to agree with the general feeling of the old site being better/more intuitive.
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Brant Hubbard
January 4th, 2019 at 4:43 am
Commented on: CrossFit Battles: A Timeline
I find it interesting the critiques I see leveled by CrossFit at others it can also frequently be found guilty of. I have been following CrossFit style training for a number of years but often when I read some of these pieces, it is truly dizzying they can't see their own confirmation bias. Thoroughly enjoy my training but ridiculously easy to see why many people refer to it as a "cult".
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Ansel Carington
January 4th, 2019 at 5:50 am
It's comical, really. In this snippet alone, the first in what I imagine will be a series of pseudo-intellectual pats on the back, they bizarrely plot affiliate growth against their "battles", implying their domestic skirmishes are somehow translating to (almost exclusively international) expansion? Isn't this exactly the type of BS correlation used in the health sciences that CrossFit so loudly bemoans? Also, your growth is no longer "exponential", it's plateauing... and will quickly enter the trough stage if the offensive tone of this unpolished new website is any indication.
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Lynne Pitts
January 4th, 2019 at 2:03 pm
Please provide some examples for your critique; random insults are not going to stand, but reasoned discussion with solid content will. Thanks!
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joshua webster
January 4th, 2019 at 6:03 pm
I'll tell you what no one finds your interesting...your comment. Your critique is worthless unless you provide specific examples.
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Ansel Carington
January 4th, 2019 at 6:37 pm
Well, my comment was deleted so I'll chime in here with a specific example - literally days after criticizing Ancel Keys for cherry-picking data origins to confirm biases, the "Battles" team is implying that there is a relationship between CrossFit's domestic skirmishes and affiliate growth. By the numbers, growth is almost exclusively international at this point and as far as I know, CrossFit isn't working to uncover health sciences corruption within those growth markets. This timeline seems specifically designed to create a data relationship where none exists... not a great look given the scrutiny applied elsewhere throughout the CrossFit's website.
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Olivia Leonard
January 4th, 2019 at 7:32 pm
I’m not sure where you’re seeing a claim of a causal relationship between the two elements in this graphic, Ansel.
Actually, it would be impossible to imply in any scientific sense that the varied data points on the Battles timeline directly caused affiliate growth, because they represent a series of uncontrolled, dynamic events on the part of multiple actors. There’s no testable proposition. This isn’t a scientific claim like the one that Keys made, for example.
There’s no claim made of business success as a direct result of the Battles (though you could argue that CrossFit’s willingness to tell the truth and resist attempts to infringe upon affiliates’ ability to make their clients healthy is good for the brand, not only in immediately quantifiable ways but in terms of qualitative benefits like reputation, integrity, etc. - that’s just not what the timeline claims).
As noted in the introduction, the affiliate growth seems to be provided for historical context, which would make sense when used in a linear depiction of time. There are plenty of questions we could ask while considering the timeline, like: did CrossFit’s successful disruption of the fitness space (even looking at the growth rate in the five year period from 2008 - 2013) threaten its competitors to the point that they tried to restrict its growth via licensure and regulation? Did CrossFit’s willingness to speak out against toxic food and beverages draw fire from those industries? But those aren’t questions of science.
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Ansel Carington
January 4th, 2019 at 8:02 pm
Thanks for the thoughtful response, Olivia. Infographics are by nature intended to be standalone data narratives, which is why the graphic itself is IMO problematic. By plotting growth against battles a relationship is implied, regardless of whether the supporting text caveats otherwise. Further complicating matters, it does seem that CFHQ is OK with cherry-picking information to support their views - on there is a section literally titled "Research that Confirms Our Bias". Credibility is hard earned in the sciences, and a willingness to "confirm bias" to push beliefs undermines otherwise noble aims.
Anyway, I am personally grateful for the work you all are doing here in the States! Let's not fall into the same traps as our adversaries, though.
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Brant Hubbard
January 4th, 2019 at 9:09 pm
The easiest example is a critique of scientific methods of others and their data analysis. The easiest example is during the open when they compare workouts from year to year and if the average score improves they conclude that it means everyone is getting more fit. Obviously this is data but without statistical analysis and normalization for variables (learned response, etc.) this cannot be stated. My other point was demonstrated easily by Joshua Webster. Thank you to Lynne Pitts for being civilized. I greatly enjoy CrossFit programming and training and believe it does provide value and benefit. However, to not acknowledge the data shortcomings in CrossFit is antagonistic to the whole idea of attacking your own weaknesses.
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Greg Glassman
January 4th, 2019 at 11:58 pm
You’re exactly right by plotting both affiliate growth and key moments in our battle we are not only implying a relationship but demonstrating it. You’d have to show that the events didn’t happen on those dates or that our count on affiliates was wrong. The relationship is a temporal one. Sorry, but it’s true. So you’re wrong in saying there is no relationship.
As to whether the battles create growth or the growth create the battles - that would be to examine a causal relationship between the two phenomena. I will never be found anywhere ever claiming that correlation proves causation. You don’t need to stay awake waiting for me to do that and you don’t have to pretend like we did when we didn’t. So you’re wrong on this point too!
And yet, I am claiming a causal relationship. If I tell you that the more affiliates we have the more revenue we have to defend affiliates, the brand, and the affiliates work can you begin to sense a causal relationship? With the coffers full we can redress tortious grievances where we couldn’t otherwise. You’d have to be really stupid to doubt the likelihood of that.
Ansel, respectfully, you’re in way over your head. You’ve confused selecting data to overstate a correlation and then using that overstated correlation as evidence of causation with someone putting a few dates on a timeline. That you’d have to go to such tortured logic in an attempt to disparage our efforts makes you, in my mind, a troll.
And, I have traveled the world speaking on chronic disease, the failures of postmodern science, the corruption of health by soda, and the exportation of deadly science and nutrition guidelines. China, Brazil, and South Africa late last year alone. Our friends include Fettke, Noakes, Dahquist, Gí¸etszche, Kendrick, Fung, Harcombe, and Ravnskov! I was invited and spoke at the Beijing Sports University last year on Chronic Disease and Scientific Corruption.
As for growth we are still growing in the US, but the market is maturing and slower for sure. Exactly as you’d expect. Each emerging market has grown in similar patterns and we are still the fast growing large chain on earth. We got to 15,000 business units in half the time that any other company has. (Source: Harvard Business School in my annual visit.)
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Greg Glassman
January 5th, 2019 at 12:25 am
You can repeat the claim that CF has a methodological problem with data, but so far have alluded to one instance in our timeline, and then shifted to another I know nothing about. I do remember several people offering up Games data analysis but our science staff never weighed in publicly.
Our data analysis capability is world class. Our chief scientist has taught stochastics, probability theory, and mathematical modeling of complex physical phenomena at several universities and was chief scientist for Hughes Aircraft Company for decades. We know science and math as well or better than anyone else in the fitness and health space. Dr. Glassman has contributed to the mathematical analysis of work of several of our allied scientists. His analysis of heat injury data at our EAHE Conference presented original work demonstrating conclusively that heat isn't the cause of heat injury in athletes - a wonderful contribution.
It’s silly but all I can do is say you’re wrong and offer some credentials and background, but that’s it until you make a substantive claim. Understand that what you're doing is trolling.
We produced the first definition of fitness amenable to accurate and precise estimation, making ours the worlds first scientific definition of fitness. This made the scientific measurement of fitness possible. These are all prerequisites to developing a technology of advancing human performance. This was needed to collect meaningful data.
Finally, I'm sorry about the dizziness. I fully believe you.
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joshua webster
January 5th, 2019 at 12:26 am
Brant, I'll admit I was being overly curt. I was in the middle of a workout and between sets. Apologies. Tone aside, I think you are falling into the cognitive bias trap yourself. This tends to be a circular trap with each side claiming the other is unaware of their bias, but you must be aware of yours by now, you stated it so clearly. It is not ridiculously easy to see why Crossfit looks like a cult, unless you are prepared to be biased against Crossfit, or towards cults. Either way, lets just drop the hyperbole and limit examples to better areas. Your example is a little weak, but perhaps you know a better way in which Crossfit HQ supports cherry-picking or data skewing? I say it's weak because learned response can be a function of fitness. And if that supposition is true, then isn't everyone getting "fitter" if they are experiencing positive learned response? I'm not being absurd to say that this type of response is part of the benefits-package that we have signed up for by participating in Crossfit. If I am being absurd (and I'm sure Greg will tell me if I am...) then I apologize. I can tell you're in the community, so am I, no need for me to engage in friendly-fire. Cheers.
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Rory Mckernan
January 5th, 2019 at 1:29 am
RE: “Further complicating matters, it does seem that CFHQ is OK with cherry-picking information to support their views - on there is a section literally titled ‘Research that Confirms Our Bias’."
The battles you see on this timeline came as a response to Coca Cola’s intrusion into the health sciences and their direct support of organizations who have attacked the CrossFit brand, threatening our affiliates and our community.
In this forum most of us agree on the wave tops (carbs bad and sedentarism is bad, for example). Sadly, however, what we know as fact runs counter to popular opinion with both the general population and in many cases, the medical community. Greg has created a forum in which we can combat the rise of global chronic disease rates through education of where and how we went wrong. The following is directly from the CrossFit Health site charter:
“The inexorable rise of chronic disease, which is taking 70 percent of lives needlessly and prematurely, has two root causes: excess carbohydrate consumption and sedentarism. From the onset of this epidemic, official response from our universities, government institutes of health, and our very own doctors was to promote a high-carb, low-fat, margarine-greased descent into ever-worsening disease and death. Little has changed in decades beyond worsening global health and CrossFit’s ascendancy.”
The curriculum is focused on what constitutes good science (see yesterday’s article by Jeff Glassman) how research can be misleading (You mentioned Ancel Keys in your comment) and the nefarious role that corporations often play in misleading the public (yesterday’s article from People). Being counter cultural doesn’t in and of itself absolve us of confirmation bias, but the presentation of material in my opinion, has proved that we are dedicated to scientific truth.
RE: Credibility is hard earned in the sciences, and a willingness to "confirm bias" to push beliefs undermines otherwise noble aims
I think that few people know how difficult credibility comes about as well as Greg Glassman.
Consider that 30 years that are not shown on this timeline. Greg created a definition of fitness that was held up by measurable, observable and repeatable data. His approach was unique specifically for it’s potential for scientific evaluation (distance, time, load, velocity, work and power related to movements, skills and drills aka performance data).
It was unpopular to say the least and Greg was kicked out of countless gyms in his attempts to bring real fitness to light. It was hard to market (“hey try this workout… it’s really hard and it’ll make you throw up”) and it ran against the grain. What set it apart was the foundations based in science and the results it provided.
Re: “Let’s not fall into the same traps as our adversaries, though.”
I respect your sentiment. However, if history is any indication of the future I see no danger of that. Greg has a history of doing the right things, for the right people, for the right reasons all the while avoiding the temptations of the bright, shiny objects that were placed in front of him. CrossFit has remained a family business and stayed true to it’s charter and fought battles that exposed widespread corruption.
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Brant Hubbard
January 5th, 2019 at 4:13 am
Wow, didn't expect this to spurn so much discussion and bring in the big guns. Thoroughly enjoy that it did though.
First off to Joshua Webster, thank you for the apology, as you said we are both part of the community and can remain civil. I will say that most formal definitions of cult have negative connotation, so being bias to it is natural I think. Similar to being biased against the Nazis. I also said refer to as a "cult", with the obligatory quotations. Basically I was stating why people can get the proverbial bad taste in their mouth. On your second point about learning response, I listed that as one factor to include in the analysis, there are numerous others. In regards to do I think it is part of fitness that is an interesting question and would have to do more research on it. However, what I will state is that in most formalized testing scenarios this is something that is accounted for. More importantly the proper analysis has not been done or at least not made public for the claims that are being made. Which as I stated is the crux of my argument.
In response to Greg Glassman, thank you for commenting, I was surprised and it was interesting to read your response. Trolling means I had to have intent to illicit an upset or angry response, and that was never my intent. I fail to see how listing a CV helps this discussion. I could list mine as well but don't think it would further anything. I also never questioned ability to do the analysis. It would only take time and money, and in my opinion should be done. I stated that people directly affiliated with CrossFit (i.e. - open and games announcers) have made numerous claims without providing data to support it. This is not an isolated incident so my statement is not singular as everyone implied.
As I have stated several times, I frequently follow CrossFit programming along with my own. I have met and continue to meet great people in it. However, to not hold ourselves to the same bar we expect everyone else to (and lash out aggressively when they do not) seems counterproductive. Thank you everyone for commenting, I have learned a great deal. Overall, I would say it solidified my thesis but has definitely made my think deeper on it and I will continue to research.
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Sean Rockett
January 4th, 2019 at 2:13 am
Commented on: CrossFit Battles: A Timeline
Love reading the early debates from Dr. Glassman. Respect from Dr. Rockett to Dr. Rocket
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Jeff Johnson
January 4th, 2019 at 2:04 am
Commented on: CrossFit Battles: A Timeline
I frickin love reading about this fight. Take the moral high ground and dig in. There is nothing more gratifying.
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